Biden Polling


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Democrats Sink in Battleground States While Americans Wonder Who Is Running the Country

Americans’ perception of Joe Biden as weak or ineffective won’t help.

According to Rasmussen, most Americans are not confident in Joe Biden’s ability to do the job of president. When likely voters are asked, “How confident are you that Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States?” 58% report being not very or not at all confident. Only 27% report they are very confident in Biden’s ability to do his job.

Rasmussen evaluates the results by party affiliation:

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Democrats are at least somewhat confident that Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of president, but that view is shared by only 17% of Republicans and 30% voters not affiliated with either major party. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans, 20% of Democrats and 56% of unaffiliated voters are Not At All Confident in Biden’s ability to perform his presidential duties.
In addition, 53% of voters believe others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes, and only 38% believe he is setting the agenda. While 65% of Democrats say Biden is really doing the job of president, 78% of Republicans and 59% of unaffiliated voters think others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes.

Of the wealthiest Americans—those making more than $200,000 per year—66% say they are at least somewhat confident in Biden’s physical and mental ability to do the job of president. Only respondents with a Democrat party affiliation believe this more strongly. Even black voters, who have traditionally approved of Biden’s performance at high rates in Rasmussen polling, say they are at least somewhat confident only 54% of the time. Another interesting finding is that voters 65 and older believe others are making decisions for Biden at a rate of 59%.


PREMO Member
Biden Approval Rating Craters, Vast Majority Don’t Want Him To Run Again, Harris Approval In 20s: Mainstream Poll

Top lines from the poll include:
  • “Nearly half of those surveyed, 46%, say Biden has done a worse job as president than they expected, including 16% of those who voted for him. Independents, by 7-1 (44%-6%), say he’s done worse, not better, than they expected.”
  • “Nearly two-thirds of Americans, 64%, say they don’t want Biden to run for a second term in 2024. That includes 28% of Democrats.”
  • “Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval rating is 28% – even worse than Biden’s. The poll shows that 51% disapprove of the job she’s doing.”
  • “If the election were today, those surveyed say, they would vote for their Republican congressional candidate over the Democratic one by 46%-38%, an advantage that would bode well for GOP hopes of gaining a majority in the House and the Senate.”

Many have pointed to the shellacking Republicans put on Democrats across the country during last week’s elections as proof of the dissatisfaction that voters have with Biden and the Democrat Party.

Republicans dominated the elections in Virginia, capturing all of the statewide races — governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general — and reclaimed control of the House of Delegates. Republicans had not won a statewide election in Virginia in more than a decade.

Legendary Democrat strategist James Carville said during an interview last week that the problem Democrats have is they are too far-left.


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PREMO Member
Here's my problem with VA (and probably the other races as well). We've gotten to the point where we call a 50.61% to 48.50% win a "shellacking". Or worse yet... a mandate. It could have very easily fell McAwful's way if you throw in Princess Blanding's votes and a handful of squishy independents.


PREMO Member
Prepare for Biden Meltdown: New Iowa Poll Results on Biden vs Trump 2024

But today, they just got two devastating ones. First there was an ABC News/Washington Post poll found that the Republicans had a 10-point lead, when looking at who people thought they would be voting for in the midterms. That isn’t an outlier either, it confirms the prior USA Today/Suffolk poll that found that people would vote for their Republican congressional candidate over the Democratic by 46-38 percent.

Now there’s another one that’s going to make Joe and the Democrats rip their hair plugs out.

That’s one from Iowa, the critical first state in the primaries in the presidential election. What are they saying now about 2024?

If Trump were to run again against Joe Biden, it wouldn’t even be close.


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Things may be looking bad for Democrats in 2022, but the strange part is instead of caring they are doubling down on their destructive policies.

Raising the questions. Are they so sure they can count the votes and cheat again enough to stay in power?


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Biden Approval Among Young Democrats, Independents Sees Double-Digit Drop: Poll

A recent Harvard poll found that Joe Biden’s approval rating among young people has fallen 13 points since spring, with his overall disapproval rate now at 51%. He saw a double-digit drop among Democrats and Independents.

The poll, conducted by Harvard Public Opinion Project, surveyed adults ages 18-29 about a number of key political opinions. Overall, 2,109 people were polled throughout Fall 2021.

Biden’s approval among the demographic was nearing 60% back in March, but that has dropped as he has a 51% disapproval rate among the same group now.


PREMO Member

According to the report, the officials all seem to be in agreement that Biden needs to spend more time addressing the public directly, but there does not appear to be a consensus yet as to what that will ultimately look like — whether the American people should expect more official addresses, more informal town hall-type interviews, or more press conferences.

“The Biden Team always thinks it can solve problems with a new Comms strategy,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham mocked the plan.
Reuters national politics correspondent James Oliphant suggested the reason Biden was planning on fewer public conversations with Congress was more about doing a little CYA than about a communications “reset.”

“‘The officials said that the White House will continue negotiations with Congress over Biden’s legislative priorities but that it would stop releasing details of the talks to the public.’ ? Because he’s not getting his way?” Oliphant tweeted.



Well-Known Member
Basically - the Biden administration and his sycophantic press allies are convinced that the reason the polls are down is Americans just DON’T KNOW all the good he’s done.

Y’all are just too ignorant to know that your life is actually BETTER.


Well-Known Member
Basically - the Biden administration and his sycophantic press allies are convinced that the reason the polls are down is Americans just DON’T KNOW all the good he’s done.

Y’all are just too ignorant to know that your life is actually BETTER.

Yeah, as we pay more for life's needs. Didn't he cry to the media to give him better press during the supply chain problems .?


Well-Known Member
Democrats don't seem worried about their losing big in 2022. That is a bit frightening, maybe they know something we don't.
Whatever, they are still trying to pass the most stupid bils to ever be formed in Congress.


PREMO Member
‘The Most Toxic Man In Politics’

“Democrats want nothing to do with the most toxic man and politics right now, Joe Biden,” Judge Jeanine Pirro began on Friday’s broadcast of “The Five,” noting that top Democrats in Pennsylvania had opted not to stand alongside Biden as he spoke in that state Friday. “Candidates are making sure their calendars fill up quickly and are avoiding even mentioning Joe Biden’s name. We are sure it has nothing to do with a string of bad polls including this one. According to Gallup, Biden polled significantly lower in six key character traits than he did before taking office.”

Fox News correspondent Gillian Turner argued that if Biden had a 60% approval rating rather than being underwater with numerous demographics, candidates would be flocking to his events “with bells on.”

“A lot of news outlets are reporting what’s going on here, as you know, these down-ballot Democrats are trying to create their own brand and separate themselves from the president on the issues,” Turner continued. “But that’s not really what’s happening. The down-ballot candidates here are entirely ghosting the president. This is happening at fundraisers, this is happening at his big signature events, it’s happening on social media. It’s a real nationwide trend now. Something the Biden Administration is going to have to address”


PREMO Member

Black voters are fleeing Biden in droves. Here's why

Black voters are fleeing President Biden in droves. And it’s hard to see a scenario under which they come back anytime soon.

President Biden’s poll numbers have been stunningly bad lately. The most recent CNN poll has him at 58 percent disapproval, 41 percent approval. In December, Biden was at 49 percent approval in the same poll. And among those who disapprove of his performance, 56 percent say the president didn't accomplish anything in his first year of which they approve.


Well-Known Member

Black voters are fleeing Biden in droves. Here's why

Black voters are fleeing President Biden in droves. And it’s hard to see a scenario under which they come back anytime soon.

President Biden’s poll numbers have been stunningly bad lately. The most recent CNN poll has him at 58 percent disapproval, 41 percent approval. In December, Biden was at 49 percent approval in the same poll. And among those who disapprove of his performance, 56 percent say the president didn't accomplish anything in his first year of which they approve.

He's hoping his Ukraine BS will give him a boost if the Russians do nothing. The media will claim victory for him while not listening to what the 2 counties have said all along.


PREMO Member
He's hoping his Ukraine BS will give him a boost if the Russians do nothing.

the opinion has been put forth the Accusation of an impending Russian False Flag Operation is an administration Wag The Gog / False Flag Operation .... when the Russians do Nothing then the administration will claim the ' exposure ' stopped the Russian Invasion


PREMO Member

Blacks Saying Bye-Bye To Biden

In March 2021, shortly after he took office, Biden’s support among Black protestants stood at 92%. By January 2022, this was down to 65%, a drop of 27 points.

Over the same period, overall national approval for the president, per Gallup, was down from 54% to 40% — 14 points. About half the drop among Black protestants.

Other polls among all Black voters tell the same story.

An NBC poll shows Black approval for Biden dropping from 83% last April to 64% now. A Quinnipiac University poll shows Black approval during Biden’s first year in office dropping from 78% to 57%.

What’s going on? Should Democratic strategists be worried that a sea-change is occurring among voters on whom they could always most depend?


Well-Known Member

Blacks Saying Bye-Bye To Biden

In March 2021, shortly after he took office, Biden’s support among Black protestants stood at 92%. By January 2022, this was down to 65%, a drop of 27 points.

Over the same period, overall national approval for the president, per Gallup, was down from 54% to 40% — 14 points. About half the drop among Black protestants.

Other polls among all Black voters tell the same story.

An NBC poll shows Black approval for Biden dropping from 83% last April to 64% now. A Quinnipiac University poll shows Black approval during Biden’s first year in office dropping from 78% to 57%.

What’s going on? Should Democratic strategists be worried that a sea-change is occurring among voters on whom they could always most depend?

You know they'll come around once the free stuff is put on the table.