Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member
Biden’s administrative state launches war on America

New rules issued Thursday by the Biden administration for public and private companies will require American workers to take their medication by Jan. 4. Any worker not vaccinated by Dec. 5 will be required to wear a mask on their face at all times announcing their unclean status.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is nuts. These people are pure evil. They hate America. They despise self-governance. And they want to destroy you.

Companies will begin paying fines to the federal government, starting at $13,653 for each offense. Those fines will escalate quickly into hundreds of thousands of dollars. All paid to the federal government.

In addition, companies all over the country must construct a massive new testing regime to perform weekly tests for all unvaccinated employees. In two months. During the holiday season.

Mr. Biden’s supply chain collapse highlights just how dependent America has become on just about everything from foreign countries, especially China. No wonder it is so hard to make anything here in America.

It is only going to get worse. Prices will only go up. Shelves will only get emptier. Americans will only get poorer.

But at least you cannot say you were not warned.


PREMO Member
Trucking Groups Could Lose 37% Of Drivers Over Biden Vaccine Mandate, Worsening Supply Chain Crisis

In their open letter to President Biden, the industry groups — which included the American Trucking Associations, National Private Truck Council, and Truckload Carriers Association — predicted that trucking companies may lose nearly four in ten drivers due to the mandate:

Our industries are committed partners in the fight against COVID-19, and we unequivocally support the use of vaccines to fight its spread. However, we are concerned a mandate will cripple an already strained supply chain. We estimate companies covered by the mandate could lose 37% of drivers at a time when the nation is already short 80,000 truck drivers. We ask for flexibility for transportation and supply chain essential workers, particularly truck drivers who spend most of their time in their trucks and have minimal contact with colleagues and customers.


PREMO Member
Federal Court Freezes Biden Vaccine Mandate Over Possible ‘Grave Statutory And Constitutional’ Issues

A U.S. federal appeals court issued a stay on Saturday temporarily halting Democrat President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate that would have required companies with at least 100 employees to get vaccinated for the coronavirus or be tested weekly.

The ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit stated the following:

Before the court is the petitioners’ emergency motion to stay enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s November 5, 2021 Emergency Temporary Standard (the “Mandate”) pending expedited judicial review.
Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate, the Mandate is hereby STAYED pending further action by this court.


Just sneakin' around....
Seems to me this mandate is backwards anyway. They should have mandated testing, and made the vaccine optional at the employee's discretion.


PREMO Member
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Laughs At Your High Gas Prices

Granholm went on to repeat the White House line of blaming foreign adversaries for their refusal to increase output while the administration actively suppresses supply with an escalated war on at-home producers.

would that I had the magic wand on this,” Granholm said, pretending that she doesn’t in the form of regulatory power to roll back the administration’s hostility toward the industry. “Oil is a global market. It is controlled by a cartel. That cartel is called OPEC, and they made a decision yesterday that they were not going to increase beyond what they were already planning.”

Russia and member nations of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) announced on Thursday that they would not increase output above scheduled rises despite President Joe Biden’s repeated pleas.


PREMO Member
Biden admin considering shutting down another pipeline, drawing criticism and dire warnings as winter nears

The Biden administration is reportedly weighing the potential market consequences of shutting down an oil pipeline in Michigan, drawing criticism from opponents. Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, Biden's energy secretary, predicted Sunday that heating prices will rise this winter regardless of the Biden administration's decision on the pipeline. "Yeah, this is going to happen. It will be more expensive this year than last year," Granholm told CNN.

The administration has yet to decide on what to do with Line 5 and officials were gathering information only to present a clear picture of the situation, according to sources who spoke to Politico.

Line 5 is part of a network that moves crude oil and other petroleum products from western Canada, transporting about 540,000 barrels per day. Petroleum is taken from the pipeline in Escanaba, Michigan.

"They're planning to power an industrial nation like the United States on solar panels and wind turbines," Hayes said, while noting that even the solar panels and wind turbines require "oil, natural gas, nuclear and even coal" to be produced.


PREMO Member
White House Can’t Name A Single Thing Biden Is Considering Doing To Lower Gas Prices

“You know, we have — we don’t have an announcement yet on anything — anything to share at this time,” she responded. “You know, but we’re monitoring it. Right? We’re monitoring the prices and we’re making sure that we have tools in our toolbelts that we can — we can — we can try and use. But at this time, I don’t have anything new to share.”

“But just what else are you reviewing?” the reporter pressed. “Because [Energy] Secretary [Jennifer] Granholm has confirmed that is an option that’s on the table, and the President has said there are other tools that you could potentially use. So, could you just lay out what those other options are that he’s considering?”

“So I don’t — again, I don’t — I don’t have anything specific here,” she responded. “The President spoke to this recently. But he’s also asked the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) to crack down on illegal pricing. Right? That is one thing that he did on gouging in the market. And the FTC is responding. But, also, we’re going to continue to monitor the situation and have a number of tools in our arsenal. As I just mentioned, I don’t have anything specific.”



PREMO Member
Biden Admin Admits It Is Considering Shutting Down Another Pipeline As Fuel Prices Skyrocket

“So, Peter, that is inaccurate,” she claimed. “That is not right. So, any reporting indicating that some decision has been made, again, is not accurate. … So, again, I would — it is inaccurate what you just stated, but —”

“What’s inaccurate?” Doocy asked.

“The reporting about us wanting to shut down the Line 5,” Jean-Pierre responded.

Jean-Pierre then admitted that the administration was, in fact, studying the effects of shutting down the pipeline, saying, “Yes, we are. We are.”


PREMO Member
White House backtracks after slamming pipeline reporting as 'inaccurate,' admits admin is weighing shutdown

"I didn’t say ‘wanting,’" Doocy said. "I said, is it being studied right now? Is the administration studying the impact of shutting down the Line 5?

"Yes, we are. We are," Jean-Pierre replied. "I thought you were saying that we were going to shut it down, but that is not inaccurate. The Army Corps of Engineers is preparing an environmental impact to look through this."

Politico originally reported Sunday that the Biden administration was weighing the potential market consequences of shutting down the pipeline. The report has drawn criticism from Republican lawmakers in Congress, and more than a dozen sent a letter to Biden on Nov. 4 warning against such a move as gas prices surge 50%.

While Jean-Pierre referred to an environmental study about the pipeline, the Politico report said the administration was looking at the economic impacts of killing the pipeline.


PREMO Member
Biden Demagogues Americans in Bizarre Presser

After asserting that the boondoggle will fix extreme “climate events” — as if that’s possible — he ventured into parochial clichés and hyperbole.

“We’re going to build out the first-ever national network of charging stations all across the country — over 500,000 of them — so that you can make real — and, you know, auto companies made a commitment they were going to make 50 percent of vehicles electric by 2030,” the president mumbled. “So, you’ll be able to go across the whole darn country, from East Coast to West Coast, just like you’d stop at a gas station now. These charging stations will be available. And for all of you at home who feel left behind and forgotten in an economy that’s changing so rapidly, this bill is for you.”

How many Americans in the heartland or outside of a few major cities want an electric car or care?

“The bill is fiscally responsible. That’s a fancy way of saying it’s fully paid for. It actually reduces the deficit, according to leading economists in this country, over the long-term,” Biden claimed, before he went into class warfare.

“And it’s paid for by making sure that the wealthiest Americans, the biggest corporations begin to pay their fair share,” he said. “Again, you’ve heard me say it a hundred times: Why should 40 — 55 corporations who made over $40 billion in the last couple years — why should they pay zero in taxes? I said I’m a capitalist, I’m not a socialist. But the bottom line is everybody should pay their fair share. Zero in taxes? Come on. It’s going to create millions of jobs, increase productivity and wages, and reduce cost, and generate significant and historic economic growth.”


PREMO Member
Granholm’s ‘Shock’ Aside, US Energy Dominance Is Exactly Where Biden Wants It — Weakened

Instead of offering middle-class Americans an explanation or an apology or a sliver of hope, she let out a hearty laugh.

“Oh my…that is hilarious! As you know, oil is a global market. It is controlled by a cartel, that cartel is called OPEC, and they made a decision yesterday that they were not going to increase [production] beyond what they were already planning.”

How did America fall so far, so fast on the topic of energy? How, in less than a calendar year, did we go from energy independence to begging foreign cartels like OPEC for more supply? We went from net-exporting our oil to hoping that someone will help fill gaps in our energy supply.


Well-Known Member
Certainly oil is a global market.
We all know that.

So when Biden screwed over us and took America's oil independence, he also screwed over the whole world.
I just wonder why the rest of the world doesn't know that and are screaming for Biden's head on a platter.

Pretty much Biden raised gas prices all over the world when he signed those EO's.


PREMO Member
Racist Highway Design

“So, the principle of Justice40 is that at least 40 percent of the clean investments in this bill will go to benefit the communities that are overburdened and underserved,” Buttigieg said. “So, part one of that is defining those investments that are eligible, and that’s a lot of it, and we’re working to map out kind of program by program, mode by mode, what would qualify.”

“As to where we target those dollars, you know, I’m still surprised that some people were surprised when I pointed to the fact that if a highway was built for the purpose of dividing a white and a black neighborhood, or if an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach — or that would have been — in New York was designed too low for it to pass by, that that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices,” he claimed. “I don’t think we have anything to lose by confronting that simple reality. And I think we have everything to gain by acknowledging it and then dealing with it, which is why the Reconnecting Communities — that billion dollars — is something we want to get to work right away putting to work.”


PETE BUTTIGIEG, SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION: As to where we target those dollars, you know, I’m still surprised that some people were surprised when I pointed to the fact that if a highway was built for the purpose of dividing a white and a Black neighborhood, or if an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly Black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach — or that would have been — in New York was designed too low for it to pass by, that that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices.

I don’t think we have anything to lose by confronting that simple reality. And I think we have everything to gain by acknowledging it and then dealing with it, which is why the Reconnecting Communities — that billion dollars — is something we want to get to work right away putting to work.

RYAN: But that’s such a heavy lift. I mean, you’d have to reconstruct communities that this happened to. As you said, some of these beltways and interstates and roadways were built before the Civil Rights Act, before the Voting Rights Act, and were made — meant to be racist. But how do you go about redefining and replanting these roadways and communities that are already settled in since then?

BUTTIGIEG: Yeah. So, what’s interesting is it’s going to vary by community and we have to listen to the community. Sometimes it really is the case that an overpass went in a certain way that is so harmful that it’s got to come down or maybe be put underground.


PREMO Member
National Security Adviser Sullivan is 'foreign policy advisor' in former Clinton lawyer indictment: sources

Jake Sullivan, President Biden's White House national security adviser, is the "foreign policy advisor" referred to in the indictment of former Hillary Clinton presidential campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, according to two well-placed sources.

This is the closest Special Counsel John Durham's investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation has come to anyone directly associated with the Biden White House.

Sussmann was indicted for allegedly lying to the FBI on Sept. 16, and has pleaded not guilty to one count of making a false statement to a federal agent. This case came out of Durham’s probe into the origins of the Russia investigation.


PREMO Member
‘We Want Them To Go Bankrupt If We Want To Tackle Climate Change’

Top responses to the video included:

  • Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR): “This unhinged socialist wants millions of Americans who work in the energy industry to go bankrupt. And Joe Biden picked her as his top banking nominee.”
  • Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX): “I don’t need to fly to Glasgow to recognize crazy.”
  • Steven Law, CEO Senate Leadership Fund: “Biden nominee eager to drive small operators out of business, and kick the workers they employ to the curb. If we don’t stop them, Americans will pay dearly for their rigid ideology.”


PREMO Member
“I think this is exactly like history repeating itself, right now,” Park said. “This is what shocked me, for me as a North Korean, when they said there’s inequality in America, I was like, hallelujah, that means you can rise above somebody else, because there’s no inequality in North Korea, everybody is dirty poor.”

“Poverty” is the worst that can happen, not “inequality,” Park asserted.

Drawing parallels to North Korea and the States, Park said that when she went to Columbia University, the classroom resembled her origin nation. In North Korea, “bastard-Americans” are blamed for the country’s poverty, and at Columbia, “white men” are blamed for so much apparent oppression, she explained.
