Biden's America Last Program


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Senator JD Vance Vows to Block All DOJ Nominees While Biden Uses Weaponized Justice to Target Political Opposition​

November 1, 2023 | Sundance | 178 Comments

More of this is needed. Today, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin (D) and Ohio Senator JD Vance (R) confronted each other in the upper chamber over DOJ nominees that Senator Vance refuses to advance with unanimous consent.

Durbin was furious at the blocks JD Vance was putting in front of the Joe Biden nominees for U.S. Attorney and criticized Vance for campaigning on “law and order” while blocking those DOJ nominees advanced by Durbin. In response, Senator Vance delivered remarks promising to block every DOJ nomination as long as Joe Biden continues weaponizing Main Justice and the USAO nominations to target his political opposition. WATCH [prompted to the Vance response]:



PREMO Member

Nothing To See Here: Democrats’ Continued Attacks on Americans’ Rights, from Freedom of Speech to the Right To Keep And Bear Arms

And other things the media under-reported last week.

All your guns are belong to us, wail the Democrats and their propagandist media arm in the wake of any shooting, and the recent Maine shooting by a known threat (he apparently told anyone who would listen that he was going to shoot up some place and lots of people) was no exception. They fail, as always, to understand not only the laws in place (and unenforced) but the Constitution of these United States.

Ridiculous tyrant-wannabe Sen. Amy Klobucher (D-MN) is on a mission to ensure that there is no dissent anywhere on the internet. Democrats and their media hactivist liars are convinced that we would believe their absolute hackery and lies if only we didn’t have access to anything else. They truly believe we cannot think for ourselves, hold any ideas we didn’t glean online, or think a single thought not fed to us by some by media or government hack. It’s beyond insulting.

Glenn Greenwald: “Sen. Klobuchar Pressures Amazon to Blacklist Rumble/Substack.”

Newsbusters: “Lawmakers Pressure Amazon to Censor Alexa’s So-Called ‘Election Misinformation’”

Matt Taibbi makes the case for making Klobucher “the face of the digital censorship movement,” and it’s hard to argue with his logic: “Note to Readers: On ‘Project Amy’.”

The Biden administration, getting a pass from SCOTUS for some unfathomable reason, is already gearing up to silence speech it dislikes.

Hot Air: “FTC to Use Child Psychologists to Regulate Social Media”

They are well and truly shocked to learn that years of suppression of conservative voices didn’t win a single heart or mind to their crazy. That’s why they are in such a tizzy about Elon Musk buying Twitter and unleashing (however modestly) non-Democrat, non-leftist, non-woke voices. They didn’t hear us, so they deluded themselves into believing we were with them.



PREMO Member

Nothing to See Here: Illegal Border-Crossers Caught with Explosives

Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) claims that illegal immigrants have been busted crossing the border with explosives, which according to Barrasso were "tailor-made for terrorism."

FACTO-EL-RAMO During September 2023, 269,735 illegal immigrants crossed into the United States, the most for a single month in history of the Southern border.

Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.) joined Barrasso on the border trip and to a press conference where Barrasso revealed that roughly eight million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since *President Joe Biden "won" the White House.

"We have just returned from our southern border, and it is painfully clear that with Joe Biden's open border policy, our country is really at an increased threat for a terrorist attack," Barrasso declared at Tuesday's presser, referring to the improvised explosive devices (IED) as roughly the size of cannonballs.

AMMO-RAMA! Civil War-era cannonballs came in many sizes and weights. It wasn't clear what size Barrasso was talking about.

Ricketts spoke at the press conference and stated that 18 people from the terror watch list were snagged at the border in September. No one knows how many snuck in undetected. A total of 172 terror suspects were busted in all of fiscal year 2022.


PREMO Member

Kirby Grilled Over Biden Praising Qatar While They Harbor Hamas Terrorist Leaders

“The leader of Hamas lives in Qatar,” Doocy noted. “So, why is President Biden thanking them for anything?”

“Oh, geez, Peter,” Kirby responded. “Take a step back here and look at this.”

Hamas is “a terrorist group that killed Americans and kidnapped Americans within the last month,” Doocy fired back.

Kirby claimed that Qatar had been helpful in getting two Americans released and that the country “has lines of communication with Hamas that almost nobody else has” because of how close they are.

Kirby continued by noting how ruthless Hamas was and how it is nearly impossible to deal with them because of how hell-bent they are on destroying Israel at all costs.

“You’re making my point here,” Doocy responded. “If Qatar is so helpful, why aren’t we asking them to hand over the leader of this terrorist group?”


PREMO Member

Medicare Advantage is great. Except for taxpayers

Yet Medicare Advantage has drawbacks — notably, its exorbitant cost. Government reports show the program routinely overcharges taxpayers relative to original Medicare — to the tune of $27 billion this year alone — at a time when the system’s solvency is at risk.

With more than half of enrollees now covered by Medicare Advantage — a share expected to grow briskly — the program could well displace traditional Medicare in the coming years. A better balance between the interests of beneficiaries and taxpayers will be critical for it to thrive as it should.

Private alternatives to traditional Medicare have existed since the program’s inception in 1966. Congress established what’s now called Medicare Advantage three decades ago to offer seniors more choice and (in theory) to keep Medicare’s ballooning budget in check. The government would pay commercial insurers to deliver more efficient care, the thinking went.

But Medicare Advantage has never saved the government money. Congress’ internal advisory committee estimates overpayment to Medicare Advantage plans will reach hundreds of billions of dollars in the decade through 2033. Independent researchers have found that insurers make more than double per patient in the program compared with individual or employer-sponsored plans. Last year, a major commercial insurer announced it would exit the market to focus exclusively on its MA business.

How did Medicare Advantage become, as one study put it, a “money machine”? (Or, less charitably, a “great big rip-off”?)


PREMO Member

‘He Sees All White People as Racist’: Military Assessment Criticizes Air Force Colonel’s Leadership

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Col. Ben Jonsson, an Air Force officer who accused his fellow “white colonels” of being “blind to institutional racism,” is the subject of blistering criticism from subordinates at MacDill Air Force Base, where he served as commander from 2020 to 2022.


The Daily Signal’s previous reporting on Jonsson’s views on diversity, equity, and inclusion—and his endorsement of a book on critical race theory—sparked concerns among conservatives.

The reporting also prompted The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project to request a Defense Department “climate” assessment completed during Jonsson’s leadership of MacDill Air Force Base. As a result of a request under the Freedom of Information Act, the Oversight Project obtained the so-called Defense Organizational Climate Survey and shared it with The Daily Signal, which is Heritage’s news outlet.

Responses to this “climate” survey of Jonsson’s leadership, included below, paint a picture of his tenure and concerns about his views on DEI and CRT. The survey, completed in January 2022, was conducted anonymously.

“I trust [squadron and group] commanders, but not Col. Jonsson. He has bias in [equal opportunity] and [judge advocate] matters especially if someone is white,” one respondent stated. “He wants anyone white to feel ashamed.”

Survey respondents also said skin color was a factor in opportunities for promotion.

“Wing hiring practices are not based on [the] most qualified person, but focus solely on perception of diversity,” one comment states.

Another adds: “The core of promotion, advancement and opportunities must be performance based … period [but] that is not what we do at MacDill.”


PREMO Member

Illegal Alien, Wanted for Terrorism, Arrested Near One World Trade Center Had Been Freed into U.S. by Biden’s DHS

Just this week, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeatedly told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that illegal aliens who are “national security threats” are promptly arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and deported.

Despite Mayorkas’ assertion, an illegal alien — from either the Islamic Republic of Mauritania or Senegal — arrived at the United States–Mexico border on Oct. 3 near Lukeville, Arizona. The illegal alien was given a Notice to Appear (NTA) before a federal immigration judge and released into the United States interior.

A week later, ICE agents in New York City were notified by Homeland Security Investigations agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Counter Terrorism Division that the illegal alien was wanted in Senegal for terrorist activities.

At that point, the illegal alien had traveled to New York City, a sanctuary jurisdiction that refuses to work with ICE agents seeking to have criminal illegal aliens deported.

About a week after ICE agents were notified of the illegal alien’s warrants in Senegal for terrorism, they arrested him outside 26 Federal Plaza in Lower Manhattan — just a few blocks from One World Trade Center.

The illegal alien remains in ICE custody and is awaiting deportation.


PREMO Member
🔥 Enjoy this delightful clip of Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) running intellectual rings around a three-star Air Force general who was trying to defend diversity.

image 4.png

The general hung in there at first, weathering withering incoming fire in the form of Goetz’s questions as to whether the Ukrainian or Russian armies are diverse. Then Representative Gaetz got the general in a kill box, after the general fired off the weak argument that a country’s army should resemble its population. Gaetz sprang the ambush trap!

If it’s true the army should look like the population, then the armed forces should be trying hardest to recruit heterosexual white men. Case closed. General confounded.

But my very favorite bit was toward the end of the clip (although it’s all good):

GAETZ: Do you know what ‘demigender’ really means?

GENERAL: Uh, I’m not really sure, sir.

GAETZ: Right. So do you know what agender means? All one word. Not a-space-gender, but ‘agender.’

GENERAL: Sir, I don't.

GAETZ: Right.

Yeah. None of us know what those stupid words mean either. What a great way to run the military, what with World War III looming over the horizon. Whatever. I think the general must be demigender. If he were a legit man, he would have just told Gaetz, “this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever been forced to do but I’m doing my best to follow orders.”

Can we please flush out these diversity simps and put some real warriors in charge, before it’s too late? Asking for a friend.



PREMO Member

Biden Plan Seeks to Have Millions of Illegal Aliens ‘Check-In’ Annually After Release into U.S.

RJ Hauman, president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), told Breitbart News that the latest details regarding RRM show “the entire goal” is to ensure there “is no real monitoring of illegal aliens for the duration of their removal proceedings, all while doling out taxpayer-funded social services in the meantime.”

“It must be stopped,” Hauman said.

According to former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan, Tickler-McNulty is among a number of bureaucrats looking to dismantle the agency’s enforcement powers from within.

“My sources at ICE tell me that Trickler-McNulty is behind the administration’s shift from using strong compliance and tracking technologies to social service programs, and she is also attempting to close immigration detention facilities, lest we deport anyone with final orders,” Homan wrote in an exclusive op-ed for Breitbart News.

“In an unprecedented move, ICE gave her power over all enforcement contracts, and she has used the past three years to redirect the agency mission toward NGO-delivered welfare services for those coming here illegally,” Homan wrote.


PREMO Member

‘Are You Worried?’: Fox Host Confronts John Kirby Over Potential Terrorists Who ‘Slip Through’ Border

Fox News host Neil Cavuto pressed White House spokesman John Kirby on Monday about Hamas sympathizers sneaking through the U.S.-Mexico border after a deadly terrorist attack in Israel.

The Justice Department secured an indictment against Sohaib Abuayyash, a 20-year-old Palestinian who was in the United States illegally, on a federal firearms charge Friday. “Do you feel there’s a threat that some nefarious elements, including Hamas members or those sympathetic or inspired by Hamas, to do the same thing here?” Cavuto asked Kirby, referencing the Oct. 7 attack on multiple locations in southern Israel carried out by the radical Islamic terrorist group, and he added: “That maybe they snuck through the border and are here?”

An Oct. 20 memo from the San Diego Field Office Intelligence Division of Customs and Border Protection warned that Hamas and Hezbollah could be infiltrating into the United States through the U.S.-Mexico border. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas was unable to say how many members of the radical Islamic terrorist organizations may have entered the United States through the southern border during testimony at a Senate hearing Tuesday.


PREMO Member

Democrats Finally Realizing That Biden 2020 Was a Horrible Idea

The Democratic power players in this country are finally being open about the fact that they have a Joe Biden problem.

Baby steps.

Mr. Green wrote an interesting bit of analysis yesterday about the unharmonious convergence of reality that the Democrats are facing all because they got their wish in 2020.

It begins with some unsettling polling numbers that have the Dem back rooms engaged in a perpetual wiping of the flop sweat. I don't get too moved by polls, but if the public polling is already heading down a dark alley for the Democrats, the internal polls must be launching a few ulcers.

Where Stephen's column gets really intriguing is when shares the thoughts of Obama underboss David Axelrod, who is warming up a bus under which he can throw President LOLEightyonemillion:

Biden has "defied CW [conventional wisdom] before," Axelrod tweeted, but Volpe's numbers "will send tremors of doubt through the party — not 'bed-wetting,' but legitimate concern."
Translation: "We aren't panicking over one bad poll; we see you taking us all down with you."
"The greatest concern is that his biggest liability is the one thing he can't change," because Biden isn't getting any younger. "Among all the unpredictables there is one thing that is sure: the age arrow only points in one direction."
Translation: "President Kamala Harris" polls even worse than Biden does.
Here's where Axelrod slips in the shiv: "If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it's in HIS best interest or the country's?"
Translation: "Country" in this context means "Democrat party."
"There is little time left for a primary campaign," Axelrod concluded, "and campaigns are how we test candidates. But there is a lot of leadership talent in the Democratic Party, poised to emerge."
Translation: Step aside now, old man, and make way for Gavin Newsom.

While I don't rule out the Newsom possibility, I've never been sold on it. I've written about that a lot, so I won't get into it again here.

What I find most interesting is that the Democrats are just coming to grips with a problem we all could have told them back in 2020 that they'd be facing now. Old-school Democrats would have been better prepared for this. No doubt many think that this is all just so much theater, but I truly believe that they have been caught flat-footed.


PREMO Member

The FBI Must Start Mass Surveillance on Those Attending These Pro-Terrorist Rallies

It's from this pool of pro-terrorist trash that the recruits for the next attack will be found. It’s not just here; radical Islamists damn near overrun Europe. They’re plotting to overthrow governments and void constitutions. They must be stopped at all costs.

The problem is they’re a significant portion of the Democratic Party base, whose power bases include some key states in next year’s election. Joe Biden must win Minnesota and Michigan in 2024, two states that have a severe radical Islam problem. Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MN) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) represent these pro-terrorist enclaves. It’s why the Biden administration is pussyfooting with this “humanitarian pause” nonsense that will never happen. Hamas is a terror group—any pause will be to their benefit. Israeli forces must be allowed to wipe them out.

In the meantime, with these rallies becoming gatherings for jihadi trash to promote violence against civilians, I want every surveillance operation and device known to man deployed in these communities. Tap the phones, track their social media, and if necessary, arrest and detain their community leaders.


PREMO Member

Biden regime plans to use Hamas-backed groups to counter “Islamophobia” in America…

In an absurd recent announcement that has caught the attention of many, the Biden regime has introduced the first-ever national strategy to counter Islamophobia. This comes right after a devastating Hamas terrorist attack in Israel that left a staggering number of civilians dead. The White House is claiming this is an extension of their so-called effort to “combat various forms of discrimination,” (unless you’re a racist Trump-supporting Christian) across the United States. They are planning to work with government agencies to address this supposed “Islamophobia” The timing of this initiative is downright absurd, as we watch these terrorist events unfold.

But just when you think things couldn’t possibly escalate, the Biden administration delivers a shocker. Reports are surfacing that the administration intends to engage with groups connected to Hamas to tackle what they label as ‘Islamophobia.’ This controversial move has left many questioning the regime’s approach and the potential implications of such dangerous and disrespectful partnerships.

Dossier Today:

Back in the United States, the Biden Administration has already revealed the makeup of its interagency task force. And one group certainly sticks out: CAIR.
CAIR, or the Council on American-Islamic Relations, is a U.S. based Islamic supremacist group staffed with a roster of extremists from coast to coast.
CAIR was founded in 1994 by Muslim Brotherhood operatives dedicated to the advancement of Hamas (which originally referred to itself as “the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine”) in the Palestinian Territories.
CAIR’s founding and current director, Nihad Awad (pictured in the header photo), has previously stated that he supports Hamas. He later publicly retracted the statement, claiming that this was before they engaged in suicide bombing attacks.


Well-Known Member

Democrats Finally Realizing That Biden 2020 Was a Horrible Idea

The Democratic power players in this country are finally being open about the fact that they have a Joe Biden problem.

Baby steps.

Mr. Green wrote an interesting bit of analysis yesterday about the unharmonious convergence of reality that the Democrats are facing all because they got their wish in 2020.

It begins with some unsettling polling numbers that have the Dem back rooms engaged in a perpetual wiping of the flop sweat. I don't get too moved by polls, but if the public polling is already heading down a dark alley for the Democrats, the internal polls must be launching a few ulcers.

Where Stephen's column gets really intriguing is when shares the thoughts of Obama underboss David Axelrod, who is warming up a bus under which he can throw President LOLEightyonemillion:

While I don't rule out the Newsom possibility, I've never been sold on it. I've written about that a lot, so I won't get into it again here.

What I find most interesting is that the Democrats are just coming to grips with a problem we all could have told them back in 2020 that they'd be facing now. Old-school Democrats would have been better prepared for this. No doubt many think that this is all just so much theater, but I truly believe that they have been caught flat-footed.

I would think the female democrat voters may push Whitmer or Klobuchar.