Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member
‘Cascading Domestic Catastrophes’

“Joe Biden inherited the most secure border in history, the fastest economic recovery on record, historically low gas prices, hard-won American Energy Independence, a domestic manufacturing renaissance, and a nation poised to flourish like never before—all thanks to the America-First agenda of President Trump,” Save America proclaimed.

“It took less than 12 months for Biden and the extremists in his party to turn it all into crisis, chaos, misery, and woe,” it added. “It’s no wonder Biden is ending his first year with his approval ratings tanking to an all-time record low.”

It continued, claiming that even the media “cannot cover up his dismal record of unrelenting failure”:
Inflation is the highest in nearly 40 years—decimating the wages and incomes of hardworking Americans.
Gas prices have risen nearly 50% from one year ago.
America’s southern border is GONE—with 2+ million illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. this year—the most ever recorded by far.
Democrat-run cities across the country are hitting ALL-TIME HIGHS in murders and violent crime.
Mass smash-and-grab robberies and lootings are taking place in cities and suburbs nationwide.
Biden is pushing $5+ TRILLION in socialist spending bills crammed with nation-wrecking left-wing lunacy.
Biden’s Radical Democrat Party is forcing CRT into our children’s schools, shoving male athletes onto women’s sports teams, pushing woke racism into our military, tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson, desecrating our history, dismantling basic election-integrity measures, and breaking decades of precedent to use taxpayer dollars to fund late-term abortion and infanticide.


PREMO Member
Biden Judicial Nominee Said ‘Proof of Citizenship’ is ‘Voter Suppression’

A left-wing activist with ties to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) nominated by President Joe Biden to be a federal judge has argued photo ID and proof of citizenship constitute “voter suppression.”

Nancy Gbana Abudu, the deputy legal director at SPLC, was picked by Biden in December to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. The 11th Circuit covers parts of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. The vacancy came about upon the retirement of Judge Beverly B. Martin — a President Barack Obama appointee.

Abudu worked for the ACLU from 2005 to 2019 and was an 11th Circuit staff attorney from 2002 to 2004. Along with U.S. District Judge J. Michelle Childs, she was part of Biden’s twelfth round of judicial nominees, according to a White House memo.


PREMO Member
New York Covid Testing and Treatment: White People Need Not Apply

The New York State Health Department’s memo stipulated five conditions for allowing patients access to oral antiviral treatments. One of them was that they “have a medical condition or other factors that increase their risk for severe illness.” The department specified that “non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor, as longstanding systemic health and social inequalities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19.”

This is not science; it’s race-hate mythology on the order of the Nation of Islam’s febrile nightmare of the demonic Dr. Yakub concocting the white race on the island of Madagascar. There is absolutely no way to determine whether or not black and Hispanic people are at greater risk of getting an airborne viral infection because of past or present racism. What’s more, the department’s assumption can be turned on its head, with white New Yorkers arguing that their being sent to the back of the line for oral antiviral treatments is systemic racism that is endangering their health.

And it’s not just this one Health Department memo. The New York Post reported Saturday that “New York City health officials have been using race to help decide how to allocate precious coronavirus testing resources, leaked emails from the agency show.” Briana Nasti, a staffer for City Councilman Joe Borelli, informed the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene that “our office has been receiving calls regarding the mobile NYC H+H [Hemoglobin and Hematocrit] testing sites such as Wolfes Pond Park. It appears many are waiting with delays, and are being turned away after waiting for hours.” The department responded by saying they were prioritizing “neighborhoods flagged by the city’s Taskforce on Racial Inclusion & Equity. The task force, created by the de Blasio administration in 2020, identified 31 underserved neighborhoods to receive ‘priority’ attention from the city.”


Well-Known Member
Gives whites those terrible tapeworm killers Ivermectin and HCQ instead.
That will serve white people right. :roflmao:


PREMO Member
Maryland doctor says people are 'going to die' after Biden admin uses faulty data to snub antibody treatments

A doctor in Maryland said he had to cancel potentially life-saving monoclonal antibody infusions for about 250 people over the last week after the federal government stopped distributing treatments made by Regeneron and Eli Lilly because they aren't effective against omicron, even though the delta variant, which the drugs are effective at treating, was still dominant at the time.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response halted the allocation of those two antibody treatments last Thursday amid the rise of omicron, which the CDC had said days earlier was responsible for 73.2% of all new cases.

But the CDC backtracked on that alarming estimate this week, revising it down to just 22.5% for the week ending Dec. 18, more than a 50-point drop.

The delta variant, which Regeneron and Eli Lilly's treatments are effective against, was actually responsible for 77% of all new cases when the federal government stopped distributing those antibody drugs.

Now, one doctor says the government's massive miscalculation cost lives.


PREMO Member
'Hard not to get a chuckle'

In a Wednesday editorial, the board mocked manufacturers for trusting that the federal government would be good partners to business and described how the work they did promoting Biden's electric vehicle (EV) agenda would amount to nothing following the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) announcement of new regulations without the expected subsidies for the companies.

"Political theater can be more entertaining than what’s on TV. It’s hard not to get a chuckle watching auto makers get double-crossed by the Biden Administration after they worked so hard to promote its electric-vehicle agenda," the board wrote.

"In the latest comic turn, the Administration last week issued new fuel-economy standards that effectively mandate that electric cars make up 17% of auto sales in 2026, up from about 3% this year. That was the day after Sen. Joe Manchin rejected President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, which includes a cornucopia of EV subsidies," it added.


PREMO Member
Biden's 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' narrative falls apart as omicron cases skyrocket

"Infections in fully vaccinated people (breakthrough infections) happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant," the July 27 guidance said. "However, preliminary evidence suggests that fully vaccinated people who do become infected with the Delta variant can be infectious and can spread the virus to others."

The same is true, or maybe even more so, with the new omicron variant, which is even more transmissible than the delta variant. An ABC News analysis last month of federal and state data revealed that there has been an acceleration of the number of breakthrough coronavirus cases since July.

"CDC expects that anyone with Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms," the CDC said Dec. 20.

Despite the agency clearly stating since at least April that the virus can spread among vaccinated individuals, Biden has repeatedly tried to assign blame to unvaccinated people for the ongoing pandemic.

My Neighbor has Covid, Jabed and boosted .... she just flew back into town from Christmas holidays with her family in the mid west


PREMO Member
Advisers ‘Plea’ With Biden To Change His Coronavirus Strategy As He Fails To ‘Shut Down The Virus’: Report

“The authors are all big names in American medicine; several, including Dr. Luciana Borio, a former acting chief scientist at the Food and Drug Administration, and Dr. David Michaels, a former head of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, have held high-ranking government positions. The driving force behind the articles is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, an oncologist, medical ethicist and University of Pennsylvania professor who advised former President Barack Obama,” The New York Times reported. “They say the first thing the administration needs to do is take a broader vision, by recognizing that Covid-19 is here to stay. In one article, Dr. Emanuel and two co-authors — Michael T. Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, and Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease expert at New York University — pointedly note that in July, Mr. Biden proclaimed that ‘we’ve gained the upper hand against this virus,’ which in retrospect was clearly not the case.”

The call for a new strategy comes after Biden promised to “shut down the virus” while he was campaigning against then-President Donald Trump. Since he took office, more people have died from the coronavirus under Biden and daily case numbers have smashed records.

“To be better prepared for inevitable outbreaks, they suggest that the administration lay out goals and specific benchmarks, including what number of hospitalizations and deaths from respiratory viruses, including the coronavirus, that should trigger emergency measures,” the report added. “The authors say the administration needs to acknowledge that Omicron may not mark the end of the pandemic — and to plan for a future that they concede is unknowable. They also make clear that the current rate of Covid hospitalizations and deaths is unacceptably high.”


PREMO Member
California Health Officials Are Lying To Justify The Mask Mandate

here are many important things to focus on here, but the key phrase to focus on is the “esp in areas w/low vaccination rates” line.
It’s a lie. A complete and total lie.

And worse, it’s an easily disprovable lie.
Marin County

Marin County is the most heavily vaccinated county in the country with a population over 100,000:

Credit: Phil Kerpen

It has one of the highest case growth rates in the state:

On October 11th, Marin averaged 49 cases per million each day. On December 4th, that number was 145, a nearly 200% increase.
Case growth has actually accelerated recently, despite near world leading vaccination rates. And they were even higher in late July, despite vaccination rates well over 80% even then.

They’re lying.

It’s not just Marin, here are the current case growth rates, according to the New York Times, in the most vaccinated California counties:

  • Marin +110%
  • Santa Clara +38%
  • San Francisco +83%
  • San Mateo +99%
  • Contra Costa +44%
  • Alameda +60%
  • Imperial +50%

If you were paying close attention to the above image, you’d have noticed that Santa Clara and San Francisco are also on the list of most heavily vaccinated US counties.

83% of Marin is fully vaccinated. 80% of the entire population of Santa Clara is fully vaccinated. 79% of San Francisco. 77% of San Mateo County. 76% of Contra Costa. 75% of Alameda. 75% of Imperial.


PREMO Member
Biden’s Vaccine Idolatry Is Not Working

Biden’s obsession with vaccines and masks causes him to neglect tests and treatments, seeing them as distractions that will be rendered obsolete by universal vaccination. Vice President Harris admitted they did not anticipate and prepare for more transmissible Delta and Omicron variants. The CDC in June said vaccinated individuals no longer needed to be tested, and the administration failed to approve tests available in Europe. The mixed messaging and uneven demand caused Abbott Laboratories to lay off workers, cancel supplier contracts, and destroy millions of tests. Biden’s mandate that unvaccinated employees be tested weekly creates even more unmet demand. While America has led other nations in developing and securing vaccines, the U.K. and Germany have done a better job providing rapid tests.

Biden belatedly credited Trump for vaccine development, but has not learned the lessons of his public-private partnership. Operation Warp Speed paid vaccine companies to scale up manufacturing during FDA’s review, ensuring adequate supplies upon approval. Biden failed to do the same with tests and treatments. Though Biden signed purchase agreements with Merck and Pfizer for treatments, relatively few doses will be available in coming weeks.

Biden should be giving Americans options for managing the Omicron surge and creating confidence among the vaccinated. He instead defines success in case numbers rather than more pertinent measures like serious cases, mortality, and hospital capacity, undervaluing the loss of freedom, privacy, and normalcy. Overpromising and underdelivering leave the vaccinated disappointed when confronted with breakthrough infections and calls for boosters, masks, and quarantines, and cause the unvaccinated to wonder why they should bother getting shots. Both groups suffer from covid fatigue and increasingly tune out experts. Biden’s top-down approach and repeated cycle of failed promises feed increasing polarization and decreasing trust.


PREMO Member
Is Biden Sabotaging America's COVID Response?

If saving lives was his objective, if ending the pandemic was his objective, he wouldn’t be withholding crucial COVID treatments from the states. The Biden administration controls the supply of monoclonal antibody treatments, but Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo says the Biden administration is “actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments.”

Why would he do that?

“[T]he Biden administration has never focused on testing, therapeutics or things like natural immunity, which are important to a lot of people out there,” says Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas). “The reason is because they need the COVID fear factor at a certain level. The best way to do that is to focus on mandatory vaccines and masking.”

But why is the fear factor necessary? Remember how in 2020, various states made illegal changes to election laws because of COVID? These changes, like unprecedented expansions of mail-in voting, drastically made our elections less secure, resulting in widespread allegations of voter fraud in battleground states. But, as long as the fear factor is still there, Democrats in power can still justify keeping in place various COVID-era changes to election laws that help their party stay in control.

So has Biden been sabotaging our COVID response and withholding vital treatments in order to perpetuate the pandemic as long as possible in an effort to keep Democrats in power?

Is that really outside the realm of possibility anymore?