Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member

Biden Launches Investigation of Columbia U for Discriminating Against… Hamas Supporters

It complains that “Columbia has reinforced the hostile anti-Palestinian environment, including by suspending Students for Justice in Palestine — a student organization that advocates for Palestinian human rights — for engaging in speech activity supporting Palestinian rights”

What sort of “speech activity” did Columbia University’s SJP chapter engage in?

After Oct 7, Students for Justice in Palestine hailed the Hamas rape of girls, murder of babies and kidnapping of children as a “historic win for the Palestinian resistance”.
The national organization which has 200 chapters on campuses across North America put out a ‘toolkit’ which explained that the Jewish victims were “not civilians” and could be freely targeted.
Its poster for a ‘Day of Resistance’ featured an image of the paraglider that Hamas terrorists had used to massacre and rape young Israelis at a music festival.
Columbia University’s Students for Justice in Palestine celebrated the “unprecedented historic moment for the Palestinians of Gaza” and asserted their “full solidarity with the Palestinian resistance”. It was also a signatory to the “victory or martyrdom” statement signed by the national organization.

According to the Department of Education, celebrating the mass murder of Jews and issuing a call for “full solidarity” with a terrorist organization is “speech activity”.


PREMO Member

Sorry, Team Biden: Lower capital-gains taxes aren’t racist — higher ones are

In a new report, “Advancing Equity through Tax Reform,” the Biden Treasury Department examined stock and home ownership in America by race.

The study concludes lower tax rates on capital gains income “disproportionately benefited White families relative to Black, Hispanic, and other racial/ethnic groups.”

It found more than 90% of the benefits went to whites.

Why does the government need to know the race or ethnicity of who owns stock or businesses or homes?

The answer is obvious: The Biden administration is resorting to a blatant race-baiting argument so it can raise wealth and capital gains taxes in the name of “equity.”

Yet there are two good reasons why we’ve traditionally kept tax rates on investment low.

The first: Every time we’ve lowered the capital gains or corporate tax, we’ve seen a burst of investment, which helps everyone.

Just listen to John F. Kennedy, who endorsed a preferential tax rate on capital gains while president by declaring: “The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions. . . . the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital, and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy.”

The second reason: A lower tax on capital gains is not a “giveaway” to the rich because taxes on investment income are levied not just once, but multiple times, via corporate income tax, the small-business pass-through tax, the dividend tax and even the death tax.

The Treasury study calculated that roughly two-thirds of white households own stock, but only 39% of blacks do, and 28% of Hispanics, to suggest lowering capital-gains taxes mostly benefits whites. (The Treasury conveniently omits stock owned by much larger numbers of Americans in pension and 401k plans.)


PREMO Member

Japanese Corp Says DOJ Requested a Delay on Purchase of U.S. Steel, Insists It Has Nothing to Do with 2024 Election

The sale has drawn opposition from President Joe Biden’s administration on economic and national security grounds, and from former President Donald Trump, the likely Republican presidential candidate in November’s election.

The new timing could push the closing beyond the election, but Nippon Steel denied the delay was related to that.

Initially the deal was supposed to have closed by September. Now it will close by December, meaning it could still close as early as September, according to a company spokesperson, who requested the anonymity customary at Japanese companies.


Well-Known Member

I’ve seen these signs in airports for at least the last 15 years or so.

Imagine thinking you’re so smart that you’ve cracked a major Democrat conspiracy by taking a picture of a sign that is there to keep order for border patrol staff.

I wonder if SLURPS knows what a visa is?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Karine Jean-Pierre says Americans have never been safer and that crime is at a 50-year low.

They can recite that to the robbery, rape and car-jacking victims as police take their statements.

... And write it on the card for funeral arrangements sent to the murdered.


PREMO Member

Biden CAVES To Leftist RIOTERS, Israel INVADES RAFAH Defying US Demands, Trump Set Up To WIN 2024​

Biden Pulls MORE Military Aid From Israel Over Rafah Attack, They STILL WONT Impeach Him, WW3 LOOMS​



PREMO Member

Biden Admin Planning to Roll Out ID Cards for Illegal Immigrants This Summer: 10,000 Cards in First-Round Issue Across US

People have been talking about the “ICE Secure Docket Card” for a couple of years, and now the talk is slated to become reality, but ICE says the card will not be an official form of federal ID, according to Fox, and that it will “indicate it is for use by DHS agencies” on the card itself.

Again, only a government bureaucrat could claim — presumably with a straight face — that a card issued to someone by an agency of the federal government on the basis of who the individual is should not be considered “an official form of federal identification.”

To quote the philosopher Douglas Powers (more commonly known as Dr. Evil): Riiiiiiight.

That is, however, what the agency claimed, at least according to Fox.

“While the specifics of the card and pilot are under development, it is important to note the secure card will not be an official form of federal identification,” Fox quoted the agency as saying.

“The secure card will indicate it is for use by DHS agencies and would be provided only after national security background checks have been performed,” the ICE statement added.

Here’s the part that makes sense: Illegal aliens are often given documents when they’re released from custody, such as information about when to appear in court for a hearing about their immigration status. Those documents are on paper, and therefore can get damaged or lost.

ICE Secure Docket Cards can presumably get lost as well — at least, I haven’t seen anyone proposing that they be glued to the recipients’ forearms or anything — but at least they’re less likely to be damaged.

Into the Cattle Cars, transport them to deportation facilities and drop them off in South Africa


PREMO Member

Fox News Host LOSES IT ON Biden's Economic Advisor DEFENDING Joe Biden LYING About Inflation!​



PREMO Member

Biden's Plan to Resettle Thousands of Gaza Refugees Is Insane, Warns Expert

No other Middle Eastern country is crazy enough to want large numbers of Gazans to enter their country. The history of Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria suggests that the refugees would look to overthrow the government or launch terrorist attacks against Israel from within their borders.

This apparently isn't deterring Joe Biden. Perhaps it should.

Pinhas Inbari, a veteran Arab affairs analyst, told Fox News "I cannot say all Gazans are Hamas, but you can say they are brainwashed by Hamas. Muslims are indoctrinated with Islam and jihad [in Gaza]. You can’t take them as they are now and plant them in the U.S. Biden has to see Europe to understand."

Europe accepted about 1.2 million refugees from North Africa and the Middle East and is finding out that many of the resettled refugees refuse to assimilate.

In Hamburg Germany, a thousand Islamists marched calling for the creation of a caliphate. "Caliphate is the solution" they chanted.

It "will take years of education to teach them not be jihadi Muslims," he said.

Currently, they don't have to change. Europe is, for the most part, giving them what they want. Why should they assimilate?

Inbari had a specific warning for Biden.

He said resettling Gazans is like"taking al-Qaeda to the U.S. They are educated to hate America and Christians. They think if they hate Jews they will not hate Christians. They are mistaken. Al Qaeda hates Christians before Jews."

Indeed, the blindness of Biden and his advisors is appalling. Just because they have relatives in the U.S. doesn't mean they will assimilate.

Biden’s immigration plan and the pro-Hamas protests on college campuses were recently discussed by some Palestinians in Gaza.
Israel’s TPS-IL news agency published video footage of Gazans speaking about immigration and anti-Israel protests on U.S. campuses.
"Everything that’s happening here is according to their plan," one elderly Palestinian man said in an apparent reference to Israel. "They attacked Gaza with all of their military might but achieved nothing. But now they’re working on a new plan. They claim their hearts are with the people of Gaza, that they want to bring them out and ease their burdens.
"And this is the core plan of America and the occupation — to force us to emigrate. I will not emigrate — even if the entire universe demands it."

Egypt AND Jordan DO NOT WANT THEM .... we do not need to import 10's of thousands of Jihad Terrorists


PREMO Member

The reason why you may have to pay MORE tax in 2026

  • With current legislation set to expire at the end of 2025, tax rates could soar

Donald Trump-era tax breaks are set to expire next year meaning millions of Americans may have to start paying more in 2026.
Trump made sweeping changes to the tax landscape through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017.

This included lowering individual income tax rates, almost doubling the standard deduction and raising the federal estate tax exemption. It also slashed corporate income tax to 21 percent - its lowest level since 1993.

However, these cuts are due to expire on January 1, 2026 - a date dubbed 'Sunset day' by financial experts.

Howard Gleckman, senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, told CNBC the upcoming changes are 'enormous', he said: 'Pretty much the entire individual income tax code is on the table at the end of 2025'.

Trump made sweeping changes to the tax landscape through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017. However, these cuts are due to expire on January 1, 2026 - a date dubbed 'Sunset day' by financial experts


PREMO Member

Republicans Accuse Biden Admin of Using ‘Mass-Parole Programs’ to Hide ‘Catastrophic’ Border Crisis

According to a report from CBS News, over the first three weeks of May, U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended about 3,700 migrants per day between official ports of entry, which, if the trend holds, would lead to about 115,000 apprehensions for the month. That would be down from the 129,000 apprehensions in April and 137,000 in May, and a more than 50 percent drop from December when agents made about 250,000 apprehensions.

The Border Patrol apprehensions don’t include the number of migrants processed at official ports of entry.

“We have driven down the number of encounters at our southern border rather dramatically,” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told CBS, citing a “number of actions that we have taken, not only strengthening our enforcement, not only attacking the smugglers, but also building lawful pathways that enable people who qualify for relief to reach the United States in a safe, orderly, and legal way.”

But House Republicans contend that despite Mayorkas’s claims, “the border crisis remains at catastrophic levels.” On Wednesday, the House Committee on Homeland Security noted that in April, total Southwest border encounters topped 179,000 and total nationwide encounters exceeded 247,000. Border encounters include both immigrants apprehended crossing the border illegally and those who are processed at official ports of entry.


PREMO Member
📉📉 Business Insider ran a pessimistic story about the Biden economy this week headlined, “Recession seems almost certain with 19 states in trouble already, expert warns.” The sub-headline added, “Unemployment has jumped in 19 states, making a national recession almost inevitable.” How could this happen, given the constant assurances the economy is going great?

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For some reason, the article failed to mention which nineteen states have seen unemployment jump, thereby making a recession almost inevitable. Weird. I bet they’re mostly blue-colored.

Contradicting all the Biden Administration hand-wringing over how little credit the dementia-patient-in-chief is getting for the terrific economy, the article’s first sentence starkly stated, “Get ready for a recession that hammers consumers, squeezes companies, and drags down stocks.”

This news is making corporate media manic depressive, verging on psychosis. Let’s compare some headlines. From the Guardian, last week:

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Poor Joe Biden, wrongly blamed. Or, this one from Axios, also last week:

image 10.png

In other words, don’t believe your lying eyes. But sometimes the meds wear off, like in this Bloomberg headline, also published last week:

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As far as I can tell, corporate media is hanging onto its economic cover story by the thin thread that Biden hasn’t officially declared a recession, so we’re not properly in a recession yet, which awaits formal government recognition. Or something like that.
