Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member
“I can’t stand it because I feel like you’re walking down this aisle at the convenience store or CVS and looking for something that would say ‘Ultra MAGA’ and it’s gross to me,” she said, prompting laughter from around the table. “I can’t stand it, and can’t get it out of my head and I want them to stop.”

“Just because he comes out and says ‘Ultra MAGA’ 20 times it’s not going to make inflation go away,” Perino continued. “They can say Rick Scott 100,000 times. That guy is eating alone at the lunch table. Basically there’s nobody in the Republican Party that signed on to his plan. He can have his plan and he has every right to try to push it, but by no means does an ‘Ultra MAGA’ group support it, that’s absurd.”

Perino pointed out that the main criticism of Scott’s plan was an increase in taxes — which she argued was ridiculous because Democrats were also planning to raises taxes.

“Choice versus a referendum,” Perino added. “That’s exactly what you’re going to hear me say a hundred times, as many times as they say ‘Ultra MAGA,’ I’ll say that. Because they know this from the Obama Biden years of 2010 and 2014 where they lost seats. If it’s a choice between Biden or Trump, that’s what the team wants — that’s what the Biden team wants. But everybody is dealing with inflation every day. It’s a referendum on the president. That’s what the mid-terms are about. They can try make it a choice, it’s going to be very difficult.”



Well-Known Member
Why would we tell Russia we supplied the information that sank their ship.
That information if true should be a top secret.

We are teasing the Bull.

Stupid. Who the F is running our intelligence agencies. ?
Damn: The Ukraine sure made a good move when the bought the president through his son.


PREMO Member

Ultra MAGA Republican Scott hits "President Constanza" after attack with political ad

Joe Biden tried to lay the blame on his never-ending list of failures on Republicans when he delivered that really weird speech about inflation on Tuesday. He blamed everyone but himself and his inept policies, as is his habit. The Wall Street Journal labeled him “President Constanza”. The speech was that bad. One person singled out as the boogeyman standing in the way of Democrats was Senator Rick Scott from Florida. Scott has been reaping the rewards of Biden’s attack ever since that speech.

Scott was interviewed on several shows on Fox News Channel yesterday. Each interview was a chance to rebut Biden’s speech and he took advantage of that. Today it is reported that the senator cut a political ad on his “Restore America” plan that Biden railed against. Scott asks, “How do you destroy America’s economy? Look around.” He goes on to slam Biden, Harris and woke Democrats. Scott says Washington, D.C. hates his plan and “that is how you know it’s good.” Then he puts the website on the screen. The ad is paid for by Rick Scott for Florida.


PREMO Member

“The Great MAGA King”: Biden Has New Nickname for President Trump

After coining the catchy phrase “Ultra MAGA” last week to describe President Trump’s agenda and supporters, Dementia Joe Biden on Wednesday offered up a new catch phrase to describe Donald Trump himself, “The Great MAGA King.” Biden meant it as an insult, but the Ultra MAGA crowd is loving it.

Biden spoke at the IBEW convention in Chicago Wednesday. The podium made Biden look small so he came around to the end to speak to the labor union gathering.



PREMO Member

Biden’s FDA Chief Asserts “Misinformation” is Leading Cause of Death in Nation

However, during an interview with CNN’s Pamela Brown, FDA chief Dr. Robert Califf noted he could not “quantify” the impact of misinformation on death rates.

I have to acknowledge there is no way to quantify this. So, I can’t say the numbers come out just like they would for heart disease or cancer.

Then he “sciences” his assertions to support the Disinformation Board and its goals that the current administration has touted.

Of course, Califf neglects to mention any of the following:

Senator Tom Cotton reminded Califf that food, and not misinformation about disinformation, is actually on the FDA agenda.

Senator Tom Cotton today wrote to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf demanding answers about the dangerous shortage of infant formula and asking how the FDA is planning to combat the issue.
In part, Cotton wrote, “Millions of babies rely on formula for their nutritional needs. Major retailers are limiting the amount of infant formula customers can purchase per visit, and families are being forced to pay higher prices and fees to obtain adequate food for their child. This places an additional burden on hardworking Americans already spending more on necessities due to inflation.”

Of course, now it’s time to worry about the baby formula crisis. Never doubt the ability of a Biden appointee to muck things up.


Well-Known Member
A lot of these shortages are from China. They shutdown their economy over covid, but will still only claim less than 5000 deaths from it.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
maga-king (1).jpg


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Top Biden Adviser Tries To Boast About A Nominee’s Skin Color. Martha MacCallum Is Not Having Any Of It

“I’m sure she’s excellent and well-qualified,” MacCallum responded. “How does the fact that it’s a diversity pick mean that the economy is going to improve? Why is that relevant?”

“Totally fair question. The reason it’s relevant — remember, these are people that are pulling some of the most influential levers in the economy. Now, any time you’re doing that, you have to ask yourself on whose behalf are you pulling those levers? If you’re simply focused on the top reaches of the corporate sector, if you’re simply focused on the stock market and you’re not paying enough attention to communities that have been left behind in this economy, then I would argue that you have a Federal Reserve that is not as representative as it needs to be. That’s what President Biden —” Bernstein said before MacCallum cut him off.

“People would argue that it doesn’t matter what color you are to care about communities at the upper and lower reaches of the economy —” MacCallum said before Bernstein jumped in.

“President Biden would explain to you that it’s extremely important to have a Federal Reserve that looks like all of America.”

“If she’s the most qualified, 100%. Regardless of her skin color either way,” MacCallum said before the pair shifted to other topics.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
After Absorbing All His Haters' Powers, Trump Evolves Into Ultra MAGA Man

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Biden tried to warn us. He's been sounding the alarm for weeks now, desperately trying to alert the nation to a grave threat to our national security: ULTRA MAGA. But no one took him seriously, figuring he was just off his meds again. But no—he was actually speaking clearly for the first time in his life.

For lo, a danger to all humanity has appeared above the D.C. skyline: ULTRA MAGA MAN, the final form of dangerous former president, insurrectionist, and taco bowl enthusiast Donald Trump. Having finally absorbed the powers of his defeated haters and all the "sad, pathetic losers" he's roasted over the years, Trump morphed into the most powerful version of himself yet.

"His powers, they're—they're off the charts!" shouted one scientist operating an energy detection device in the streets below. "We've never seen power of this magnitude! We're all going to die! Run for your lives!"

"YES! YEEEEEEES!!!" cackled Trump as his ULTRA MAGA suit grew and rearranged itself into its ultra form, usually reserved only for the most epic of foes. "Phenomenal, tremendous powers! The best powers, really. Everyone says so!"



Well-Known Member
These people are so freaking stupid.
They are lying about the vaccine's appearance when if they were smart they would be blaming trump for the fact that it doesn't work. It was the Trump Vaccine. He had it approved without proper testing.

Now Trump worked hard to get it approved after the dipstick Faucci gave him bad information, and Trump was trying to save lives, but the vaccine is simply not working and may be doing more harm than good and these stupid sonsofbitches are shoving it like it was a miracle drug instead of trying to find one that works.
I don't hold it against trump for trying to help, but the fact is that if the Democrats were smart they would be blaming Trump because it doesn't work.


PREMO Member

Wash Post fact-checker calls uproar over Biden sending baby formula to border amidst shortage 'faux outrage'

However, Kessler defended the administration's actions and called the concerns "faux outrage."

"This is a ridiculous faux outrage. The shortage of baby formula is a serious issue that the administration is seeking to address. But at the same time, the administration cannot be faulted for following the law and providing baby formula to undocumented immigrants," he wrote.

He cited the 1997 Flores Settlement, which details how border facilities must meet the basic needs of detained illegal immigrant minors, including providing age-appropriate food and drink.

"Anyone who suggests this is the result of specific Biden policies, i.e., his ‘reckless, out-of-touch priorities,’ earns Four Pinocchios," Kessler argued.


PREMO Member

White House Admits It ‘Misstated’ False Claim No COVID Vaccine Existed When Biden Took Office

On Friday night, the White House admitted the tweet was mistaken, even as it sought to credit Biden with the larger rollout of the vaccines created under the “Operation Warp Speed” program of his predecessor, former President Trump.

“We previously misstated that vaccines were unavailable in January 2021,” the White House corrected itself. “We should have said that they were not widely available. Vaccines became available shortly before the President came into office. Since then, he’s responsible for fully vaccinating over 200 million people.”

By the time Biden was sworn in, both Moderna’s and Pfizer’s COVID vaccinations had been authorized for emergency use and about 1 million Americans per day were getting them. Biden himself had already received his second shot more than a week before his inauguration.

Mistated my ass ...... FLAT OUT LIED is more like it