Might help if you get things straight and know the difference between "Antique" vehicles and those that can be tagged "Historic."
I have no problems with "Antique" vehicles and those that are registered as such. The vast majority of people that own these types of vehicles DO NOT use them as daily drivers or for work purposes.
Finally, if you are going to say that it's a "small problem" then I suppose that I will NEVER hear you complain about food prices going up a dollar, gas prices going up $0.10, or insurance premiums going up... right?
When you have 10s of thousands of people in this state that are cheating the system and paying 1/3 to 1/4 the costs that they are supposed to be paying then YES... that is lost revenue. Where do you think the state is going to make up that revenue?
A lot of people with these "Historic" junk piles are driving around in unsafe cars. Now, I am sure that the people on here that have them keep them 100% up to code

but a lot of people do not.
Lets just hope that one of these Historic vehicles don't run into you while you are out on the road.