Big Love


Nickel said:
:yeahthat: Most of the time, I ask myself how they could possibly do it. They have more drama than anyone needs in their lives, and are basically living as shut-ins, they can't have real friends outside of their lifestyle, for fear of being caught. It's a very fascinating show. :yay:
I don't understand why they have to be so secretive. Big woop he beds 3 women and provides houses for them, that isn't against the law.:shrug: Unless he got a marriage license and tried to legally marry 3 women he is not in violation of any laws. If he did try to marry legally all 3 the county government office surely would find out if the same guy had 3 marriages registered.


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
I don't understand why they have to be so secretive. Big woop he beds 3 women and provides houses for them, that isn't against the law.:shrug: Unless he got a marriage license and tried to legally marry 3 women he is not in violation of any laws. If he did try to marry legally all 3 the county government office surely would find out if the same guy had 3 marriages registered.
Um... I think the word polygamy indicates mutliple simultaneous marriage, so...yeah its a legal issue. All he had to do was marry them in 3 different states.


Go Braves!
Pete said:
I don't understand why they have to be so secretive. Big woop he beds 3 women and provides houses for them, that isn't against the law.:shrug: Unless he got a marriage license and tried to legally marry 3 women he is not in violation of any laws. If he did try to marry legally all 3 the county government office surely would find out if the same guy had 3 marriages registered.
I agree as long as incest and underage stuff isn't going on. If you want 40 wives and that is all well with the 40 wives go for it as long as everyone is of age and taken care of.

Have you seen the shows on Carson City? All these wives living on welfare, incest, 48 year old men with 13 year old wives, child molestation, the list is endless of what goes on there.


Go Braves!
bresamil said:
Um... I think the word polygamy indicates mutliple simultaneous marriage, so...yeah its a legal issue. All he had to do was marry them in 3 different states.
I hope MMdad rings in on this but from what I understand there is one legal wife and the others maybe have a special "ceremony" and are made a wife through their community.


bresamil said:
Um... I think the word polygamy indicates mutliple simultaneous marriage, so...yeah its a legal issue. All he had to do was marry them in 3 different states.
Still the gauntlet of government agencies would certainly catch it. Hell my ex wife claimed my kid for taxes this year and I knew about it within 3 minutes of filing my taxes. I am certain if he tried to claim 9 expemptions 3 being wives the IRS would hyperventilate.


wandering aimlessly
CMC122 said:
I hope MMdad rings in on this but from what I understand there is one legal wife and the others maybe have a special "ceremony" and are made a wife through their community.
Then I agree, why keep it a secret? If there is no legal problem, there's no need for secrecy. Generally when men are running multiple households they're keeping it a secret from the wives too, which is not the case on the show.


CMC122 said:
I agree as long as incest and underage stuff isn't going on. If you want 40 wives and that is all well with the 40 wives go for it as long as everyone is of age and taken care of.

Have you seen the shows on Carson City? All these wives living on welfare, incest, 48 year old men with 13 year old wives, child molestation, the list is endless of what goes on there.
I agree, of course the TV show glorifies deviant stuff like this and makes it look harmless. "Holy Crap Bill bangs a different hottie every 3 days :faint"

They don't show the pervert who preys on the weak women and has 47 kids on welfare.


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
Still the gauntlet of government agencies would certainly catch it. Hell my ex wife claimed my kid for taxes this year and I knew about it within 3 minutes of filing my taxes. I am certain if he tried to claim 9 expemptions 3 being wives the IRS would hyperventilate.

:lol: I forgot about that problem.


Lem Putt
CMC122 said:
I hope MMdad rings in on this but from what I understand there is one legal wife and the others maybe have a special "ceremony" and are made a wife through their community.
I don't watch the show. Modern Polygamists may never have a legal marriage, but will have religious marriages. Therefore, no state involvement. You'd have to look at state laws to determine wether that violates the letter of the law.

My GGGGrandfather married one woman legally in NC, but she left him when he became polygamous. All of the rest were religious marriages with no state sanction. He was an Army Captain, and the Army didn't care.


But wait, there's more...
CMC122 said:
I missed the first few episodes and can't wait now to see them in reruns! No wonder why that guy is always smiling:lmao:

:confused: Don't you get 'on-demand' ... beings you get to :bangbangbang: the cable guy and all? :shrug:


But wait, there's more...
Pete said:
They don't show the pervert who preys on the weak women and has 47 kids on welfare.

Yes they do; his name is Roman Grant ... Nikki's father. :barf:

I think the rationale behind keeping it on the down-low is because of his businesses ... in one of the shows with that guy he employes (who also has 3 wives), he said something about how "when so-and-so was outted, his business went down the tubes" ... so I think it's an image thing. In the area they live, it appears to be somewhat frowned upon, though we all know it's rampant in that area. :ohwell:

Personally, like someone else said, if you can provide for 20 wives and they're all 'of age' and in agreement, I don't see the problem. Hell, I don't want to put up with a guy's crap 24x7 ... I'd have liked to ship my ex-h off to another woman to deal with his :bs: from time to time. :lol:


Go Braves!
crabcake said:
:confused: Don't you get 'on-demand' ... beings you get to :bangbangbang: the cable guy and all? :shrug:
:shrug: I never thought about checking into that :lol: I've seen the commercials for it but never pay it much mind:biggrin:


But wait, there's more...
CMC122 said:
:shrug: I never thought about checking into that :lol: I've seen the commercials for it but never pay it much mind:biggrin:

Go to HBO On-Demand, select "Series" and scroll to Big Love. All the episodes thus far are on there. :yay:

That's the only way I can watch it ... otherwise, DQ would've probably saw Bill pile-driving whichever wife it was at the beginning of episode 2 or 3 (whichever one it was). :jet:


But wait, there's more...
MMDad said:
Do any of you know what the punishment for Polygamy is?
Having more than one wife! :lmao: :killingme

I thought all men dreamed of having two or more women at once. :shrug:


curiouser and curiouser
crabcake said:
Go to HBO On-Demand, select "Series" and scroll to Big Love. All the episodes thus far are on there. :yay:

That's the only way I can watch it ... otherwise, DQ would've probably saw Bill pile-driving whichever wife it was at the beginning of episode 2 or 3 (whichever one it was). :jet:
I have Dish Network and have my Dish Pass set up to DVR it every Sunday night, and usually watch it when the young'n is taking his nap. I could never make a point to sit down every Sunday night to watch it. :lol:


Lem Putt
crabcake said:
I thought all men dreamed of having two or more women at once. :shrug:
Yes, we do, but we don't dream of marrying them. :bangbangbang: and get out is our real dream, not marrying them!

I'm sure you are aware that when women live together, their cycles synch up. I can only imagine what it was like for my great great great grandfather, having six wives with PMS at the same time, and feminine hygeine wouldn't be invented for years. Such fun!