Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member

Flights between US and Tel Aviv halt as Americans in Israel try to flee

Flights between the United States and Israel have stopped in the days since Hamas militants unleashed a series of attacks Saturday, leaving Americans stranded abroad and Israeli citizens unable to return home.

The Biden administration took two actions Wednesday that have grounded virtually all chances of getting in and out of Tel Aviv.

The Federal Aviation Administration issued a notice Wednesday calling on all air carriers, including commercial airlines, to exercise caution in and out of Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel.

"Due to the ongoing conflict situation in the region, between Israel and Gaza based extremists militants, operators are advised to review current security, threat information, and [The Notice to Air Missions]," the FAA said in a statement.

Major U.S.-based airlines swiftly canceled flights to Tel Aviv this week after the Saturday attacks and the fighting that has claimed more than 2,700 lives since then on both sides, leaving Americans in Israel unable to fly out on major U.S.-based commercial airlines.


PREMO Member
Radical activism has come to define the Biden administration, and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland could be the poster child. For instance, just last week, the former congresswoman participated in a bizarre video with a drag queen to promote the false narrative that “queer rights are more under attack than ever.” Meanwhile, the connections of Haaland’s activist 29-year-old daughter, Somah, have become a major cause for concern, leading to multiple ethics complaints against the secretary over fears of undue influence.

In September, the bilingual Hispanic website ADN America documented Somah Haaland’s relationship with a Cuban solidarity group linked to the communist regime’s intelligence apparatus. The connection stems from Somah’s work for the Pueblo Action Alliance (PAA), a far-left, Albuquerque-based climate group that often advocates issues on behalf of the Laguna Pueblo. As a member of the federally recognized tribe, Secretary Haaland became the first American Indian to lead the agency responsible for U.S.-tribal relations.

The PAA, ADN reported last month, “openly associates with the Venceremos Brigade (VB), a U.S.-based organization that facilitates trips for young Americans to visit Cuba, where they are reportedly greeted and groomed by Cuban intelligence agents.” ADN continued:

Somah Haaland began working with the Pueblo Action Alliance (PAA) in 2020, a New Mexico indigenous rights group that openly associates with the VB, and whose executive director, Julia Bernal, traveled with the group to Cuba the year before where it was hosted by the Institute of Friendship Along with the Peoples (ICAP), a regime sponsored organization led by one of Cuba’s most notorious spy, Fernando González Llort–-and a former member of the Wasp Network who was sentenced to prison in the U.S. for espionage.

The Venceremos Brigade has a history of “targeting American activists,” according to the Cuban outlet. Somah Haaland is a natural target.



PREMO Member

Yellen Says U.S. Can ‘Certainly’ Afford To Provide Military Support For Israel And Ukraine

In an interview with Britain’s Sky News, Yellen told the outlet that the U.S. could “absolutely” afford to provide military aid to Israel in its war against the militant terrorist organization Hamas while funding more support to Ukraine in its ongoing struggle with Russia.

“America can certainly afford to stand with Israel and to support Israel’s military needs, and we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia,” Yellen said in an interview with Sky News.

Last month, America’s gross national debt surpassed $33 trillion, which didn’t draw heavy concern for Yellen, who said at the time that the net interest as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) remains under control by the federal government.

In her interview with Sky News, she emphasized the U.S. economy is doing “extremely well.”

“Inflation has been high, and it’s been a concern to households, it’s come down considerably,” she said. “At the same time, we have about the strongest labor market we’ve seen in 50 years with 3.8% unemployment. And at the same time, America — the Biden administration — has passed legislation that is strengthening our economy in years to come for the medium term,” referring to the Fiscal Responsibility Act that claims to reduce budget deficits by $1.5 million over the next decade.


PREMO Member

US issues 'do not travel' advisory for Lebanon and is allowing non-emergency personnel to leave after pro-Palestine protestors start a fire at the Beirut embassy forcing security to use tear gas to disperse the crowd

  • Thousands of Lebanese protesters, some waving Palestinian flags, gathered late into Tuesday night outside the U.S. embassy
  • It comes just hours after a blast at a hospital in Gaza that Hamas claims killed at least 500 people
  • The US issued a 'do not travel' advisory for Lebanon and authorized the departure of non-emergency personnel


PREMO Member

Biden’s Nominee For Israel Ambassador Oversaw Infamous ‘Pallets Of Cash’ Payment To Iran

President Joe Biden’s nominee to be Ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, oversaw the infamous “pallets of cash” transfer of funds to Iran while serving as former President Barack Obama’s Treasury Secretary in 2016.

The Obama administration paid Iran nearly $2 billion in January of 2016 to resolve a dispute dating back to the 1970’s, in which the U.S.-backed Shah government in Iran purchased $400 million of military equipment from Washington. The equipment was never delivered due to the 1979 Islamic Revolution, and Obama paid back the $400 million to Tehran plus $1.3 billion in interest.

As Treasury Secretary, Lew oversaw the transfer of the initial $400 million payment on Jan. 17, 2016, which was delivered in the now-infamous form of foreign cash carried on a number of pallets by aircraft. The “pallets of cash” incident became a frequent line of critique for those who opposed Obama’s policy toward Iran, which involved lifting sanctions and negotiating a diplomatic agreement aimed at curbing the development of Tehran’s nuclear program.


PREMO Member
💣 Yahoo Finance ran a telling story yesterday headlined, “Oil jumps as Iran increases rhetoric against Israel, US stockpiles drop.” Today’s Brent Crude oil price chart:

image 8.png

Nobody could’ve seen this coming! With Arabic oil-producing countries lining up against the U.S.-Israel axis and several Middle Eastern countries shifting into “no travel” status, the supply of oil to our strategically-depleted country is beginning to signal imminent price increases.

When (if) gas prices jump, Biden’s polling figures are going to get a lot worse. Since he’s practically drained the strategic oil reserve — which should be called the strategic political cookie jar — Biden doesn’t have many remaining options except appeasement.

Of course, higher gas prices would also not be great news for us.

Still, it’s not abundantly clear yet what OPEC will do in response to the conflict. My guess is we will find out promptly once Israel’s Restrainer has been removed. The question is, when will that be?



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Last night on the Ingraham Angle, they were discussing that the Admin has still not restocked the SPR, and now the price will likely go up over $100/bbl.


Well-Known Member
I guess her guest (some petroleum investment guy) doesn't understand oil futures either.
Totally plausible, but not likely. That he’s a total shill and political hack is much more likely.

Also plausible is that the US government purchased a sh*t ton of futures for delivery this December with a sub-$50 strike price. Easily obtainable a couple of years ago, maybe more recently even.

We have an entire section of government whose job it is to do this.

So while the comment that the SPR hasn’t been replenished is technically true, the comment is disingenuous.

But, hey, this is the pablum y’all like to nom nom nom so have at it!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Also plausible is that the US government purchased a sh*t ton of futures for delivery this December with a sub-$50 strike price. Easily obtainable a couple of years ago, maybe more recently even.

Plausible, but considering the talent pool and the leadership qualities of the current administration and it's appointments.... Extremely unlikely.