Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member
Joe being Joe, he didn’t stop there, but added one of those most whopping lies this career serial liar has ever told: “Look, think what Roe says. Roe says what all basic mainstream religions have historically concluded — that the right — that the existence of a human life and being is a question. Is it at the moment of conception? Is it six months? Is it six weeks?”

Biden says he is a Catholic. He even claims to be a devout, committed, observant believer. He became a U.S. senator before Roe v. Wade was decided. During the entire life of the abortion controversy post-Roe, Biden was in the Senate, and then vice president, and then ostensible president. It is inconceivable that during all those decades, he never learned that the Catholic Church teaches that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.”

There is simply no equivocation in his own Church’s position on this. The Catechism of the Catholic Church adds: “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law: You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.”



Well-Known Member
Biden is a devout Democrat, as is Pelosi.
Their religion is the Democrat party.
Any reference to the Catholic faith is a lie they use to get votes.

The real problem is that Catholic hierarchy which profoundly states it is against abortion allows these people to tell their lie without announcing to voters that these people are apostate.
Why do they not expel these people?
Because they use them. They fear the political and real outcome from them if they publicly expel them from the Church. IMO this makes the leadership of the Church as bad as the liars they allow to use the faith for votes. I love the Church, but those leading it are killing it, and it shows as more and more Catholics are leaving.


Beloved Misanthrope
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PREMO Member

Biden’s ‘most extreme’ MAGA malarkey

We have zero desire to obsess about this prez’s malarkey as much as liberal outlets did over the last guy, but he’s sure making it hard. The latest from President Joe Biden: “This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history. Recent American history.”

He was suggesting the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade could be followed by other outrages, such as letting states pass laws “saying that children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children.” Huh?

For starters, the leaked draft opinion takes great pains to explain why Roe is unique, its reversal is no reason to expect a similar undoing of the gay-marriage ruling and other expansions of Americans’ constitutional rights.

Second, Biden conveniently forgets (or, who knows with him, maybe he really doesn’t recall) that he himself was anti-Roe for at least a decade. “I don’t like the Supreme Court decision on abortion. I think it went too far,” he told the Washingtonian in 1974. In ’82, he backed a constitutional amendment to undo the decision and let states decide, as the draft ruling prescribes.

Third, how is MAGA anti-gay, when Donald Trump not only literally waved the rainbow flag at the Republican National Convention but as president appointed the highest-ever openly gay official, Richard Grenell?


PREMO Member

What in the hell: "Senior American officials" leak that US intel directing attacks on Russian generals?

In one sense, the broader intelligence sharing is already known. The US and its NATO partners have not acted coyly in their support for Ukraine’s military operations, and it’s hardly been limited to intel. The West has shipped a tsunami of materiel into Ukraine to bolster their military, to the point where Ukraine reportedly has more functional tanks than Russia. Joe Biden just openly demanded $33 billion in new arms shipments to Ukraine and will almost certainly get it. We haven’t been wallflowers.

However, the accusation of providing targeting intelligence on Russia’s high command would be another incremental escalation in this fight. At the very least, the leak of those efforts to the New York Times forces Russia and Putin to react to it, and Putin isn’t exactly a man with surplus equanimity at the moment. This goes beyond temperament to survival, though; if Putin doesn’t do something about this open targeting of his command officers, those same officers might decide to fight their next battle in Moscow rather than the Donbas. Putin’s savvy enough to understand this.

But let’s consider just how much intel we might be providing them … and how much the Russians are giving to the Ukrainians themselves:

Ukrainian officials have combined that geographic information with their own intelligence — including intercepted communications that alert the Ukrainian military to the presence of senior Russian officers — to conduct artillery strikes and other attacks that have killed Russian officers.

I don’t doubt that the US is providing battlefield intelligence. However, we already know that Russian telecommunications are a complete mess and that their units use uncoded and open transmissions to discuss locations, tactics, and maneuvers. It’s as if the Russian military never bothered to upgrade their comms from World War II. It may well be that the US intel allows Ukraine to refine their targeting, but they likely are gleaning enough off of Russian comms to get a pretty good idea of who is where at any one time.


PREMO Member

‘That’s Not Fair!’: Martha MacCallum Forced To Referee As Debate Goes Off The Rails During Live Show

MacCallum started the segment off with a question about President Joe Biden’s harsh criticism of the recently-leaked early opinion draft — calling for landmark abortion cases Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey to be overturned — and what he called the “ultra-MAGA agenda.”

Was it wise, MacCallum wondered, for Biden to risk alienating half the country in an effort to rally support going into the quickly-approaching midterm elections?

“Is it wise. Is it politically wise? You have a lot of people who live in the suburbs a lot of independent voters, like 70%, that have a disapproval for this president. Is it wise to do sort of the ‘basket of deplorables’ plan here? Is that smart on the part of this president?” she asked.

Goodstein, who worked as an advisor to both former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, immediately attempted to change the subject.


PREMO Member

Biden’s climate advisor threatens airlines they better comply or ‘they’re gonna be outta here!’

White House National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy openly threatened airlines in true “Godfather” fashion on Friday during a forum at Tufts University, warning that they will no longer exist if they don’t follow President Joe Biden’s Green New Deal-style rules.

“Who woulda thunk that [airlines would] be all in?” McCarthy remarked. “But they better be or they’re gonna be out of here.”

The White House is promoting exceedingly unrealistic policies that claim to increase sustainable jet fuel by three billion gallons and reduce aviation emissions by 20 percent by 2030.

McCarthy boasted that the Biden administration will be issuing over 100 new rules this year to regulate appliances.


PREMO Member

‘These lunatics are dangerous’

Here’s part of Garland’s statement announcing that the federal government is getting even bigger:

Today, I am announcing three actions that the Department is taking to advance environmental justice.
First, consistent with the President’s Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, we are issuing a comprehensive environmental justice enforcement strategy. Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta will discuss that strategy in just a moment.
Second, I am pleased to announce that we are launching the Justice Department’s first-ever Office of Environmental Justice to oversee and help guide the Justice Department’s wide-ranging environmental justice efforts. Like all parts of government, it will get its own acronym: OEJ.
And third, the Justice Department is issuing an Interim Final Rule that will restore the use of an important law enforcement tool – supplemental environmental projects – subject to new guidelines and limitations that I will also be issuing today.
Administrator Regan and I know that the communities most impacted by environmental harm are not isolated in any one part of our country. Environmental crime and injustice touch communities in all our cities, towns, rural areas, and on Tribal lands.
Although violations of our environmental laws can happen anywhere, communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change.



PREMO Member

Federal judge rebukes Biden administration in lawsuit over its 'catch and release' immigration policy

The administration argued Florida didn’t have legal standing to challenge its policies, and its polices “are beyond judicial review.”

U.S. District Judge T. Kent Wetherell of the Northern District of Florida Pensacola Division rejected the administration’s arguments in a blistering 37-page ruling.

Wetherell repeatedly argued its arguments “weren’t persuasive,” “defy logic,” and its policies are “not immune from judicial review.”

Not holding back, he began his rebuke in the fourth paragraph.

“Suffice it to say the Court is wholly unpersuaded by Defendants’ position that they have unfettered discretion to determine how (or if) to comply with the immigration statutes and that there is nothing that Florida or this Court can do about their policies even if they contravene the immigration statutes,” the judge wrote.

“This position is as remarkable as it is wrong because it is well established that no one, not even the President, is above the law and the Court unquestionably has the authority to say what the law is and to invalidate action of the executive branch that contravenes the law and/or the Constitution,” he continued. “Thus, if Florida’s allegations that Defendants are essentially flaunting the immigration laws are proven to be true, the Court most certainly can (and will) do something about it.”

In his footnote, he adds, “The Court is aware that some consider the term ‘alien’ to be offensive and ‘dehumanizing’ and that Defendants prefer the term ‘noncitizen.’ However, the Court will use the term ‘alien’ in this Order because that is the term used throughout the immigration statutes and the term ‘noncitizen’ is underinclusive because the statutory definition of ‘alien’ includes both noncitizens and persons who are ‘not a … national of the United States.’” 8 U.S.C. §1101(a)(3) (emphasis added).”


PREMO Member

Biden blasted for ‘lying’, ‘gaslighting’ speech blaming inflation on pandemic and Putin

Around noon on Tuesday, Biden addressed the American public on the state of the economy. In addition to saying that his administration has made "extraordinary progress" with the economy, Biden blamed all economic hardship on COVID-19 and Russia.

"I want us to be crystal clear about the problem," Biden stated. "There are two leading causes of inflation we’re seeing today. The first cause of inflation is a once-in-a-century pandemic. Not only did it shut down our global economy, it threw the supply chains and the demand completely out of whack."

He then explained the other cause. "And this year we have a second cause, Mr. Putin’s war in Ukraine." He added, "We saw in March that 60% of inflation that month was due to price increases at the pump for gasoline."

In response to reporters’ question about taking any "responsibility" for inflation, Biden stated, "I think our policies help, not hurt."

Exasperated with the Biden narrative that blamed external forces for inflation, conservatives took to Twitter to mock the president’s words.


PREMO Member

Biden admin reaches deal to provide 'free' internet plans for low-income households

President Joe Biden's administration reached a deal with 20 U.S. internet service providers to provide free internet access to Americans living in low-income areas Monday.

ISPs such as AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and others agreed to provide "high-speed" internet access for $30 per month. The Biden administration also announced a federal subsidy for low-income households that will pay up to $30 for internet access, effectively making the plan free for qualifying households.


PREMO Member

CNN fact checker slams Biden’s claim that he reduced federal deficit

“Let me remind you again: I reduced the federal deficit,” Biden said a speech last Wednesday. “All the talk about the deficit from my Republican friends, I love it. I’ve reduced $350 billion in my first year in office.”

Biden made the claim while touting his administration’s economic track record – despite fierce criticism from Republican lawmakers who argue his policies have contributed to rampant inflation and led the US economy to the brink of a recession.

During a Monday appearance on CNN’s “New Day” and in a separate article, Dale noted that the federal deficit had indeed declined during fiscal 2021. However, the deficit decline was originally expected to be even larger than the figure Biden referenced.

Dale added that economic experts “still scoffed at the idea that President Biden is personally responsible for having reduced the deficit.”

“In fact, one advocate of deficit reduction, Marc Goldwein of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, told me that this claim is almost bizarro world, a reversal of reality,” Daniel said.


PREMO Member

Yesterday, Biden’s media team seemed to be trying to walk it all back, calling the information provided by the Pentagon’s PRESS SECRETARY and other senior American officials “leaks.” The Hill ran a story on the walkback attempt headlined, “Biden ‘displeased’ with intelligence leaks, says Psaki.”

So, Biden is “displeased,” whatever that means. It sounds more like something you would say about a king rather than someone who is taking up space in the White House. “His Majesty is displeased with the nation’s ill temper,” the Brits might announce imperiously. “Displeased” is not a very strong word; “displeased” suggests annoyance or mild aggravation. After all, kings don’t really notice what we mortals are up to down here.

Speckled short-timer Jen Psaki explained yesterday, “the president was displeased with the leaks. His view was that it was an overstatement of our role, an inaccurate statement, and also an understatement of the Ukrainians’ role and their leadership.” Psaki added that Biden doesn’t think the leaks were “constructive.”

Joe is so blamey, isn’t he? It’s not Joe’s fault, it’s the Ukrainians’ fault. Or the leakers. Blame them, not Joe.

The Washington Post reported late last week that U.S. intelligence helped Ukraine target and sink the Russian warship the “Moskva.” Yesterday, NBC reported that after seeing WaPo’s story, Biden met with Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, CIA Director William Burns and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and complained that the “intelligence sharing” was “counterproductive.”

Biden is displeased about all this counterproductive information sharing. Gosh. He sure told those intel chiefs. But what Biden DIDN’T do is deny the story was true or clarify exactly what the US’s role WAS. I wonder what Putin thinks about Joe’s displeasure? I’m thinking not too much.
