Big Love


American Beauty
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Yes, we do, but we don't fream of marrying them. :bangbangbang: and get out is our real dream, not marrying them!

I'm sure you are aware that when women live together, their cycles synch up. I can only imagine what it was like for my great great great grandfather, having six wives with PMS at the same time, and feminine hygeine wouldn't be invented for years. Such fun!
What's a fream? :popcorn:


Go Braves!
Nickel said:
I have Dish Network and have my Dish Pass set up to DVR it every Sunday night, and usually watch it when the young'n is taking his nap. I could never make a point to sit down every Sunday night to watch it. :lol:
I do! I look forward to it:jet:
I have the tv all to myself when it's on! The kids are fast asleep in their room and the dh is watching the news in the other room:getdown:


But wait, there's more...
MMDad said:
I'm sure you are aware that when women live together, their cycles synch up. I can only imagine what it was like for my great great great grandfather, having six wives with PMS at the same time, and feminine hygeine wouldn't be invented for years. Such fun!

There wouldn't be any "ups" in life if you didn't go "down" every now and then. :shrug:


crabcake said:
Yes they do; his name is Roman Grant ... Nikki's father. :barf:

I think the rationale behind keeping it on the down-low is because of his businesses ... in one of the shows with that guy he employes (who also has 3 wives), he said something about how "when so-and-so was outted, his business went down the tubes" ... so I think it's an image thing. In the area they live, it appears to be somewhat frowned upon, though we all know it's rampant in that area. :ohwell:

Personally, like someone else said, if you can provide for 20 wives and they're all 'of age' and in agreement, I don't see the problem. Hell, I don't want to put up with a guy's crap 24x7 ... I'd have liked to ship my ex-h off to another woman to deal with his :bs: from time to time. :lol:
As creepy as Roman is he has bucks and his kids/wives are not on welfare.


But wait, there's more...
Pete said:
As creepy as Roman is he has bucks and his kids/wives are not on welfare.

Roman's Numero Uno wife said they have $90K in credit card debt. :jet: And he does have that barely-pubescent pre-teen biatch as a wife. :hollywoodfred:


RoseRed said:
It is ending right now, I am watching it from last night.
I dreamed of Bill last night. I have no idea why! It wasn't sexual (woke up too soon). Never even thought I was attracted to him. Still don't. Hmm.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
camily said:
I dreamed of Bill last night. I have no idea why! It wasn't sexual (woke up too soon). Never even thought I was attracted to him. Still don't. Hmm.
Maybe it had something to do with him digging hard into that hole.