Biden Leadership In America Today


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‘Fairly Consequential And It’s Coming’

“The more Putin’s back is against the wall, the greater the severity of the tactics he may employ … one of the tools he’s most likely to use in my view, in our view, is cyberattacks,” Biden said on Monday. “The magnitude of Russia’s cyber capacity is fairly consequential and it’s coming.”

Earlier in the day, Biden released a statement saying that the warnings were “based on evolving intelligence that the Russian Government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks.”


Beloved Misanthrope
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Or Kyle Rittenhouse, Military "aka Stupid Bastards" Personnel, Factory Workers, College Students...


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Murkowski says Biden needs to take firm action to increase energy production: 'Let's not just talk'

Sen. Lisa Murkowski said Friday there are "important" indicators coming from the Biden administration that it may be open to relaxing its energy policies – but that it needs to follow through for there to be a real boost in production.

"A statement from the Energy Secretary saying produce more right now is a good first step," Murkowski, R-Alaska, said. "But they need to remember that the reason… we're not producing more right now is because this administration has sent the wrong signal for a year and three months. They've sent a signal that is...


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Biden, A Self-Admitted ‘Gaffe Machine,’ Eats It Big Time In Europe With Three Major Mistakes

His statements left even the casual viewer of foreign affairs to believe the U.S. was on the precipice of engaging in World War III. Each time, his allies in the media and handlers in the White House were quickly dispatched to attempt to clarify his comments.

Considering there are three more years of this man’s presidency — and Biden caused this much calamity in a mere three days — the obvious conclusion, then, is that the president’s statements are only going to continue. This will undoubtedly harm America’s reputation, create confusion, and — God-forbid — endanger U.S. citizens and our allies by actually starting World War III.

On Thursday, Biden told reporters that if Russia were to use chemical weapons “it would trigger a response in-kind.” This led many to believe that the U.S. commander-in-chief was saying that NATO or the U.S. would use chemical weapons on Russia. By Friday evening, Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan trotted out to set the record straight, according to Fox News.

“Sullivan said that meant ‘we’ll respond accordingly’ and that Russia would pay a ‘severe price,'” Fox reported.

“We will collect the form and nature of our response based on the nature of the action Russia takes,” Sullivan said. “And we’ll do so in coordination with our allies. And I won’t go beyond that other than to say the United States has no intention of using chemical weapons, period, under any circumstances.”


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Its why they try to not allow him to answer reporters questions or how the want questions in advance for a press conference.


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‘None Of The Three Occurred’: Biden Denies Making Foreign Policy Gaffes That White House Walked Back

Doocy asked Biden if he was “worried that other leaders in the world are going to start to doubt that America is ‘back’ if some of these big things that you say on the world stage keep getting walked back?”

“What’s getting walked back?” Biden responded.

“Just in the last couple days … it sounded like you told troops they were going to Ukraine, it sounded like you said it was possible the U.S. would use a chemical weapon, and it sounded like you were calling for regime change in Russia, and we know …” Doocy said before Biden interrupted.

The president interjected, denying that had happened at all, “None of the three occurred.”

“None of the three occurred?” Doocy asked.

“None of the three … You interpret the language that way,” Biden continued. “I was talking to the troops. We were talking about helping train the troops, the Ukrainian troops, that are in Poland. That’s what the context … I sat there with those guys for a couple of hours. That’s what we talked about.”

“So when you said, ‘You’re going to see when you’re there,’ you were not intending to …” Doocy asked before Biden interrupted again.

“I was referring … with meeting with and talking with the Ukrainian troops that are in Poland,” Biden said.

“And when you said, ‘A chemical weapon use by Russia would trigger a response in-kind’?” Doocy asked.


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Joe Biden Unleashes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

David Solway wrote Sunday that “there is now considerable anxiety that an Armageddon scenario may have become a possibility.” That is absolutely true, but it is also true that in another sense, the Armageddon scenario is already upon us. Joe Biden may appear to be simply a dementia-ridden puppet fronting for a corrupt, America-Last administration, but his failure as president is so comprehensive, so all-encompassing, that it has taken on eschatological dimensions: Old Joe Biden has unleashed the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Armageddon, if you haven’t read the Book of Revelation lately, is the place where the forces of evil gather for the final battle with the faithful (Revelation 16:16). The same Biblical book, which is the last book of the New Testament, presents the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (the final destruction of the world) in a terrifying vision that is often understood as referring to the end times. First there is “a white horse, and its rider had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.” The second horse is “bright red; its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that men should slay one another; and he was given a great sword.” Then follows “a black horse, and its rider had a balance in his hand,” apparently for the rationing of food in a time of famine. Finally, there is “a pale horse, and its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him; and they were given power over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:1-8)

The four horses and four afflictions, conquest, war, famine, and pestilence, neatly encapsulate the administration of Joe Biden. Old Joe himself is to a great degree responsible for this impression, as he seems to like to sound apocalyptic notes. He certainly has done so more than once, particularly when he declared on Dec. 16, 2021, “For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.” There’s the Biden pestilence. Yes, COVID-19 came upon us during the Trump years, but Biden promised to end it, and that turned out to be yet another of his empty promises. With Anthony Fauci threatening that “more rigid” restrictions are in the offing, pestilence looks as if it’s going to be a permanent feature of the Biden era.


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‘None Of The Three Occurred’: Biden Denies Making Foreign Policy Gaffes That White House Walked Back

Doocy asked Biden if he was “worried that other leaders in the world are going to start to doubt that America is ‘back’ if some of these big things that you say on the world stage keep getting walked back?”

“What’s getting walked back?” Biden responded.

“Just in the last couple days … it sounded like you told troops they were going to Ukraine, it sounded like you said it was possible the U.S. would use a chemical weapon, and it sounded like you were calling for regime change in Russia, and we know …” Doocy said before Biden interrupted.

The president interjected, denying that had happened at all, “None of the three occurred.”

“None of the three occurred?” Doocy asked.

“None of the three … You interpret the language that way,” Biden continued. “I was talking to the troops. We were talking about helping train the troops, the Ukrainian troops, that are in Poland. That’s what the context … I sat there with those guys for a couple of hours. That’s what we talked about.”

“So when you said, ‘You’re going to see when you’re there,’ you were not intending to …” Doocy asked before Biden interrupted again.

“I was referring … with meeting with and talking with the Ukrainian troops that are in Poland,” Biden said.

“And when you said, ‘A chemical weapon use by Russia would trigger a response in-kind’?” Doocy asked.

Are there Ukrainian troops in Poland .? I thought it was just refugees. Or are they training the refugees to go back & fight.


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Biden Busted With Cheat Sheets at Briefing; Gets Nailed for a Huge Lie

“The president watched portions of Judge Jackson’s hearing yesterday and today and is proud of the way that she is showcasing her extraordinary qualifications, her experience, and her even-handedness.” the staffer said. He was also moved by the grace and dignity she has shown, the deference to senators, and the level of detail she is offering, reinforcing the value of her experience, her intellect, and the strength of her character.”

So there are only two possible answers here: Either his dementia is so serious he’s completely forgetting what he watched and what he previously said or his staff is lying their heads off and making up things on his behalf. Take your pick, but either choice is not a good one. His staff needs to answer up for this huge lie – they made up all that stuff they claimed he said about Jackson.

But that wasn’t the only thing he got caught in big-time — he got busted with a “cheat sheet” with questions and answers for the briefing for his embarrassing gaffe, saying Putin “cannot remain in power.”


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Despite Having His Answers Pre-Written, Biden's Press Conference Still Went Off the Rails

Titled "Tough Putin Q&A Talking Points" the cheat sheet is a laughable exercise in staffers' futility when it comes to keeping Biden on-message. The "tough" question the White House apparently feared: "If you weren't advocating for regime change, what did you mean? Can you clarify?"

First, that's not a tough question. It's what anyone could have expected to see Biden be asked after his speech in Warsaw sent the West Wing, State Department, and others in the Biden administration scrambling to walk-back Biden's statement. But the White House was concerned enough to give Biden two one-sentence points. "I was expressing the moral outrage I felt toward the actions of this man," is one, "I was not articulating a change in policy," was the other.

This shouldn't have been difficult. It's not the first time Biden made a mess of what were prewritten remarks by going rogue and riffing from his own mind that necessitated some clean up on aisle Biden. The cheat sheet gave Biden exactly what he needed to say in order to clarify that the United States' position on Putin was not his personal feelings that were expressed in Warsaw. Just two sentences were all Biden needed to say and stick to. But he didn't.


I bowl overhand
Ukraine was test of Biden, like Cuba was a test of JFK. JFK passed, Biden failed miserably.

I belive if we had called Putins bluff last year, today there would be no war.. but if Obama had actually done something when they invaded the first time they wouldn't have come back a second time.

But as we ALL know, when Ukarain invaded Crimea it was Trump's fault.


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Biden’s Mouth Is Now a Serious National-Security Risk

On the menu today: President Biden appears to spill a major U.S. national-security secret — and contradict his own national-security adviser — by telling reporters that U.S. troops are training Ukrainian soldiers in Poland. Meanwhile, peace negotiators get poisoned and Russian tanks drive through the most radioactive areas near the abandoned Chernobyl nuclear-power plant, kicking up clouds of radioactive dust. Insert the Fred Thompson memes here.

Did the President Spill a National-Security Secret?

The headline on yesterday’s Jolt: “Biden’s Ad-Libbing Gets More Dangerous.” Apparently, the president took that as a dare.

The news, this morning:

President Joe Biden appeared to reveal that the U.S. is training Ukrainian forces in Poland — stating for the first time since the war began that American troops are actively teaching Ukrainians to fight and kill Russians.
That’s not what Biden said Monday. After delivering remarks about the White House’s new budget request, Biden answered a reporter’s question about comments he made when meeting the 82nd Airborne in Poland, in which he implied American forces would be going to Ukraine. Biden denied that’s what he meant, adding: “We’re talking about helping train the Ukrainian troops that are in Poland.”
Pressed again, Biden said, “I was referring to being with, and talking with, the Ukrainian troops that are in Poland.”
It’s possible Biden meant to say “American” when he said “Ukrainian” on the second instance, or he exaggerated the extent to which American soldiers advise the Ukrainian forces on how to use the security assistance the administration has provided.