Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member

This Lib Artist Won't Call the Police if You Steal Her Paintings

What happened: AnaYelsi Velasco-Sanchez, a radical left-wing IndoLatinx artist whose work focuses on "justice" and "liberation," was living the dream at her first solo exhibition in Washington, D.C., until a thief ran off with two of her paintings.

• "I feel violated, and I’m grieving the lost art, but mostly I’m feeling shocked at the boldness and thoughtlessness of entering a community space, and stealing art that is all about justice and liberation," Velasco-Sanchez wrote in an Instagram post announcing the theft.

• One of the stolen paintings, valued at $200 each, was titled Bountiful: The Land of Thoughts and Prayers. It dealt with "gun violence and state sanctioned violence in the United States," the artist said on TikTok, a Chinese spyware app and social media platform.


PREMO Member
Right now, though, many on the left seem upset that conservatives are pointing out that the last two Democratic administrations have appeased and funded the terror states responsible for the attack that has killed hundreds, if not thousands, of Israelis and at least four nine Americans.

There is, most obviously, Joe Biden’s recent $6 billion gift to the mullahs.

“Not a single cent from these funds has been spent, and when it is spent, it can only be spent on things like food and medicine for the Iranian people,” a White House National Security Council spokeswoman said. This pathetic and pedantic deflection was repeated endlessly by the president’s defenders. Even a child understands the concept of fungibility. It is true that Hamas didn’t spend that exact funding on their terror proxies. Islamic fascists, like everyone else, make fiscal plans with an eye on future earnings and spending. And the hostage-taking business happens to be booming.

And no, the $6 billion was not “their money” — no more than the roughly $25 billion that the Biden administration let Iran walk away with by ignoring sanctions or the $10 billion it gave Iran via a waiver to Iraq was their money. Sanctions separated the terror state from its money. That’s the entire point.

The only thing more ludicrous than the notion of the mullahs abiding by an agreement with the United States is the idea that their buddies in Qatar, the country overseeing the funds, is going to make them spend their newfound cash on “humanitarian aid.”

Incidentally, do you know where Hamas leadership was hanging out when their squads began kidnapping young children, shooting the elderly, and raping and massacring women? In a hotel room in Qatar, where they were guests of the regime. Do you know who lifted Qatar to be a strategic partner of the United States last year? Clue: It was the same administration that rejoined the antisemitic UN Human Rights Council, which will be chaired by Ali Bahreini, ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Let’s also remember that in 2021, one of Biden’s first foreign policy moves was to overturn Trump-era policy and release hundreds of millions of dollars of funding to both Fatah and Hamas. That wasn’t all. In 2022, Biden sent an additional $316 million to the Palestinians. “Moderate” Fatah, which offers stipends to the families of Jew killers, was recently in talks to form a unity government with Hamas. These are the people Israelis are expected to hand a state.



PREMO Member

McCarthy warns the US could be next: Chaos at the southern border could have allowed terrorists to infiltrate America, former speaker warns, and calls on Biden to 'wake up'

  • Kevin McCarthy, who was ousted as speaker of the House on October 3, warned on Monday that the chaos at the U.S.-Mexico border could allow in terrorists
  • McCarthy told The Washington Free Beacon that he feared the U.S. could be confronted with the same terror attack as Israel faced this weekend
  • McCarthy laid the blame for the attack on Israel on Joe Biden, arguing that Biden's policies towards Iran enabled the Iran-backed Hamas to strike


PREMO Member

Blinken Asked Palestinian Authority to ‘Restore Calm’ as PA Justified Violence Against Israel

PJ Media’s Robert Spencer already explained how Biden is to blame in the Hamas onslaught, because he is the “ATM” for Palestinians and Iran. The U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs even released the stunningly tone-deaf statement (later removed after backlash) to the devastating terrorist attack, “We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.” In other words, Israel shouldn’t respond to the butchery of its civilians by radical terrorists. JihadWatch reported that the Biden administration had even approved $75 million for the Palestinians the day before the jihad offensive began!

The Biden State Department issued the following statement on Oct. 7 as the Hamas massacre unfolded:

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The Secretary reiterated the United States’ unequivocal condemnation of the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel, and called on all leadership in the region to condemn them. The Secretary urged the Palestinian Authority to continue and enhance steps to restore calm and stability in the West Bank.

So what does Abbas really think? Well, we know that as a terrorist army murdered civilians and fired thousands of rockets into Israel, Abbas bashed Israel and falsely framed Palestinians as victims of Israeli oppression. The Times of Israel, citing PA news agency Wafa, noted that Abbas didn’t even discuss the Hamas jihad attacks, preferring to whine about Israel instead. During a PA emergency leadership meeting, Abbas “gave instructions to provide protection for the Palestinian people, stressing the right of the Palestinian people to defend themselves against the terrorism of settlers and the occupation forces.” The terrorists are Hamas, not Israeli “settlers,” President Abbas.


PREMO Member
The report, called “The Biden Border Crisis: New Data and Testimony Show How the Biden Administration Opened the Southwest Border and Abandoned Interior Immigration Enforcement,” was released by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA).

“Between January 20, 2021, and March 31, 2023, the Biden Administration has removed from the United States only 5,993 illegal aliens who were encountered at the southwest border and who were placed in removal proceedings before an immigration judge during that time. In other words, of the at least 2.1 million aliens released into the United States since January 20, 2021, the Biden Administration has failed to remove, through immigration court removal proceedings, roughly 99.7 percent of those illegal aliens,” the report said.

The Republicans said that the statistics provided to them by the Department of Homeland Security indicated that “there is virtually no enforcement of our immigration laws.”



PREMO Member
“Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land and sea incursions—the most significant breach of Israel’s borders since the 1973 Yom Kippur War—those people said.” It goes on with more details worth reading, but, disturbingly, further down in the article, we find Secretary of State Anthony Blinken weirdly equivocating: “We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack, but there is certainly a long relationship.”

At the minimum, Mr. Blinken may fear acknowledgement of Iran’s role that, with that mounting American death toll, might appear a casus belli for the United States to attack Iran.

More likely, he is concerned it would redound poorly on the Biden administration and on Mr. Blinken himself for their Iran policy that recently resulted in the released $6 billion in sanctions to the world’s greatest sponsor of terrorism.

Mr. Blinken has been going everywhere insisting the $6 billion has not yet reached Iran, but that is at best deceptive and at worst a lie.

The money was transferred to Iran through Qatar that functioned for some time as the mullah’s financial conduit. Its status is therefore unknown and money, as we all know and Blinken fails to admit, is fungible.

Conservative Treehouse has much interesting information on how the Qatar “bank” actually works, and how it has enabled both Iran and Hamas over the years.

This was reiterated to me in a phone conversation I just had with an old friend of mine in Israel, Yigal Carmon, who says Qatar has long provided intelligence to Hamas.



PREMO Member

Did Mayorkas Just Confess To Multiple Felonies?

Look that over again. “Presently,” “immediate need,” “to prevent unlawful entries,” “expeditious construction.” That sort of language would suggest an immediate crisis, wouldn’t it?

But anyone who has taken Mayorkas at his word over the past three years would be puzzled by this. Hasn’t he reassured the nation, over and over, that the border was secure?

Indeed he has. The Washington Examiner notes just a few instances:

‘The border is secure,’ Mayorkas told us in April of this year, a month that included nearly 212,000 crossings. ‘Our borders are not open,’ he said a few weeks later in May after another 206,000 crossings. He said it in January of this year (157,000 crossings), May of last year (241,000 crossings), and March 2021 (his third month on the job, when border crossings nearly doubled to 173,000).
As recently as this May, Mayorkas was bragging that there’d been “a 50% drop in the number of encounters versus what we were experiencing earlier in the week.”

Ok, so what? There’s no law against lying to the public, right?


But there is a law against lying under oath to Congress. And Mayorkas repeatedly testified – emphatically and unreservedly – that the border is secure. A sampling we’ve compiled:

  • March 17, 2021: “The border is secure and the border is not open.”
  • Sept. 22, 2021: “The border is secure. We’re executing our plan.”
  • April 28, 2022: Rep. Chip Roy: “Will you testify under oath that we have operational control of the border?” Mayorkas: “We do.”
  • May 2, 2022: Rep. Michael Guest: “Are you testifying as you sit here today that the Southwest border is secure?” Mayorkas: “Yes, I am.”
  • Nov. 15, 2022: North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop: “Secretary Mayorkas, do you continue to maintain that the border is secure?” Mayorkas: “Yes, and we are working day in and day out to enhance security, congressman.”
  • April 19, 2023: “It is my testimony that the border is secure.”
  • July 26, 2023: “Our approach to managing the borders securely and humanely — even within our fundamentally broken immigration system — is working.”


PREMO Member
"This attack this massacre, this horrific assault on Israel, was funded by Iran. Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian proxies. They work for Iran. They work under the direction of Iran. They are funded by Iran. The Wall Street Journal reported this weekend that these attacks were planned, were signed off on by the Iranian government," Cruz shared. The role that the Biden administration played does not merely have to do with that $6 billion payment, though.

"And in the last two and a half years, Joe Biden and this White House are responsible for $50 billion flowing to Iran. And let me break that down. Because the corporate media does not want to cover that," he pointed out. "Everyone acknowledges the $6 billion. The $6 billion is the ransom money that Joe Biden paid to get five Americans out of Iranian custody. At $6 billion, that's $1.2 billion per American. That set a bounty on Americans of over a billion dollars," Cruz continued.

"That means Americans in the future will be taken hostage but, the $6 billion is just a fraction of the cash that Joe Biden has flooded into Iran. Because a few weeks before the $6 billion, the Biden administration allowed $10 billion from Iraq to flow into Iran. That brings it up to $16 billion in cash that directly flowed into Iran. But that doesn't cover it all. Because for two years, the Biden administration has refused to enforce American oil sanctions," he outlined further. "The single most powerful economic weapon we have against this theocratic genocidal regime in Iran is sanctions that were shutting down their oil sales that under the Trump administration that had brought the Iranian economy to its knees and crippled it."

Ted Cruz Speaks Hard Truths on Hamas' Attack on Israel: 'Paid for By Joe Biden and the Democrats'



PREMO Member

The kids are running the classroom

The Democratic Party is in a state of rhetorical paralysis. This weekend, as Palestinian terrorists streamed across the Israeli border, the White House maintained hours of thunderous silence. On Saturday, the Biden administration released a few limp paragraphs to the effect that “terrorism is never justified” and “Israel has a right to defend itself and its people.” This, after an uninterrupted outpouring of financial and oratorical support for Ukraine, is weak tea. But as the head of a party that is being overrun in not-so-slow motion by a vigorous young coterie of anti-Israel extremists, what more could Joe Biden say?

What he should have said — what any decent person, irrespective of his more nuanced views on Middle Eastern politics, should be able at a bare minimum to muster — is that Hamas has exhibited a kind of savagery and cowardice more befitting of beasts than men. Charging into civilian territory, executing women and children at point-blank range, brandishing mutilated bodies like ghoulish trophies to the hooting and bawling of gore-hungry crowds: these twisted acts of barbarism should be unstintingly condemned — and quickly. That ought to be the easy part.

Amazingly, Democrats now find themselves constrained to tread lightly around the feelings of cold-blooded murderers so as to avoid offending their deranged apologists — many of whom represent the future of the party. Biden — who is already contending with the awkward fact of having recently bestowed a cool $6 billion on the eliminationist Iranian regime, thus making it indirectly into Hamas’s acknowledgments section — can’t even run effective damage control. His loudest supporters are also the ones whose views are most likely to alienate the country at large. His own people can barely get on message. On Saturday, the State Department scrambled to erase not one, but two statements calling for “all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks.” With bright-eyed young staffers popping off tweets like that, who needs enemies? Disingenuous conciliatory pablum — usually Biden’s stock-in-trade — will now be harder and harder to come by as the genocide stans run roughshod over their senescent babysitter.


PREMO Member

From Trump to Congress, Hamas attacks on Israel boomerang on Biden and his Iran policy

“The Biden Administration has brought nothing but chaos and destruction because of their weakness and incompetence,” House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik said late Saturday.

In Iowa, multiple Republican presidential candidates took time from busy campaign stops to blame Biden and his policies for the Iranian-backed Hamas attacks.

“Four years ago we had the Abraham Accords and today we have Israel being attacked…the only difference is, I believe, is the difference between one president and another president,” former President Donald Trump, said from the podium in Des Moines.

The military-style terrorist attacks Saturday on Israeli civilians came less than a month after Trump warned that Biden’s release of the $6 billion in frozen funds to Iran as part of a hostage swap, would unleash new terror attacks in the Middle East.

Conservative pundits were quick to point out Trump’s prediction had come true.

“A month ago Trump predicted the $6 Billion that Biden gave Iran would be used for terror attacks across the Middle East and specifically kidnapping,” conservative TV host Jack Posobiec tweeted on X. “This is exactly what we are seeing in Israel this morning.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who served in the military, called on Americans to unite behind Israel, while blaming Biden for his appeasement to Iran.

“Iran has helped fund this war against Israel and Joe Biden's policies that have gone easy on Iran has helped to fill their coffers. Israel is now paying the price for those policies,” DeSantis said.


PREMO Member

Leftists Want the Same Massacre to Happen Here

They want you dead, horribly. Your family as well. Too bad if the truth scares you. You can deny it, but you’re only fooling yourself – and probably not even yourself.

How do I know they want us dead? They tell me on social media, where the fellow travelers of the brave warriors who take on unarmed women and children cheer on the atrocities. What do you think they mean by “decolonialization”? They mean you deceased. But they also tell us by their actions. Why do you think that Soros DAs free rapists and murderers? Why do you think they only vigorously pursue their political enemies and those who use self-defense to protect themselves from criminals? Why do you think they are dedicated to seeing us disarmed? We’re not murdering people – and they do not care about the people who actually are. Their top priority is to see that we do not have the means to protect ourselves – via cops, via the legal system, or via our guns. There is only one possible conclusion for anyone who is not in willful denial. It’s just hard for some people to accept, but take a look at the people giddy over Hamas’s savagery and you cannot come to any other conclusion. Do you think someone who wants to make sure you cannot fight back wants you alive or dead? Because wanting you defenseless is only consistent with wanting you dead.

At least we still have guns. The Israeli families did not have guns – contrary to popular belief, owning a gun was nearly impossible in Israel until they saw the light over the last few days. And that foolishness got hundreds killed. Even a couple guys with rifles – most adult Israelis have served – could have changed the whole dynamic. You have seen the videos taken by terrified future victims of the cowards strolling through the towns without a care in the world. But imagine someone engaging them from a building with an M4. Outgunned? Yeah, he would be – unless all the citizens had a gun, like in Texas. The fact is that when there is return fire, the situation changes dramatically for the attackers – and it did where armed Israelis confronted them. When they come under fire, instead of walking from house to house butchering kids and grandmas they have to take cover and engage the shooter(s). Remember how two half-wits with handguns shut down Boston? Armed citizens turn the tables on packs of semihuman savages.


..if momma ain't happy...
At least we still have guns. The Israeli families did not have guns – contrary to popular belief, owning a gun was nearly impossible in Israel until they saw the light over the last few days. And that foolishness got hundreds killed. Even a couple guys with rifles – most adult Israelis have served – could have changed the whole dynamic. You have seen the videos taken by terrified future victims of the cowards strolling through the towns without a care in the world. But imagine someone engaging them from a building with an M4. Outgunned? Yeah, he would be – unless all the citizens had a gun, like in Texas. The fact is that when there is return fire, the situation changes dramatically for the attackers – and it did where armed Israelis confronted them. When they come under fire, instead of walking from house to house butchering kids and grandmas they have to take cover and engage the shooter(s). Remember how two half-wits with handguns shut down Boston? Armed citizens turn the tables on packs of semihuman savages.



Well-Known Member
The Iranians get closer and closer to having an Atomic Bomb. Why do they want such a thing? I believe the answer is so they can use it.
No one knows how much this war will escalate, Will Iran become actually a part of the war? If so then it is time now to eliminate all chance of their getting a bomb and eliminate the disturbing fact that Iran keeps supporting terrorists. We speak of changing the structure of other countries, if any country ever needed change it is Iran. get the bloodthirsty old Mullahs out of there and put in a regime that uses the natural resources of Iran for good instead of the devils work they now spread over the middle east.