Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member
Biden's catastrophic collapse of American leadership

Trump’s main goal was to prioritize our interests, thereby leveraging American power to deliver greater global stability, certainty and relative peace. Biden prioritizes multilateralism and globalism, reversing Trump-era gains and introducing increasing chaos, instability, uncertainty and conflict.

President Trump’s critics often complained his America First policies were damaging our alliances and rewarding our enemies. The exact opposite was true: like President Ronald Reagan before him, Trump delivered peace through strength. Biden has diluted American power, and as a result, our allies no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us. American weakness always invites the wolves, and the wolves have returned.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Biden senior adviser for migration leaving the White House

The White House said that Tyler Moran never intended to stay on for more than the first year

President Biden's senior adviser for migration Tyler Moran is leaving the White House at the end of January, despite having only taken over the role in July.

"Tyler has been an invaluable member of our team since the transition and a tremendous asset in our effort to rebuild a fair and humane immigration system," Biden’s chief domestic policy adviser Susan Rice told Politico in a statement.



PREMO Member
Biden's Agenda Has Officially FAILED, Democrats Move To REPLACE Joe Biden In 2024 As BBB Bill Punted



PREMO Member
Biden’s Many, Many Wrong Assumptions

A Presidency Built Upon Erroneous Assumptions

If Biden administration officials find themselves in a morose mood as 2021 comes to a close, the holiday season will hopefully give them ample time to stare out the window and contemplate how so much went so wrong and what to do about it. Hopefully, they will come to accept that their system of beliefs about how the world operates proved to be inaccurate in many essential ways.

This happens, to varying degrees, to just about every elected official. They step into office thinking that the country and their state, district, city, or town works a certain way, then eventually reality intrudes, demonstrating that the world and society operate in a much more complicated, interconnected system than they expected. F. A. Hayek summarized it succinctly when he said that, “The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.”

But this phenomenon extends far beyond economics.


Unfortunately, Joe Biden stepped into office with a whole slew of erroneous assumptions.


PREMO Member
Biden Admin Pushing ‘Stark Shift In Messaging’ As Biden Fails To Get Pandemic Under Control: Report

The report claim that Biden and his team have “all but ruled out new lockdowns,” despite White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refusing to rule out lockdowns during a press conference last week.

“Some of Biden’s advisers are encouraging the administration to begin discussing publicly how to live alongside a virus that shows no signs of disappearing, a potentially stark shift in messaging for a White House that once touted ‘freedom from the virus,'” the report added. “Steering public attention away from the total number of infections and toward serious cases only — as some Biden advisers have encouraged — could prove a challenge after nearly two years of intense focus on the pandemic’s every up and down. It is a part of a growing conundrum that Biden faces as the Covid-19 pandemic refuses to abate.”

More Americans have now died from the coronavirus under Biden’s leadership than died under former President Donald Trump, according to CDC data published late this week.


PREMO Member
‘Stop It Now!’: Biden Scolds Cable TV And Social Media ‘Purveyors Of Lies’ On Vaccines

“Again, for folks who are not vaccinated, you may think you’re putting only yourself at risk, but it’s your choice. Your choice is not just a choice about you. It affects other people. You are putting other people at risk. Your loved ones, your friends, neighbors, strangers you run into. And your choice can be the difference between life or death,” Biden claimed. “The longer the virus is around, the more likely variants form, and they may be deadlier than the ones that have come before.”

“Let me say again and again and again, please, get vaccinated. It is the only responsible thing to do. Those who are not vaccinated are causing hospitals to overrun, to become overrun again,” Biden continued, claiming that unvaccinated people were getting COVID and taking hospital beds that were then unavailable for people suffering from heart attacks or cancer.




Just sneakin' around....
The vaccine does nothing to quell the virus. Nothing. Vaccinated can still pass it around.

And the vaccinated are the majority of those getting the omicron. And omicron, from actual accounts, is hardly worse than a cold.

I no longer understand the reason for this push, and mayors issuing ultimatums.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The vaccine does nothing to quell the virus. Nothing. Vaccinated can still pass it around.

And the vaccinated are the majority of those getting the omicron. And omicron, from actual accounts, is hardly worse than a cold.

I no longer understand the reason for this push, and mayors issuing ultimatums.
OMG... Didn't you hear. Somebody in Texas died from/with Omicron! :jameo:


Well-Known Member
I don't know why Biden is worried about Republicans who don't get vaccinated dying .
When they die they start voting for democrats.
Even Bob Dole knew that.


PREMO Member
Biden To Spend $7.5 Billion on Chargers That Electric Car Owners Likely Won't Use

Conveniently placed vehicle chargers could mitigate the range issue: Ideally, a trip to a charger would simply replace a trip to the fuel pump. But the Biden plan is unlikely to fix this problem. There are two types of public vehicle chargers, Level 2 and Level 3. (Level 1 uses a standard power outlet.) Level 2 chargers produce around 25 miles of range per hour, meaning that a full charge from empty could take five hours or longer. Level 3 chargers produce considerably more power, and can charge some vehicles from empty to 80 percent in as little as 15 minutes. But while Level 2 chargers cost less than $3,000 apiece, Level 3 chargers cost as much as $140,000 each to build. There is no indication which the administration prefers, but if it plans to build 500,000 for $7.5 billion, it's almost certainly going to have to settle for Level 2 chargers.

With or without the Biden plan, electric vehicles are becoming more attractive: While they still cost more at purchase, they seem to cost less to maintain. With further competition among automakers bringing prices closer to what it would cost to buy a gas-powered car, many consumers will surely welcome the prospect of skipping trips to the pump—provided the charging technology advances as well. But if the long-term goal is to get more people to make the switch, then those cars have to function like the gas-powered cars people have now. Spending billions on chargers that take an entire afternoon to charge a vehicle is not the way to do that.


Power with Control
Biden To Spend $7.5 Billion on Chargers That Electric Car Owners Likely Won't Use

Conveniently placed vehicle chargers could mitigate the range issue: Ideally, a trip to a charger would simply replace a trip to the fuel pump. But the Biden plan is unlikely to fix this problem. There are two types of public vehicle chargers, Level 2 and Level 3. (Level 1 uses a standard power outlet.) Level 2 chargers produce around 25 miles of range per hour, meaning that a full charge from empty could take five hours or longer. Level 3 chargers produce considerably more power, and can charge some vehicles from empty to 80 percent in as little as 15 minutes. But while Level 2 chargers cost less than $3,000 apiece, Level 3 chargers cost as much as $140,000 each to build. There is no indication which the administration prefers, but if it plans to build 500,000 for $7.5 billion, it's almost certainly going to have to settle for Level 2 chargers.

With or without the Biden plan, electric vehicles are becoming more attractive: While they still cost more at purchase, they seem to cost less to maintain. With further competition among automakers bringing prices closer to what it would cost to buy a gas-powered car, many consumers will surely welcome the prospect of skipping trips to the pump—provided the charging technology advances as well. But if the long-term goal is to get more people to make the switch, then those cars have to function like the gas-powered cars people have now. Spending billions on chargers that take an entire afternoon to charge a vehicle is not the way to do that.

Yep, getting govt involved will NOT help. Like solar stuff, it's just a wagon train full of our tax money that will be soaked up by grifters and wasted. I mean, look at Stenys stimulus project, the freaking bricks that were gonna revitalize LP City. Have you seen where the ones programmed for St Marys are going? In front of the freaking furniture store on Great Mills road.



PREMO Member
Yep, getting govt involved will NOT help. Like solar stuff, it's just a wagon train full of our tax money that will be soaked up by grifters and wasted.

Obummer WASTED Billions on Solyndra, ABC123 Batteries and others


PREMO Member
Joe Biden Just Absolved Himself of Responsibility for Ending COVID Like He Promised

As the omicron variant of COVID-19 spreads rapidly throughout the country, Joe Biden met with several of our nation’s governors, whom he says need to take the lead in ending the pandemic.

“There is no federal solution [to COVID],” Biden said before the meeting. “This gets solved at a state level.”

Umm, what?

I’m sorry, did I miss something? Joe Biden literally campaigned for an entire year, not only blaming Trump for COVID but also for the deaths caused by it.

“It is what it is because you are who you are,” Biden told Trump during their first debate regarding the COVID death toll.

“A lot of people died and a lot more are going to die unless he gets a lot smarter, a lot quicker,” he insisted.

“We’re eight months into this pandemic,” Biden said weeks before the presidential election, “and Donald Trump still doesn’t have a plan to get this virus under control, I do.”


Well-Known Member
Governor DeSantis knew this weeks ago and took steps, the right steps to get the Feds out of his state.

Biden spent all this time screwing around a mandates, and fear mongering-------------now he wants out
He wants to blame it on States,. More than likely we would have all been better off if he had fired that little prick Faucci long ago.
Faucci the highest paid man working for the Government and the most incompetent.