Breast Cancer Diagnosis


New Member
The problem is I am already out on disability for failed back syndrome and 7 other ruptured discs in my neck and back. I am on full medicaid through United Healthcare so I think that may have something to do with it, although when I looked up whether or not a breast MRI was covered, it says it is. Go figure. I am in deep trouble if there are out of pocket costs since I have no income until I get approved for Social Security (been denied twice).

:huggy: I'm sorry to hear about your struggle, but I was just reading through your post. If you haven't already done so, you should strongly consider hiring an attorney. Scott Sanford with Wilson & Parlett is a great attorney that I have seen help many people get SS after denials. 877-727-5388. You won't have to pay anything out of pocket.


New Member

Well, after numerous attempts to get follow up scans and other tests ordered by the oncologist, (all denied by insurance as "not medically necessary"), I give up and so does he. There have been 6 appeals and all were denied. My primary care doctor even tried. Now all they can do is "follow" me and see if anything else shows up. The biggest test we needed was the breast MRI to see if anything else was present deeper into the breast.

I was able to get the pelvic CT when I was admitted for kidney stones a couple of weeks ago. They approved it for that but not for screening purposes.

This is so frustrating but I guess there is nothing more I can do. Oh well.


Free to Fly
Well, after numerous attempts to get follow up scans and other tests ordered by the oncologist, (all denied by insurance as "not medically necessary"), I give up and so does he. There have been 6 appeals and all were denied. My primary care doctor even tried. Now all they can do is "follow" me and see if anything else shows up. The biggest test we needed was the breast MRI to see if anything else was present deeper into the breast.

I was able to get the pelvic CT when I was admitted for kidney stones a couple of weeks ago. They approved it for that but not for screening purposes.

This is so frustrating but I guess there is nothing more I can do. Oh well.

I am so sorry to hear your insurance company is being so hard on you. My sister has a brain tumor and cancer in the lymph nodes and is currently waiting on state approval for a cord blood cell transfusion. She lost her job due to being ill (yes, a law suit is pending). She has said it is so hard to feel you're helpless in your own treatments. I will keep you in prayer.


New Member
Well, after numerous attempts to get follow up scans and other tests ordered by the oncologist, (all denied by insurance as "not medically necessary"), I give up and so does he. There have been 6 appeals and all were denied. My primary care doctor even tried. Now all they can do is "follow" me and see if anything else shows up. The biggest test we needed was the breast MRI to see if anything else was present deeper into the breast.

I was able to get the pelvic CT when I was admitted for kidney stones a couple of weeks ago. They approved it for that but not for screening purposes.

This is so frustrating but I guess there is nothing more I can do. Oh well.

PLEASE do not give up! You keep fighting and fighting. I know it is very hard and stressful. My brother went through the same thing. He was denied by medicade and what not. After 2 years he was finally approved. There is still hope for you. Write emails and call every person in government that you can think of. That is what i did. I fought like hell. This is your life and you deserve proper care! Best wishes! If you need anything feel free to pm me.


Happy Camper
Well, after numerous attempts to get follow up scans and other tests ordered by the oncologist, (all denied by insurance as "not medically necessary"), I give up and so does he. There have been 6 appeals and all were denied. My primary care doctor even tried. Now all they can do is "follow" me and see if anything else shows up. The biggest test we needed was the breast MRI to see if anything else was present deeper into the breast.

I was able to get the pelvic CT when I was admitted for kidney stones a couple of weeks ago. They approved it for that but not for screening purposes.

This is so frustrating but I guess there is nothing more I can do. Oh well.

I'm so sorry to hear that. Please don't give up!!! If I were you, I think I might try contacting Andrea Roane of Channel 9's Buddy Check...

If nothing else, maybe they would do a story on the injustice of proper screening/medical tests that are necessary, but can't be performed because of insurance!!! Heck, write your congressmen! Maybe Barbara Mikulski would be able to help somehow?? You would think as a woman, she would have a vested interest in this type of thing?

Senator Barbara Mikulski: U.S. Senator For Maryland

Heck, you might even want to contact Oprah... Seriously! There has to be somebody out there who can help.

Good luck to you, and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!! :huggy:


Well-Known Member
Well, after numerous attempts to get follow up scans and other tests ordered by the oncologist, (all denied by insurance as "not medically necessary"), I give up and so does he. There have been 6 appeals and all were denied. My primary care doctor even tried. Now all they can do is "follow" me and see if anything else shows up. The biggest test we needed was the breast MRI to see if anything else was present deeper into the breast.

I was able to get the pelvic CT when I was admitted for kidney stones a couple of weeks ago. They approved it for that but not for screening purposes.

This is so frustrating but I guess there is nothing more I can do. Oh well.

I wonder if the Cancer Society or an organization like that could help you to pay for the necessary tests. Good luck and prayers to you.


Having Fun!
I'm so sorry to hear that. Please don't give up!!! If I were you, I think I might try contacting Andrea Roane of Channel 9's Buddy Check...

If nothing else, maybe they would do a story on the injustice of proper screening/medical tests that are necessary, but can't be performed because of insurance!!! Heck, write your congressmen! Maybe Barbara Mikulski would be able to help somehow?? You would think as a woman, she would have a vested interest in this type of thing?

Senator Barbara Mikulski: U.S. Senator For Maryland

Heck, you might even want to contact Oprah... Seriously! There has to be somebody out there who can help.

Good luck to you, and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!! :huggy:


Contacting Andrea Roane is an excellent idea!!! Please try to do that!!!

Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers also!


New Member
Thanks everyone. You have given me some more to work with here. Letter going out to Andrea on Monday. I am not giving up, just needed some more ideas. Will let you know the outcome.

Just had my post surgery mammogram and sonogram. Where the 2 tumors were removed, looks clean:yahoo:. Dr. is very cautious though because of breast density, they can't see inside the whole breast. Lab work suggests there is something else going on but no way find out.