Biden Polling


PREMO Member

One of the most accurate polls in the United States finds President Joe Biden’s job-approval rating plummeting .

Fewer than one-third of Iowans approve of Biden, while 62 percent disapprove, according to a Sept. 12-15 Des Moines Register Poll.

That’s a 12-point drop in the same poll of more than 800 Iowans from June.

Biden’s job approval has not been in net positive territory in Iowa since March, when 47 percent of Iowans approved of his performance and 44 percent disapproved.



Well-Known Member
Hopefully people who take the poll realize that Joe Biden is just a puppet.
The real problem in the Democrat party that cheated to get him in the seat of power.
They are merely using him..

It is the Democrat party that should be plummeting.


PREMO Member
Biden’s Approval Rating among Black Voters Falls after Private-Sector Vaccine Mandate

President Biden’s net approval rating among unvaccinated black voters has dropped a stunning 17 points since he announced plans to implement a federal vaccine mandate for companies with more than 100 people, according to a new Morning Consult poll.

Biden’s favor among black voters dropped substantially between an initial poll conducted between September 6 and 8 — just before Biden’s mandate announcement on September 9 — and a second poll taken between September 18 to 20 of more than 1,000 black voters.

The second poll revealed that 71 percent of black voters approve of Biden’s performance, down 5 points since the mandate. The share who disapprove rose 7 points to 24 percent. Thirty-seven percent said they strongly approve of his performance, while 14 percent said they strongly disapprove.


Well-Known Member
Biden’s Approval Rating among Black Voters Falls after Private-Sector Vaccine Mandate

President Biden’s net approval rating among unvaccinated black voters has dropped a stunning 17 points since he announced plans to implement a federal vaccine mandate for companies with more than 100 people, according to a new Morning Consult poll.

Biden’s favor among black voters dropped substantially between an initial poll conducted between September 6 and 8 — just before Biden’s mandate announcement on September 9 — and a second poll taken between September 18 to 20 of more than 1,000 black voters.

The second poll revealed that 71 percent of black voters approve of Biden’s performance, down 5 points since the mandate. The share who disapprove rose 7 points to 24 percent. Thirty-seven percent said they strongly approve of his performance, while 14 percent said they strongly disapprove.
They simply refuse to believe that those against taking the jab are ANYONE but Trump supporters. It’s why they’re so singularly supportive of every measure that punishes those who don’t want the vaccine.


Well-Known Member
Not surprised at all.
Trump did more for blacks than Obama.
The democrats keep voting for genocide of black babies.
The democrat cities are black killing grounds.
The blacks condemn any black that is successful and doesn't vote democrat.

Why does it surprise anyone they they like Biden.
Black democrat voters are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
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The Unintended Consequences of Biden's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

We tried to warn them. The data has shown that black Americans have had the lowest vaccine uptake since the beginning of the program. All the corporate media talking heads need to do is look at the data from the CDC. Even today, the percent of the eligible black population fully vaccinated is 7% lower than the closest group, which is Hispanic Americans.


Of course, the unimpressive members of the left-wing clerisy are not at all curious. They dutifully regurgitate the approved narrative that the unvaccinated were ignorant Trump voters in red states.

The media and Joe Biden have attacked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis relentlessly during the Delta surge in his state. He is a Republican and Florida voted for President Trump in 2020. So, surely, the state is full of ignorant white Trump supporters refusing the vaccine, right? I hate to tell Don Lemon, but not exactly.

Bloomberg’s vaccine tracker tells an entirely different story. Only 35.5% of black Floridians have taken the vaccine, while 66% of white residents have. Texas Governor Greg Abbott took similar abuse, and Bloomberg estimates that black Texans have taken the vaccine at a rate approximately 10% lower than their white and Hispanic neighbors.

In Georgia, black vaccination rates lag behind white Georgians by 9%. It’s nearly 5% in Tennessee. Rates between the races are closer in Mississippi and Louisiana.

When you consider the percentage of the black population that is not vaccinated, the breakdown from Morning Consult becomes an even bigger problem. Keep in mind, approximately 70% of black Americans are not fully vaccinated, and only 34% have taken an initial dose, according to the CDC.



Well-Known Member
He'll still be above 50% as long as democrats approve of the crappy job he's doing.
He's the instrument of mass destruction in the hands of the globalists/Chinese/ant-Americans, so, in their minds, he's doing a wonderful job.


Well-Known Member
I got the Vaccine. Now they want me to get a booster.
Will the booster guarantee me that I won't get Covid?
Is the booster just another shot of the same sht I got the first time that makes no guarantee?
If I get the booster do I still have to wear a mask?
So far I haven't had any bad consequences from the shot, but does the booster increase my chances of a bad reaction?
Why are they insisting on children getting the shot when children are not having a problem with Covid?
Why do they say people over 65 should get the booster , but those under 65 may not have to?


Beloved Misanthrope
I got the Vaccine. Now they want me to get a booster. Yes

Will the booster guarantee me that I won't get Covid? No

Is the booster just another shot of the same sht I got the first time that makes no guarantee? Yes

If I get the booster do I still have to wear a mask? Yes - 3

So far I haven't had any bad consequences from the shot, but does the booster increase my chances of a bad reaction? Yes

Why are they insisting on children getting the shot when children are not having a problem with Covid? Science

Why do they say people over 65 should get the booster , but those under 65 may not have to? Settled Science



PREMO Member
Majority now believe that Joe Biden is kind of an idiot: Poll

A majority of respondents (56%) in Pew’s most recent survey said “mentally sharp” either describes him as “not at all well” or “not too well.”

As if the steep decline in public opinion of the president’s smarts was not embarrassing enough, it turns out Biden’s mental acuity specifically is where Pew found the sharpest drop in all of his polled personal characteristics.

“Positive evaluations of several of Biden’s personal traits and characteristics have shown similar decreases,” Pew reports. “Compared with March, fewer adults say Biden cares about people like them, and fewer describe him as standing up for his beliefs, honest, a good role model and mentally sharp.”

It adds, “Biden receives his least positive assessments for being mentally sharp. Currently, 43% say this describes Biden very or fairly well, an 11-point decline since March.”


PREMO Member
Majority in new poll distrusts Biden on COVID-19

The Axios-Ipsos poll released Tuesday found that 53 percent of respondents said they didn’t have very much trust or no trust at all in Biden to provide accurate information about the coronavirus. Forty-five percent trust the president either a great deal or fair amount, according to the survey.

When Biden first took office in January, 58 percent said they trusted him to provide accurate information about COVID-19.

The new poll found that 81 percent of Democrats trusted Biden on the coronavirus, compared to 11 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of independents.

The results come as the nation deals with a rise in coronavirus infections fueled by the delta variant. While the U.S. has not gone back to the same lockdowns seen at this time last year, there’s still no clear end to the pandemic in sight.


Well-Known Member
Biden was smart enough to spend a lifetime fooling the people of Delaware
What does that ay for a Delaware resident.?

And he got rich doing it.


PREMO Member
New Poll Just Eviscerated the Biden White House's Key 2020 Selling Points

The absent-minded president is barely a year into his administration and every metric of performance has gone down the drain. The key selling points from his 2020 campaign were that he was going to ‘build back better’ with regards to the economy, that the adults would be back in charge, and there would be a competent government. All three have been torched. You can’t build back better when no jobs are being created and inflation has torpedoed home budgets and paychecks. The adults are not back. And the White House is acting more like the home of the merciful rest retirement center for an ailing Democrat who probably doesn’t even know he’s president. Senior citizens with walkers in such facilities move at a speed that’s quicker than this White House when it comes to a crisis.