Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Harvey Weinstein-Linked Biden Adviser, Liberal Group Created ‘MAGA’ Smear During Six-Month Research Project: Report

“Biden’s attempt to appropriate the ‘MAGA’ brand as a political attack was hardly accidental,” The Washington Post reported on Friday. “It arose from a six-month research project to find the best way to target Republicans, helmed by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a liberal group.”

Dunn worked for the Biden administration until August of last year. She was recently re-hired by the administration. Now, it appears that during her time away from the executive office, she was in part working on this research study to craft the best way to smear Republicans.

In 2017, she reportedly helped the disgraced Hollywood mogul Weinstein conduct damage control after it was revealed he had illegally used his immense position to pressure Hollywood actresses to perform sexual favors in exchange for movie roles. He was convicted of rape after six women came forward against him.

The extent to which she helped him during that time remains unclear, but her previous employer confirmed that a friend had asked Dunn to speak with Weinstein.

Additionally, the Center for American Progress Action Fund assisted in the research project to zero in on Biden’s new talking points.

“All of that extremism gets captured in that brand,” Navin Nayak, president and executive director of CAP Action Fund, said of the term. “We are not trying to create a new word. This is how they define themselves.”

“The polling and focus group research by Hart Research and the Global Strategy Group found that ‘MAGA’ was already viewed negatively by voters — more negatively than other phrases like ‘Trump Republicans,’” the Post reported.

It was not reported how much capital was spent on this effort, but it might have been a giant waste of money. Many Republicans have already embraced the nickname, including President Donald Trump, whom Biden called “the Great MAGA King.”

Regardless of its impact, this story means that when Biden recently said that “this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history, in recent American history,” he likely made that claim in part out of a focus-group-tested poll that said the best way to get liberals to view their fellow Americans in a negative light is to call them “MAGA.”

I'm sure this ' polls ' well with the Progressive ' Punch A Nazi ' AntiFA Types .... Moderates I doubt it


PREMO Member

Biden administration to remove 5 terror groups from blacklist

Each of the groups is now considered defunct, and Secretary of State Tony Blinken notified Congress of the removals on Friday, according to a copy of the document independently obtained by Fox News Digital.

The groups include Basque Fatherland and Liberty, also known as ETA; Aum Shinrikyo, a Japanese doomsday cult; Kahane Kach, a radical Orthodox Jewish group, as well as two Islamic groups, the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, and Gama'a al-Islamiyya, according to the notification.

The removal comes as the Biden administration faces criticism for considering the removal of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the blacklist as part of nuclear deal negotiations.

"The Biden administration dragged out briefings about this for months, then went radio silent, then quietly rushed it through hoping no one would notice until it was a done deal," a senior Republican congressional aide familiar with the notification told Fox Digital of Friday's move. "Republicans on the Hill believe this was a dress rehearsal for trying to remove terrorism sanctions on the IRGC."


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Here’s a typically delusional claim he made last week in response to a reporter’s question concerning how much responsibility he accepts for the inflation spike: “I think our policies help, not hurt.… Economists think that this is going to be a real tough problem to solve, but it’s not because of spending.” That claim conflicts with the opinions of most economists, including progressives like Obama economic advisor Steven Rattner, who wrote the following in the New York Times during November of 2021:

The original sin was the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, passed in March. The bill — almost completely unfunded — sought to counter the effects of the Covid pandemic by focusing on demand-side stimulus rather than on investment. That has contributed materially to today’s inflation levels.… So the administration should come clean with voters about the impact of its spending plans on inflation.

Biden’s preposterous response to April’s inflation figures suggests that he is unlikely to do that. He still insists, for example, that high inflation in our country is symptomatic of a global trend. However, as my American Spectator colleague Daniel J. Flynn recently pointed out, this is fiction. A rational president would have stopped peddling this whopper months ago, when the Federal Reserve compared the core inflation rate in the U.S. to the rates experienced in other OECD nations and concluded, “The United States is experiencing higher rates of inflation than other advanced economies.” The chart below tells you all you need to know:


As out of touch as Biden is about the causes of inflation, his plan to fix the problem is even more delusional. Predictably, one of its major features involves tax increases. Biden takes credit for last year’s modest decrease in the federal deficit, and maintains that making corporations and the wealthy “pay their fair share” will reduce it further. But the Wall Street Journal reveals the dirty little secret about that reduction — it happened because Americans are already paying more in taxes: “Federal receipts through April rose an astonishing $843 billion from a year earlier, or 39% … Individual income taxes rose $698 billion, or 68%.”



Well-Known Member
Here’s a typically delusional claim he made last week in response to a reporter’s question concerning how much responsibility he accepts for the inflation spike: “I think our policies help, not hurt.… Economists think that this is going to be a real tough problem to solve, but it’s not because of spending.” That claim conflicts with the opinions of most economists, including progressives like Obama economic advisor Steven Rattner, who wrote the following in the New York Times during November of 2021:

Biden’s preposterous response to April’s inflation figures suggests that he is unlikely to do that. He still insists, for example, that high inflation in our country is symptomatic of a global trend. However, as my American Spectator colleague Daniel J. Flynn recently pointed out, this is fiction. A rational president would have stopped peddling this whopper months ago, when the Federal Reserve compared the core inflation rate in the U.S. to the rates experienced in other OECD nations and concluded, “The United States is experiencing higher rates of inflation than other advanced economies.” The chart below tells you all you need to know:


As out of touch as Biden is about the causes of inflation, his plan to fix the problem is even more delusional. Predictably, one of its major features involves tax increases. Biden takes credit for last year’s modest decrease in the federal deficit, and maintains that making corporations and the wealthy “pay their fair share” will reduce it further. But the Wall Street Journal reveals the dirty little secret about that reduction — it happened because Americans are already paying more in taxes: “Federal receipts through April rose an astonishing $843 billion from a year earlier, or 39% … Individual income taxes rose $698 billion, or 68%.”

Wouldn't tax receipts increase from a year ago once more people went back to work .


PREMO Member

But even this walk back was misleading.

By the time Biden took office, vaccine distribution was well underway, and over 16.5 million doses had already been administered. For the White House to suggest that there weren’t a lot of COVID vaccines available to the public when Biden took office is simply false. The Trump administration had ordered at least 400 million vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna—enough vaccines to innoculate 77% of the United States population eligible to receive a shot—before Biden even took office. For context, just over 66% of the population has had at least their full initial dosage, according to Our World in Data.



Beloved Misanthrope
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PREMO Member

The Latest Instance of Joe Biden’s Handlers Running Interference Is Maximum Cringe

Yikes. That may be the loudest I’ve ever heard them yelling.

These incidents are always a terrible look for a man who has portrayed himself as a proponent of respecting the freedom of the press. But they are especially terrible looks when they happen in front of world leaders, which was the case today, during the event with Modi, and also one disturbingly similar one with U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson where Biden’s handlers actually cut off reporters from asking Johnson questions, all because they were afraid that the media would then turn to Biden for questions. The next day, the Biden White House actually blamed Johnson for the supposed “confusion” around the moment.

As I’ve said before, this is just pathetic and, sadly, there appears to be no end in sight.

Biden just never appears to have it together, and though it’s understandable from a political perspective why his handlers would want to hide him from the press and the public as much as they can to avoid catastrophic interactions, from a governing and leadership perspective, it’s just downright terrifying. Needless to say, this is not how any of this is supposed to work.

But on the bright side, there are no mean tweets anymore, so at least there’s that to be thankful for – or so we’ve been told, anyway.


PREMO Member

Top Biden Official Claims Administration Knew About Baby Formula Shortage Last Year

On May 13, the same day Biden had lamented his administration’s ability to see the future, the president made it sound as if the emergency took them by surprise, as it did parents across the country.

“I’ll answer the baby formula question because, all of a sudden, it’s on the front page of every newspaper,” Biden said in response to one reporter asking about the emergency. Combined with his mindreader comment, the president gave the impression that the government was taken by surprise by the shortage.

Biden’s own White House website says that on February 17, “the largest infant formula manufacturer in the country—Abbott Nutrition—initiated a voluntary recall of several lines of powdered formula.” The White House claimed the federal government mobilized into action to get baby products onto the market as soon as they became aware it was an issue.


PREMO Member

‘He’s Visited Many Communities’: White House Press Secretary Excuses Biden Visiting Buffalo But Not Waukesha

After the Waukesha attack, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden had no plans to visit Waukesha, arguing “any president going to visit a community requires a lot of assets” and requires “taking their resources,” Newsweek noted.

The 39-year-old black male who allegedly killed six people and injured dozens more at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, last November 21 by driving an SUV into the crowd reportedly kept driving with his head out the window after a body on the windshield blocked his view.


Well-Known Member

Top Biden Official Claims Administration Knew About Baby Formula Shortage Last Year

On May 13, the same day Biden had lamented his administration’s ability to see the future, the president made it sound as if the emergency took them by surprise, as it did parents across the country.

“I’ll answer the baby formula question because, all of a sudden, it’s on the front page of every newspaper,” Biden said in response to one reporter asking about the emergency. Combined with his mindreader comment, the president gave the impression that the government was taken by surprise by the shortage.

Biden’s own White House website says that on February 17, “the largest infant formula manufacturer in the country—Abbott Nutrition—initiated a voluntary recall of several lines of powdered formula.” The White House claimed the federal government mobilized into action to get baby products onto the market as soon as they became aware it was an issue.

Didn't the govt force the recall .? At least the manufacturer is saying that.


PREMO Member

Politico reports Biden is ‘finally’ going to stop ‘trying to work with GOP’ and instead go on ‘attack’

On Sunday, Politico’s John Lemire began his piece declaring, "The fever didn’t break. And for the Biden White House, efforts at bipartisanship have finally taken a backseat."

Apparently, Biden has been trying hard for bipartisanship, so much so that Democrats have been annoyed. "To the frustration of many Democrats and some of his closest advisers," Lemire continued, "President Joe Biden has steadfastly spent more than a year in office insisting on trying to work across the aisle with Republicans."

Lemire assessed that Biden’s efforts for government unity have "produced some notable legislative successes. But it’s also been colored by a fair dose of in-your-face GOP obstructionism."


PREMO Member

FLASHBACK: Times the media and democrats openly cheered ‘replacement theory,’ they now call racist

  • A wave of media articles are calling “replacement theory,” the idea that elites are trying to reduce the white population through immigration, racist and a conspiracy theory after a the Buffalo shooter discussed the idea in his manifesto.
  • Democrats, however, have embraced the theory and have celebrated demographic and electoral changes brought about through immigration for decades, while the media has long acknowledged that it will make it easier for Democrats to win elections.
  • “The potential Democratic ticket represents ‘the future of Texas’ and a ‘precursor of what much of American politics will be in the future’ as demographic changes reduce the strength of the white vote,” one Washington Post article said.

A 1990 article in Time Magazine predicted that white Americans would soon become a minority group, due in large part to immigration, and that this change would reshape society and politics.

The liberal think tank Center for American Progress said in 2013 that “upporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.”

Salon wrote in 2008 that New Mexico’s growing Hispanic population had helped make the state solidly blue and speculated that the growing proportion of Hispanic voters in various swing states could create a permanent Democratic majority and land a Democrat in the White House in every presidential election.

A 2020 New York Times piece titled “The Relentless Shrinking of Trump’s Base” cited a decline in white voters without college degrees to suggest that Donald Trump would lose to Joe Biden in 2020, noting that as aging drove down the white population, the proportion of minority voters continued to grow.

The Los Angeles Times predicted that Democrats would gain power in historically conservative states as their populations grew less white.

“A multiethnic bloc of Latinos, blacks, young people and suburban whites helped to broaden the party’s reach Tuesday well beyond its traditional base in the Northeast and the West Coast — carrying Barack Obama into the White House and expanding the party’s majorities in Congress,” the article read.

“That new formula was evident in state exit polls and county-level election results showing that Democrats scored gains from a voting base that is growing progressively less white than the population that helped forge Republican advantages in past elections,” the article said. “In state after state, from GOP strongholds like North Carolina, Indiana and Colorado, minorities made up a larger share of the vote than in the past, and in each case they helped turn states from red to blue.”

Democratic politicians have celebrated demographic shifts in which white Americans make up a smaller proportion of the population and explicitly recognized it as a key to electoral victories.

Then-Democratic San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro said in 2008 that demographic changes driven by immigration would turn Texas blue.

“Texas is a very, very Republican state, but some people say the demographics are changing and the demographics alone will make it that it won’t be so Republican next time around,” host Bob Schieffer told Castro on CBC’s Face The Nation.

“In a couple of presidential cycles, you’ll be on election night. You’ll be announcing that we’re calling the 38 electoral votes of Texas for the Democratic nominee for president. It’s changing. It’s going to become a purple state, and then a blue state, because of the demographics, because of the population growth of folks from outside of Texas,” Castro responded.
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PREMO Member

Politico reports:

“[We] totally understand the desire to call people out who have been pushing this disgusting rhetoric, but I also think it’s worth remembering that many of these demagogues would love nothing more than the oxygen and attention that comes from the president blasting them,” a person familiar with the White House’s thinking said. “And in turn, that attention and notoriety may help them further spread these lies.”
“Doesn’t mean you never call them out, but I think it means you need to be very judicious about doing so and cognizant that it may have unintended consequences,” the person added.

Someone should have told Schumer before he opened his mouth.
