Biden's America Last Program


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DHS sued over college program that linked conservative groups to neo-Nazis

Heritage’s attorneys said they hope the lawsuit will determine whether the group had “been targeted by DHS” as it had been compared to “some of the most foul and noxious organizations in the United States.”

“DHS does not profile, target, or discriminate against any individual for exercising their constitutional rights protected by the First Amendment,” a DHS spokesperson told The Post.

“The Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevent Grant Program has been administered across several administrations and it provides funding for communities to expand their prevention and intervention activities or address gaps in current prevention capabilities.”

The agency told Heritage on Aug. 9 that the FOIA search results were “voluminous” and asked for the group to narrow its request.

Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization

The program linked the conservative group, Fox News and the Republican Party to militant neo-Nazi groups.Media Research Center
Homeland Security approved the funding in fiscal year 2022 as part of its Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program, saying the money would help “develop and implement modules on the risks of and protective factors for radicalization to violence related to media literacy and online critical thinking for students.”

Dayton’s PREVENTS-OH program took the grant after holding a seminar at the university’s Human Rights Center that featured a “pyramid of far-right radicalization” connecting mainstream conservative organizations with neo-Nazis.
Do they have a Pyramid of Far-Left Radicalization?


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. The poll captures a crisis of faith that I have been writing about for over a decade as an academic and a commentator. Many now question democracy as a sustainable system of government. It represents the single greatest threat to this nation: a citizenry that has lost faith not just with our system of government but with each other.
I've noticed this at least since Reagan. It's not enough anymore to disagree, lampoon your opponents or call them names.

When you cannot persuade people to your side on an issue simply on the merits of your beliefs - you resort to demonizing the opposition.

Sadly, this has a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy aspect to it - when you openly declare your opponent is a demon as an existential threat - everything's on the table, including violence. Then when violence goes unpunished, it breeds more.

How does it end? Well it used to be we had statesman in charge of the government, and media that understood that an agitated population was dangerous. Leaders would caution people and not label who sections of the population as enemies. The media would editorialize that we need to calm down and let it work out.

Now, it seems that it gets votes and gets web traffic. Did they think it would turn out differently?


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Biden’s White House Will Not Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Foreign Students

After a number of Republicans urged Biden’s State Department to revoke the visas of pro-Hamas foreign students who hold F-1 visas, National Security Council (NSC) spokesman John Kirby said the administration will not do so.

An exchange at a White House briefing went as follows:

REPORTER: There’s been an uptick on the right among some Republicans who have called for students or foreign nationals who are demonstrating in some of these pro-Palestine demonstrations or, you know, allegedly pro-Hamas demonstrations to have their student visas pulled or to face deportation. What is the administration’s remark — response to those kinds of remarks and that kind of rhetoric? Is that an overreaction? [Emphasis added]
KIRBY: That … I would just tell you that you don’t have to agree with every sentiment that is expressed in a free country like this to stand by … the idea [of] the First Amendment and the idea of peaceful protest. I’ll leave it at that. [Emphasis added]


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Joe Biden has blown up the world

By Patricia McCarthy

“It does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
—Samuel Adams

On day one of the Biden administration, he canceled the Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of skilled workers out of work. Over the ensuing months, he canceled oil leases, stopped fracking, and drained our strategic oil reserve. All this was surely intentional; he means to starve the American people of energy, making what is available more expensive by the day. Like Obama, he means to transform America, and not in a good way.

The most catastrophic stunt Biden pulled was the tragically ill conceived withdrawal from Afghanistan. He left billions in state-of-the-art military equipment to the Taliban along with the Bagram Air Base, which sits close to China. Thirteen young American patriots were killed by the sheer ineptitude of their leaders. This tragic maneuver telegraphed Biden’s, and thus America’s, weakness to every leader in the world. Russia thought taking Ukraine’s Russian-speaking border regions would be a cakewalk. Our careless warmongers in the Biden administration thought their puppet-of-the-oligarchs Zelensky would easily defeat Russia with billions of U.S. dollars. The military complex wanted that war. All of that went awry. Here we are a year and a half later; Ukraine has lost half a million people and is still begging for billions more in aid. None of this would have happened if Trump had been in office.

Biden has grossly exacerbated the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI that began under Obama. What those agencies have done to President Trump, to any conservative they view as a threat to their power, and to the hundreds of innocent people who were present at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 is right out of Mao’s Little Red Book. Persons who have done nothing wrong have been denied due process and sentenced to absurd terms in prison while the violent offenders of Antifa and BLM commit grievous crimes and are not charged. This administration foments chaos at every opportunity and relishes punishing political opponents.



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Instantly, the proposal divided leaders in the black community, some of whom called the rule racist. Rev. Al Sharpton argued that a ban would have “unintended consequences” and would give law enforcement another reason to target black Americans. Democratic Virginia Rep. Donald McEachin said the ban would “disproportionately impact African-Americans” while having “economic and criminal justice implications.”

While voicing similar concerns that the ban could increase crime and incarceration rates, Maj. Neill Franklin, a retired law enforcement veteran of the Maryland State Police and Baltimore Police Department, told the Daily Caller that the policy is not popular among black adults and the move could cause Biden to lose some of the community’s support due to a feel they’re being patronized.
“The black community and the Latino community, I think [the Biden-Harris campaign] runs the risk of losing votes from there because I think primarily what it is, is a similar scenario to the 1980s crime bill, and that just not paying attention to what can potentially happen,” Franklin told the Daily Caller.

“These are adults, black adults, that are not happy with this policy. Why are you taking their ability away from them to use menthol cigarettes? It’s clear that this is focused upon the black community and these are adults who know the dangers of smoking, but yet, why is the government trying to be their parent?”



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Joe Biden’s Green Energy Flop: Automakers Realize Americans Are Not Buying Electric Vehicles

GM CEO Mary Barra told investors in October that the automaker is abandoning its goals to produce 400,000 EVs from 2022 through mid-2024. Similarly, GM will delay retooling its plant in Orion Township, Michigan, to build EV pickup trucks.

Meanwhile, Tesla has seen a dip in net income, which came in at $1.85 billion in the third quarter. At the same time in 2022, net income for the electric automaker was $3.29 billion. As a result, Tesla is planning to delay its production plant set for Mexico.

At Mercedes-Benz, EVs are so hard to sell that the automaker is having to effectively put them on clearance at enormously discounted prices to get them off dealership lots, according to Business Insider:

Meanwhile, Mercedes-Benz — which is having to discount its EVs by several thousand dollars just to get them in customers’ hands — isn’t mincing words about the state of the EV market. [Emphasis added]
“This is a pretty brutal space,” CFO Harald Wilhelm said on an analyst call. “I can hardly imagine the current status quo is fully sustainable for everybody.” [Emphasis added]
But Mercedes isn’t the only one; almost all current EV product is going for under sticker price these days, and on top of that, some EVs are seeing manufacturer’s incentives of nearly 10%. [Emphasis added]


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The federal government is sitting on millions of square feet of unused office space.

That's the upshot of a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which found that even before the COVID-19 pandemic cleared out offices and introduced much of the country to remote work, "federal agencies have long struggled to determine how much office space they need to fulfill their missions."

"The federal government owns over 460 million square feet of office space that costs billions annually to operate and maintain," the report notes.

The GAO surveyed the 24 federal agencies that use most of the federal government's buildings; these included the Departments of State, Commerce, Justice, Transportation, Homeland Security, and Education, as well as agencies like the Social Security Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency. Then, the GAO calculated the square footage of each agency's headquarters compared to its average in-person attendance during one week each in January, February, and March 2023.

The report found that, on average, 17 of the 24 agencies surveyed used 25 percent or less of the available space in their headquarters buildings. Even agencies on the higher end only averaged between 40 percent and 49 percent.



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The federal government is sitting on millions of square feet of unused office space.

That's the upshot of a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which found that even before the COVID-19 pandemic cleared out offices and introduced much of the country to remote work, "federal agencies have long struggled to determine how much office space they need to fulfill their missions."

"The federal government owns over 460 million square feet of office space that costs billions annually to operate and maintain," the report notes.

The GAO surveyed the 24 federal agencies that use most of the federal government's buildings; these included the Departments of State, Commerce, Justice, Transportation, Homeland Security, and Education, as well as agencies like the Social Security Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency. Then, the GAO calculated the square footage of each agency's headquarters compared to its average in-person attendance during one week each in January, February, and March 2023.

The report found that, on average, 17 of the 24 agencies surveyed used 25 percent or less of the available space in their headquarters buildings. Even agencies on the higher end only averaged between 40 percent and 49 percent.

Has anyone suggested housing the illegals there .? Since the Biden govt made the situation worse, those govt people should share the problem.


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100 Syrians, 50 Iranians Cross Biden’s Open Border in October, Says Source

The Syrian and Iranian migrants were apprehended in multiple sectors across the southwest border during October. The latest arrest of an Iranian national by the Border Patrol occurred near Eagle Pass, Texas, on Saturday. The Iranian national was discovered within a single group of more than 300 that crossed into the small border city. A debrief of the Iranian migrant is pending as of press time, according to the source.

The source says the continued encounter of Syrian and Iranian nationals is more concerning considering the recent U.S. air strikes against Iran-linked sites in Syria in response to drone and missile attacks on U.S. military bases in the region. According to the source, the arrivals of Special Interest Migrants at the southwest border are appearing with little to no advance intelligence warning.

“We are receiving no advance warning of the arrival of Special Interest Migrants from the region with any specificity,” the source explained. “We are left to sort through the grab-bag of migrants in small and large groups to figure out who is in the group and why they are coming.”


The Syrian and Iranian Special Interest Migrants are mostly single adult males. Both countries are subject to travel warnings by the U.S. State Department. The State Department has issued a Level-4 advisory regarding travel to Syria due to terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, armed conflict, and the risk of unjust detention.

Iran is also subject to a Level-4 travel warning by the State Department due to the risk of kidnapping and the arbitrary arrest and detention of U.S. citizens.

The source says, absent any significant intelligence indicting a Special Interest migrant may pose a known threat to the United States, they are generally released into the U.S. to pursue asylum claims.

As reported by Breitbart Texas, more than 61,000 Special Interest Migrants were encountered by the Border Patrol in Fiscal Year 2023, which ended on September 30. The number of migrants from Special Interest countries climbed by more than 140 percent from Fiscal Year 2022, when more than 25,500 were apprehended. In all, more than 86,000 Special Interest migrants have illegally entered the United States in the previous two fiscal years.


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Biden’s Migrant Mobile App Helps Free Thousands of Foreign Nationals into U.S. from Terrorism-Linked Countries

“New records released to the Center for Immigration Studies last week as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit reveal that the Biden administration has been authorizing thousands of [special interest aliens] for escorted entries through land ports along the border since at least May 2021, using ‘CBP One’ online interfaces such as a mobile phone app,” CIS’s Todd Bensman reported:

Using this program, the administration has authorized the paroles into the country of some 7,332 [special interest aliens] from 24 of the roughly 35-40 U.S.-designated countries, including smatterings from Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, but the largest numbers coming from Muslim-majority former Soviet republics in Central Asia such as the Kyrgyz Republic, also known as Kyrgyzstan, (3,852) and Uzbekistan (1,843). [Emphasis added]
These government-sanctioned [special interest alien] entries are very different from the surprise illegal border crossings of [special interest aliens] with which homeland security officials traditionally have had to contend in that these ones are pre-approved before their escorted port of entry crossings, their names and biometrics ostensibly having been run through criminal database checks (though such checks have been panned as grossly inadequate). [Emphasis added]


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FBI Director Testifies Threat of Antisemitism Reaching ‘Historic Levels’

“I will say that this is a threat that is reaching in some ways sort of historic levels, in part because, as you know all too well, the Jewish community is targeted by terrorists really across the spectrum,” Wray said before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. “In fact, our statistics would indicate that for a group that represents only about 2.4 percent of the American public, they account for something like 60 percent of all religious-faith hate crimes.”

The FBI director added his agency is doing its part to tackle the rise in antisemitism, particularly through its Joint Terrorism Task Forces and hate-crime investigations. He assured the committee that “we’re seeing the full landscape and doing our best to be proactive in this space.”

Wray’s comments come amid a significant uptick in antisemitic threats on college campuses and in cities across the U.S. following Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack on Israel.

The rise in antisemitic bigotry also prompted the Virginia governor to act. On Tuesday, Governor Glenn Youngkin (R., Va.) signed an executive directive designed to combat antisemitism in Virginia and the state’s schools.


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Professional Butt Covering – FBI Director Chris Wray Predicts Domestic and/or Foreign Inspired Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil

October 31, 2023 | Sundance | 269 Comments

Drop the pretense. If you watch this testimony through the prism of the FBI knowing that domestic violent extremists, Hamas sympathizers and extremist elements of Islam, have been protected by political correctness, and if you accept the Obama administration and the professional political left are aligned specifically with Islamic interests, as expressed by the Muslim Brotherhood (ex CAIR), then this statement today by terrorism manager, FBI Director Chris Wray, looks exactly like what it is – ass covering.

Wray knows the likelihood for a domestic terrorist uprising is higher now than ever before, in part due to the open border risk created by the Obama/Biden administration. This strong likelihood is exactly what our “Slowly at First” (SAF) discussions are all about. The number of extremist elements aligned in support of Hamas is visible in the protests that have erupted nationwide. Director Wray knows this, and he is covering his butt.

The culturally Marxist FBI organization does not and will not do anything to block, impede or stop any terrorist attack that comes from an ideologically protected category of personage. This is why past terror attacks were successful, and how FBI supported domestic terror networks like Antifa are able to operate without concern.

I find it interesting that Director Wray indirectly cites 2011 Operation Red Coalition, as part of his historic context for the involvement of Iran in carrying out assassination efforts inside the U.S. Those assassins came into the USA through the southern border as illegal aliens.


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‘Wake Up, It Is a Time to Be Concerned’: FBI Director Wray Issues Stark Warning at Committee Hearing

"What has now increased is the greater possibility of one of these foreign terrorist organizations directing an attack in the United States," Wray told senators on the committee. "We haven't seen evidence that it's actually happening yet, but what we have seen is — and I listed them off in my opening remarks — one terrorist organization after another calling for attacks," he explained. "We should wake up, it is a time to be concerned — we are in a dangerous period."

Below is Wray's opening on the FBI's assessment that "the actions of Hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration, the likes of which we haven't seen since ISIS launched its so-called caliphate several years ago."

maybe stop looking at Catholics and other Christians as the problem


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'Where's the American intelligence?': Migrant caravan leader slams Biden for failing to realize Latin America is 'conspiring against the US' to create the immigration crisis - as 5,000-strong group heads to the border

  • Irineo Mujica, a U.S. citizen who describes himself as a human rights defender, is leading a caravan of 5,000 migrants through Mexico to the U.S. border
  • Mujica said the Biden administration was being played for fools by Latin American leaders, who control migration and extract cash from Washington
  • Mujica said that he preferred Donald Trump's clarity on the border, and said the current situation was 'inhumane'

Irineo Mujica, a U.S. citizen who describes himself as a human rights defender, told Real America's Voice he was 'shocked' that Joe Biden was being played by Mexico's president and other regional leaders, and said the White House 'has a lot to learn'.

Mujica repeatedly said Biden has 'dropped the ball', and said he preferred Donald Trump because his policy on the border was clear.

'This is being used by the countries to make sure they get what they want from the United States,' said Mujica.

'I am completely stunned. Joe Biden has lost the ball. Where is the American intelligence?

'Don't they know all the countries are conspiring against the United States to make sure they have this crisis be made?

'They make the baby, now they try to sell it.'


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“The White House Admitted Hamas Is Holding Nearly 500 Americans Hostage in Gaza”: Sen. Marsha Blackburn Calls Out Biden and Jake Sullivan

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) spoke the plain truth about the nearly 500 Americans in Gaza not being allowed to leave by Hamas: They are being held hostage by the Islamist Palestinian terrorist group. The nearly 500 are in addition to the “less than ten” Americans known to have been taken hostage in the October 7 terror attack by Hamas on Israel. The Biden administration has said Hamas has been making demands for their release that the U.S. is not prepared to meet.

Only two American have been allowed to leave Hamas-controlled Gaza since the October 7 attack that saw 1,400 Israelis and 33 Americans killed. Over 200 Israelis and “less than ten” Americans were taken hostage in the attack and are being held by Hamas. Four hostages have been released: the two Americans referenced above and two Israelis. One Israeli was rescued this week by the IDF and Shin Bet.