Big MVA Fee Increase


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
There was no doubt in my mind with Annapolis full of Democrats and a black Democrat governor, that this was coming.

I think you might also notice that they didn't raise your property taxes, but your assessment took a jump.
Which amounts to the same thing.
It's hard to believe that this country was formed because of taxes.


Well-Known Member
There was no doubt in my mind with Annapolis full of Democrats and a black Democrat governor, that this was coming.

I think you might also notice that they didn't raise your property taxes, but your assessment took a jump.
Which amounts to the same thing.
It's hard to believe that this country was formed because of taxes.
Governments haven't leanred anything in 200 years.


Power with Control
Notice the surcharge for EVs and PHEVs?

But of course I did.
REDUCED Fuel TAX Revenue

Cant find anything definitive but I think MDs high gas tax means that ICE drivers pay maybe $250 a year in MD gas tas. Averaged for light duty vehicles of course. EVs actually getting a break since the rate seems to be about half that. Of course. Since MDs tax is based on inflation, I wonder if that goes down with the EV surcharge do down as well?


Well-Known Member
But of course I did.

Cant find anything definitive but I think MDs high gas tax means that ICE drivers pay maybe $250 a year in MD gas tas. Averaged for light duty vehicles of course. EVs actually getting a break since the rate seems to be about half that. Of course. Since MDs tax is based on inflation, I wonder if that goes down with the EV surcharge do down as well?
Almost guarantee that MD will add a tax to the electric bill, public charging etc in the future.

I probably don't pay as much as $250/year. I buy gas once every 3-4 weeks while in MD, and most of the gas I use is when I'm not in MD.

Either way MD will get their lb of flesh.


Well-Known Member
I'm quite sure all the willy-nilly Historic registrations on the daily drivers have nothing to do with lost revenue on registrations or the rate hikes... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I'm quite sure all the willy-nilly Historic registrations on the daily drivers have nothing to do with lost revenue on registrations or the rate hikes... :rolleyes:
Don't forget about all the cars with outdated registration you see around.

In two more years I can title my truck as Historic lol.


I guess they need more poles and rope for the waiting line to the information desk.
Or more seats in the waiting area.

Or more "This Window Is Closed" signs.

Those things don't pay for themselves you know!


Power with Control
Almost guarantee that MD will add a tax to the electric bill, public charging etc in the future.

I probably don't pay as much as $250/year. I buy gas once every 3-4 weeks while in MD, and most of the gas I use is when I'm not in MD.

Either way MD will get their lb of flesh.

And this is why we use averages :) Some more, some less. But public charging isn't that prevalent, really. And most of that is either charged, or going to that pretty soon.


Well-Known Member
I'm quite sure all the willy-nilly Historic registrations on the daily drivers have nothing to do with lost revenue on registrations or the rate hikes... :rolleyes:
There aren't enough cars on the road using Historic plates daily to make a difference in the cost of registration.
If the registration was not so expensive most wouldn't even get historic plates for a car that sits in the garage 90% of the time.
I know I drive my old old convertible once in a while on nice weekends during the summer and during the winter it hibernates,
Why should I pay the cost of regular tags when I seldom use the car.


There aren't enough cars on the road using Historic plates daily to make a difference in the cost of registration.
If the registration was not so expensive most wouldn't even get historic plates for a car that sits in the garage 90% of the time.
I know I drive my old old convertible once in a while on nice weekends during the summer and during the winter it hibernates,
Why should I pay the cost of regular tags when I seldom use the car.
Why should we pay costs to drive our own vehicles at all? the less i can give these commies the better.


Well-Known Member
Why should we pay costs to drive our own vehicles at all? the less i can give these commies the better.
I remember when recreational fishing in the river was free. I remember when it was legal to push net for soft crabs, A homeowner didn't have to have a permit to put a crab pot on their wharf, or a permit to build a wharf. I remember when you could cut a tree on your own property without permission, but now in a critical area you cannot, but you can build a pot plant and parking lots, in that area.


Beloved Misanthrope
There was no license for Salt Water fishing.

Netted crabs from a pier without too.

Just like everything else, Democrats ruin it so they can immorally profit.


Well-Known Member
I saw that. Friken CA style prices. Bike registration going from $110 to $190.

What I dont see is any "lockbox" to ensure this money goes to actual infrastructure and not illegal immigrant credit cards schemes.....
And Negro ebt cards dont forget about the number one user of ebt...Negros


Just sneakin' around....
There was no license for Salt Water fishing.

Netted crabs from a pier without too.

Just like everything else, Democrats ruin it so they can immorally profit.
NY, same then and now. I used to beach cast when a school of blues and stripers came thru, no limit, everyone walked away with more than they could carry.

I'd take the boat out on Moriches Bay. There were some tidal sand areas perfect for dragging a hand clam rake. No permits needed. Go out at night and use a flashlight to spot crabs swimming on the top, just scoop them up.

All changed now. Salt permit needed, clamming prohibited, no night crabbing.... Really glad I could do all those things back then.