Billionaire Trump can't come up with $464 million for bond


Well-Known Member

So now you've made it clear that you have no idea what this case is about, yet on and on you blather.....

You retarded CoUNT...That article was in reference to Hunter & Sleazy Joe's foreign entity money making scheme!!!
Stop mixing your Meth with your crack, Felicia....


Well-Known Member
Trump scares me.

we know, but 👇


Happy 18th Barron!


Well-Known Member
Cardboard boxes cannot qual for mortgages so quit lying. A G6 is also now obsolete. A 30 year old 757 carries 6 times the pax payload and has considerable more cabin interior. To each his own, something neither you or I need to worry about.
As of this writing to the best of my knowledge he has yet to fall on his ass on the airstairs like the senile bastard has. Oh that's right, there was a .02 mph wind and the Easter bunny wasn't there to help.
PS, hope he dies of stroke.

Well at this point a stroke would be better for him than dying in jail a pauper but that is still pretty harsh of you to condemn Trump like that.

Well Tuberville is 20 years younger than both of them and it happened to him.



Well-Known Member
Well at this point a stroke would be better for him than dying in jail a pauper but that is still pretty harsh of you to condemn Trump like that.

Well Tuberville is 20 years younger than both of them and it happened to him.

Never voted for Tuberville, doubtful ever will, poor deflection.


Well-Known Member
Well at this point a stroke would be better for him than dying in jail a pauper but that is still pretty harsh of you to condemn Trump like that.

Well Tuberville is 20 years younger than both of them and it happened to him.

What exactly has that got to do with Trump? My God you're an idiot. At first I thought it was just a rumor, but, you've shown it to be very true!


Well-Known Member
Am I a crook for refinancing to a 2% mortgage?
I think the claim they are making is the opposite, if you got a mortgage for twice the value of your business asset, lets say a rental property (not your home, tax situation is different) you could then write off twice the interest you otherwise could as a a business expense. Now whether this is an "issue" boils down to what you used the extra mortgage cash for. If it was expended to provide updates to the property or other legitimate business expenses then it's kind of a wash vs getting a separate business loan. If the money was used for living/personal expenses (hookers and blow), then it could be argued this was a way to reduce or eliminate your "income" (e.g. you didn't pay yourself a salary or collect profits at all, but instead lived off the extra loan money), and it also could be argued that you are avoiding income or capital gains taxes depending on how you would have normally been compensated.

Still, something pretty much every big business owner does and while perhaps worthy of a slap on the wrist (very much depending on circumstances they didn't show or prove), in Trumps case this was blown away out of proportion.


Power with Control
Well at this point a stroke would be better for him than dying in jail a pauper but that is still pretty harsh of you to condemn Trump like that.

Well Tuberville is 20 years younger than both of them and it happened to him.

So he's carrying two bags down what appear to be wet steps. While The HOTUS (Hood Ornament of The United States) has done it in the dry going up wider and shallower steps....


Well-Known Member
Well at this point a stroke would be better for him than dying in jail a pauper but that is still pretty harsh of you to condemn Trump like that.

Well Tuberville is 20 years younger than both of them and it happened to him.

Well at least the cadets got a hell of a laugh out of it!