Biden's America Last Program


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But it doesn’t stop there. In Iranian and al Qaeda ideology, Israel is only the Little Satan. America is the Great Satan. So, what would happen if someone brought an American flag to an anti-Israel demonstration? A few brave souls tried it:

The al Qaeda and Iranian dogma that America is the Great Satan and Israel the Little Satan has now been adopted by the American left, including most of the Democratic Party. In Minnesota, where I live, the Little Satan/Great Satan ideology has been endorsed by our state government and is being taught to all public school students.

Under new K-12 Social Studies standards adopted in January 2024, public school students in Minnesota will be told that the great evil of world history is “settler colonialism.” And it turns out that, despite the countless instances of invasion and migration through human history, there have been only two instances of “settler colonialism.” Imagine that! The two instances are, of course, Israel and the United States.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Time to gather up all these people that are unhappy with America, trying to actively destroy it, politicians included, and deport them all to Iran.


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Biden Admin’s Title IX Rewrite Obliterates Female Spaces, Free Speech, And Due Process

“The final regulations will help to ensure that all students receive appropriate support when they experience sex discrimination and that recipients’ procedures for investigating and resolving complaints of sex discrimination are fair to all involved,” the rules claim.

The regulations do even more damage, however, such as by undoing Trump-era due process safeguards for those accused of sexual misconduct, which could include merely using accurate pronouns. They also encroach on parents’ rights and threaten academic free speech by incentivizing schools to censor students and teachers with traditional views on sex and marriage so they don’t lose federal funding.

In the regulations, the Biden administration openly admits it relied on the Supreme Court’s Bostock v. Clayton County decision to inform its rulemaking. In that case, Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Neil Gorsuch joined their Democrat-nominated colleagues to expand the prohibition against employment discrimination based on “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

A draft of the rules released in June 2022 received a “record number” of comments from Americans warning that enacting such extensive provisions and redefining terms like “sexual harassment” would bully schools into mandating the spread of radical gender ideology.

In response to Biden’s Department of Education ignoring some 240,000 comments, “a coalition of organizations” including the Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Law Center are suing the administration, according to an IWF press release. In 2022 and 2023, those groups sent legal and policy objections to the new rule.

‘Grotesque … Betrayal Of Students’: Critics Blast Biden’s New Title IX Regulations Championing ‘Gender Identity’

The document, which runs over 1,500 pages, states that the Department of Education “disagrees with the contention that including sexual orientation and gender identity in the scope of §106.10 harms women. Recognizing these bases of sex discrimination under Title IX in no way lessens the force of Title IX’s protections against discrimination that limits educational opportunities for girls and women. Further, discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is typically motivated by the same sex stereotypes that limit opportunities for women regardless of whether they identify as LGBTQI+.”

The DOE also insisted that the rules apply to elementary schools as well: “The Department appreciates the opportunity to correct the misunderstanding that Title IX is limited to postsecondary institutions. As recipients of Federal financial assistance, elementary schools and secondary schools are also subject to Title IX and its regulations.”

A summary of the major provision stated that the 2024 Final Rule “clarifies that sex discrimination includes discrimination based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.”


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Student Loan Forgiveness: Morally Reprehensible and Legally Invalid

An article in The Conversation makes a good moral case for not canceling student loans: "Canceling debt also seems to violate the moral principle of following through on one's promises. Borrowers have a moral duty to fulfill their loan agreements, the philosopher Immanuel Kant argued, because reneging on promises is disrespectful to oneself and others. Once people have promised to do something, he noted, others rely upon that promise and expect them to follow through. In the case of federal student loans, a borrower signs a promissory note agreeing to pay back the government and, ultimately, the taxpayers. And so student borrowers seem to have a moral duty to pay their debts unless mitigating circumstances like injury or illness arise."

Robert Farrington provides five excellent reasons why student loans should not be forgiven.

1. Loan Forgiveness Rewards People Who Overpaid for Their Degrees

It punishes people who made wise choices about college majors (STEM majors) and use what they learned to earn lots of money. 'Studies' majors who borrowed the same amounts don't make lots of money. Forgiveness means they overpaid to obtain useless degrees.

2. Forgiveness Asks Taxpayers to Pay for Individual Decisions

As financial attorney Leslie Tayne says, "…it boils down to the fact that you're asking taxpayers to cover individual decisions regardless of how good or bad they are."

3. Student Loan Debt Holders Are Already Privileged

Says Tayne, "Those who are pursuing higher education are already generally better off financially. Therefore, forgiving student loan debt could be considered helping a privileged group rather than spending government funding to help those in poverty."

4. Nobody Has Skin in The Game

Isn't it ironic that Farrington uses a phrase made popular by Obama, the cause of this entire situation? With loan forgiveness and free college, nobody is held responsible for the growing costs of higher education. Colleges have no incentive to compete or economize.

5. Loan Forgiveness Doesn't Address Rising Costs

Financial Analyst Riley Adams says loan forgiveness solely as a means for resolving the growing student loan debt crisis will lead to unintended consequences with perverse incentives for students and society.

Farrington closes by saying, "While we do need bold action to help those who are struggling with student loan debt, total student loan forgiveness is not the solution and will only create a moral hazard problem for current borrowers and future students."


But the most dangerous action Biden can take (in my opinion) is one that permits a president to do anything he wants to do by circumventing the Constitution. If he somehow gets away with it (probably on a legal technicality), he will open Pandora's Box. All subsequent presidents, regardless of party, will use his methods to get around the Constitution, will see what they can do that nobody can complain about in the courts. If successful, Biden will abolish the concept of separation of powers. He'll be an unlimited king.

Only Congress can appropriate money. There's no authority for the president to spend however much he wants. Biden, through the student loan forgiveness program, wants the Secretary of Education to waive student debt and assume responsibility for paying off loans with money Congress hasn't appropriated. That is one basis for SCOTUS ruling against him.

The state of Nebraska (and six others states) have challenged the student loan forgiveness program, claiming in part that the programs overreach and violate the separation of powers. A second lawsuit brought by two students argued that the Secretary of Education doesn't have the authority to establish the plan and asked the federal court to set it aside. Biden's administration argues that none of the plaintiffs have suffered actual injuries, aren't the proper parties to sue, and have no standing. But the Supreme Court so far disagrees. Their ultimate response will rest upon how it interprets the principles regarding how the Constitution divides power among the three branches of government to ensure none of them has too much authority. For Joe Biden, the extent of the executive branch's power is also being interpreted.

A White House spokesperson said, "While we strongly disagree with the court, we prepared for this scenario. The president will make clear he's not done fighting yet, and will announce new actions to protect student loan borrowers."

About being stopped, Biden said, "The hypocrisy of Republican elected officials is stunning."

Chuck Schumer (D-NY) reacted, "This disappointing and cruel ruling shows the callousness of the MAGA Republican-controlled Supreme Court. The hypocrisy is clear: as justices accept lavish, six-figure gifts, they don’t dare to help Americans saddled with student loan debt, instead siding with the powerful, big-monied interests."


PREMO Member

What a new US civil war could REALLY be like: Rebel generals defect to Trump after Biden outlaws 'terrorist' MAGA supporters... then Antifa start a 'kill whites' campaign. Far-right militias execute minorities. Anarchy erupts. Forget the movie...

Flanked by two marines, President Joe Biden steps out of the Marine One chopper onto the tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base to declare a national emergency.

It's 6pm on January 6, 2025, 20 miles from Washington DC. 'Four years ago, on this very day, Donald Trump tried to steal democracy,' says the 82-year-old Commander-in-Chief, removing his Aviator sunglasses to signal the gravity of his point. 'He's doing it again, folks. We must stop him, no matter what.'

From now on, Biden decrees, Trump's Make America Great Again (Maga) movement will be designated a terrorist group. The Trump-owned Truth Social platform will be shut down. All internet sites publishing 'electoral misinformation' will be blocked.

Biden reiterates that, contrary to his opponent's claims, he has been re-elected. And he invokes his authority to federalise the National Guard until order can be restored. 'I never wanted to do this,' he insists. Above him, two F-22 Raptor jets rip through the sky, heading towards the Capitol.

Hours earlier, inside Washington DC, the 'Take Our Country Back' march, attended by 50,000 Trump fanatics, had descended into mass rioting. Left-wing 'Antifa' militants, in their neckerchiefs, threw Molotov cocktails into the red-hatted Maga crowds.


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Marijuana grow busted in Maine as feds investigate trend in 20 states

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The high electricity consumption of a home, its cardboard-covered windows and odor of marijuana drew law enforcement’s attention to an illicit grow operation off the beaten path in rural Maine.

The bust of the home with a hidden grow operation and seizure of nearly 40 pounds (18 kilograms) of processed marijuana marked the latest example of what authorities describe as a yearslong trend of foreign nationals to exploit U.S. state laws that have legalized cannabis for recreational or medical use to produce marijuana for the illicit markets in the U.S.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is investigating international criminal organizations that are operating illegal marijuana grows in about 20 states, including Maine, Attorney Garland Merrick Garland told the Senate Appropriations Committee this week, in response to a question raised by Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.

Federal law enforcement officials said there currently are about 100 illicit grow operations in Maine, like the one in Passadumkeag, about 60 miles (96.5 kilometers) north of Bangor, and about 40 search warrants have been issued since June.


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Biden Announces MASSIVE TAX INCREASE, Raising Some Rates To The HIGHEST LEVELS In History​

Biden wants to tax unrealized gains on Property


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50 Cent LASHES OUT At Biden's INSANE 'Anti White' Tax Increase Amid DISASTEROUS Economic Report​



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Strict new EPA rules would force coal-fired power plants to capture emissions or shut down

New limits on greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-fired electric plants are the Biden administration’s most ambitious effort yet to roll back planet-warming pollution from the power sector, the nation’s second-largest contributor to climate change. The rules are a key part of President Joe Biden’s pledge to eliminate carbon pollution from the electricity sector by 2035 and economy-wide by 2050.

The rule was among four measures targeting coal and natural gas plants that the EPA said would provide “regulatory certainty” to the power industry and encourage them to make investments to transition “to a clean energy economy.” The measures include requirements to reduce toxic wastewater pollutants from coal-fired plants and to safely manage coal ash in unlined storage ponds.


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Biden's capital gains tax proposal could crush the economy, experts say

According to a report issued by the Treasury Department, led by Secretary Janet Yellen, the president's proposed fiscal year 2025 budget would increase the top marginal rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends to a staggering 44.6%. A capital gains tax hike of that magnitude would take the rate to its highest level since it was first introduced in the early 1920s.

"Investment is the real driver of economic growth," E.J. Antoni, an economist and research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, told Fox News Digital. "Investment is what gives you productivity gains. Investment is where you get factories and machines — it's where businesses are able to provide their workers with tools and equipment that allow them to increase their productivity, to increase wages, etc."

"If you're going to tax something, you get less of it," he continued. "And that's just as true for investment as it is for anything else. Taxing capital gains means less investment, it means less economic growth, and it means the rise in people's standards of living is going to slow dramatically."

The Treasury Department's report states that the 44.6% rate is a combination of proposals, including increasing the top ordinary capital gains rate from 20% to 37%. The bulk of the tax hikes impact Americans with taxable income greater than $1 million.

But Antoni, who argued such a tax hike would have broad economic impacts, further noted that inflation impacts the price of equities, such as stocks. That means a tax on gains when equities are sold also taxes inflation.


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Donald Trump's Meetings With Foreign Officials Annoying Biden Administration

There is an interesting distinction here. Granted Trump is fond of conducting meetings, even high-profile ones, at his Mar-a-Lago estate. That's understandable; as a former President, he still has a Secret Service detail, and, certainly, they would rather keep the former President in surroundings that are more amenable to controlling who comes and goes.

There's a psychological aspect to it as well. It's a matter of optics: These are the leaders of their nations, and they are coming to Trump, instead of vice versa. It's a recognition that while Trump does not wield power, he does wield influence.

It also sends a strong message from the Trump campaign, a theme that Trump has been hitting hard: "We're not done yet."

The biggest factor on this, I think, is that the various nations of the world, as well as their leaders, are as capable as we Americans of looking at the polling - and hedging their bets as to who will be seated at the Resolute Desk in January of 2025. Oh, some of them are less than sanguine about the notion; but then, they also understand that they don't get a vote:

Foreign leaders are also hedging their bets with the circle of aides and advisers around Trump, working through official and unofficial channels to arrange their meetings — when heads of state are not reaching out to the former president directly. After Trump met recently with one top U.S. ally, a diplomat for the country confessed to having at least six contacts offer themselves up as a liaison.