Breast Cancer Diagnosis


Having Fun!
Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. I am trying to keep a positive attitude but it is hard to do when there is no support system in place. Although I live with my ex-husband, I can't count on his help. My son and his wife live here also and they said they would help me when I need it. I have an older brother in WV, but he is too busy chasing "Big Foot". I emailed him (couldn't reach by phone) and told him the situation and he still hasn't responded. It would be great if the above mentioned persons would be there for me but I am prepared to beat this with or without their help.

Even though you all don't know me, you still send prayers and thoughts my way. It means a lot to me. OK, gotta quit now. The Percocet is making me ramble.

The nice thing about us is that someone is always here. And you're right, we don't know you, but that means that you can say whatever you feel to us and don't have to worry about blowing your image or any silly stuff like that. A lot of people on the forums have run into cancer in one way or another so there's a lot of experience to draw upon here. Good for you for reaching out and keep doing that as things are always easier if there is someone to talk (or type) to about whatever is on your mind.

Don't know when this article originally came out but it looks like there are some great resources listed at the end of it so scroll down to those. State of the Art Breast Cancer Care - Story by Christine Basham

Lots of stuff here at - Breast Cancer Treatment Information and Pictures

and here at Living Beyond Breast Cancer: Home - Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Link from 2009 but looks like it's kept updated for Resources in Charles County: Breast Cancer Resources in Charles County, MD: The Pink Ladies

Southern Maryland Hospital Support Group:

Southern Maryland Cancer Support Groups (might be same one posted by Belvak, haven't checked hers for duplications yet) Other Southern Maryland Cancer Support Groups

general info: Breast Cancer Symptoms, Statistics, Facts, Treatment, Stages and Diagnosis Information on

general info (WEb MD) WebMD Breast Cancer Center: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Genes, Staging, Tests, and Treatments

Calvert Memorial Hospital info: Calvert Memorial Hospital - Women's Health

Anne Arundel Medical Center (Breast Cancer center -- in Annapolis) Anne Arundel Medical Center DeCesaris Cancer Institute

Hope that you can find some use in the above. If there is something specific that you are looking for online or anywhere else, there is a wonderful service called Ask Us Now, that is 24/7, 365 days a year access to a Librarian online via chat, who will search out information for you. All you have to do is "ask (us) Now", LOL! Here is the link for them: Welcome to Maryland AskUsNow! - Info Experts 24/7 -

In the meantime, take a few moments to enjoy the little things in life that we sometimes take for granted, the sunrise, birds singing, a crackling fire on a cool evening, a hug from a friend, a beautiful flower, the sun on your face, and those other things that give you pleasure. You are a child of God and He will take of you. The rest of us, will make sure to ask Him to care for you and for your life to be blessed by having what you need, exactly when you need it.


New Member
Thank you everyone!!!!! I am overwhelmed by your responses. The links you provided have been full of useful information.
Next on my agenda is an MRI, which will be done on Thursday. Then I go see a surgeon. The surgeon's name is Dr. Fritz. I know she is female but that is all I know about her. Would like to know anyone's experience with her.


New Member
So sorry to hear about your diagnosis....Fritz is mother had a lump removed several months ago, and Fritz was her specialist. She took the time to come out and explain to me everything that she was going to be doing to my mom, came out to the waiting room as soon as she had finished to let me know she was done, personally came back to get me as soon as I was able to go into the recovery room and she escorted me in to see my mom. She really cares about her patients, and it was evident. She even called my mom later that evening to check on her and make sure she was doing ok. You will be in great hands.

Thank you everyone!!!!! I am overwhelmed by your responses. The links you provided have been full of useful information.
Next on my agenda is an MRI, which will be done on Thursday. Then I go see a surgeon. The surgeon's name is Dr. Fritz. I know she is female but that is all I know about her. Would like to know anyone's experience with her.


Adopt me please !
I have a wonderful dear friend who was Stage 4 with breast cancer and has passed her 15 year mark of being mostly cancer free - she does have recurrences of the breast cancer pop up in odd places like her scalp (amazing how i can travel in the body like that) .... anyway when that happens she changes her eating habits back to eating mostly unprocessed foods and it goes away again. I told her she should write a book about her experience because she did more to cure herself with the food she ate and the supplements she took than the Dr's did for her.

My heart goes out to you.



Happy Camper
Thank you everyone!!!!! I am overwhelmed by your responses. The links you provided have been full of useful information.
Next on my agenda is an MRI, which will be done on Thursday. Then I go see a surgeon. The surgeon's name is Dr. Fritz. I know she is female but that is all I know about her. Would like to know anyone's experience with her.

Dr. Fritz is absolutely fantastic!!!! She did my gallbladder surgery and has done hernia surgery on Hubby. As ABC said, she is terrific with both the patient and the family. Very caring and great bedside manner. You will love her!!!!!


Free to Fly
My thoughts and prayers to you. Cancer is always a hard diagnosis. I have a sister going through brain cancer right now so I understand how important support can be.


New Member
I am sorry to hear you are going through this, because I've been there myself. It's a difficult road ahead, I won't lie, but if you take it one day at a time, ask around to find a very good oncologist (beyond your surgeon who don't know but others have comments favorably about), find ways to keep your spirits up, and you can get through this.

I am 36 years old now, and 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Stage III BC (with no family history and no reason to have had a mammo at that age). I had a mastectomy, chemo (4 months), radiation (3 mos) at that time, which was followed by hormone therapy (pills) after that. After feeling good and being on the pills for a year and a half, I started to feel an ache in my back, and when I went in for Xrays/MRI it was found that I had developed to Stage 4 with metastatic disease to bone. So there was another round of surgery (oophorectomy to remove ovaries, to force me into menopause so they could switch my meds to one for post-menopausal women), and 3 weeks of radiation on my back. At this time I'm feeling much better, and am hopeful for the future. So that's my story. But except for during chemo, I've tried not to let it deter me from doing what I love - my hobbies, getting out and enjoying life, even going to work. I take one day at a time, and enjoy my family and my many blessings. Beating cancer CAN be done (and the previous poster is right - treatments have come a LONG way. I never had any nausea, even during chemo). Also, read up on cancer so you know what questions to ask your medical team. I have some good books I can give you if you are interested. Some of them are more informational, and some are just good stories of survivors.

I know there are support groups in St. Mary's (not sure where you are located at), but I'm sure there is a group wherever you are. I would encourage you to seek those groups out. There's a lot of scary stuff that goes through your mind at the beginning, but being around women who have been where you are now, and can offer helpful advice and a kind hug is life-changing. My oncologist is out of GW hospital in DC, and I'd be happy to get his info to you. Also, if you're anywhere near Leonardtown, Dana Russell is a CRNP and she is awesome.

I will pray for you....


New Member
:yeahthat: hpe everything goes well with your treatments :huggy: For support, I would suggest finding a local breast cancer support group. Women who have experienced the same thing can be a wealth of knowledge and courage/support in a time of what must be very frightening and confusing for you.

I second the recommendation to join a support group. They can make a world of difference. Thoughts, hopes and prayers go your way today.


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I just found out that I have cancer in both breasts. It is so hard to believe this is happening. It is also partly my fault that it is so extensive. I stopped getting mammograms about 10 years ago even though my mom died from it at age 44. I always had an excuse not to get one done. I always did a monthly exam though. I was looking for a bump or a lump. I found out yesterday that not all tumors are round and bumpy. They can be elongated and flat.

On Sunday I woke up to a little twinge of pain on the left side. By Tuesday, the pain was unbearable and radiating to my back. I went to the doctor that afternoon where she showed me the proper way to do a self exam. I could then feel the abnormalities.

I just wanted to encourage everyone to get their mammograms and do their monthly exams. I don't know what is in store for me in the future, but I know it is going to be a long road.

I would also like to hear from those who have been through this themselves so I know what lies ahead.

I need all the prayers I can get that is why I started this thread so that I can get lots of them. Thanks for reading my post.

You CAN and you WILL beat this. I don't want to compare apples and oranges (no pun intended) but my Dad is going through his SECOND round of treatments for a type of brain cancer. Actually, it is/was a growth in the sinuses; so it's in the cranial cavity. I don't have ALL the details; because he has had a couple surgeries to go after the cancer too.

ANYWAY.....Dad has been through chemo, radiation, CYBERKNIFE, surgeries.....ALL OF IT; and he's still here. There ARE days when he's too "out of it" to feel like doing anything; but there are also days when he feels 'okay.'

So, to use a tired cliche'; "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."
You BOTH are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck.


New Member
Thank you everyone!!!!! I am overwhelmed by your responses. The links you provided have been full of useful information.
Next on my agenda is an MRI, which will be done on Thursday. Then I go see a surgeon. The surgeon's name is Dr. Fritz. I know she is female but that is all I know about her. Would like to know anyone's experience with her.

They say she is good but when i saw her when there was thought i had breast cancer she looked at me a laughed. All because i was 27. It turned out i didn't have breast cancer but fibrocystic breast disease. I do have very little calcification that needs to be watched. I won't be going back to her. Things might be different with you. I wish you all the best.


New Member
Thank you everyone!!!!! I am overwhelmed by your responses. The links you provided have been full of useful information.
Next on my agenda is an MRI, which will be done on Thursday. Then I go see a surgeon. The surgeon's name is Dr. Fritz. I know she is female but that is all I know about her. Would like to know anyone's experience with her.

Dr.Fritz knows her stuff. I'd go to her any day. I have a lot of bc in my family and when something came up odd on my mammogram years ago,I went straight to her for a second opinion. Whatever she says is the way to go. I would also very strongly suggest you meet Dr.DeLuca,in Annapolis. He is wonderful and extremely knowledgeable. I see him as my hematologist for a clotting disorder,but he and his colleagues are also oncologists - cancer specialists. He will give you lots of time and plenty of explanations,even if you just want someone to bounce treatment ideas off of. I'm sorry to hear you don't have much support,but good for you for reaching out for some!


New Member
Dr.Fritz knows her stuff. I'd go to her any day. I have a lot of bc in my family and when something came up odd on my mammogram years ago,I went straight to her for a second opinion. Whatever she says is the way to go. I would also very strongly suggest you meet Dr.DeLuca,in Annapolis. He is wonderful and extremely knowledgeable. I see him as my hematologist for a clotting disorder,but he and his colleagues are also oncologists - cancer specialists. He will give you lots of time and plenty of explanations,even if you just want someone to bounce treatment ideas off of. I'm sorry to hear you don't have much support,but good for you for reaching out for some!

Breast MRI has been cancelled for 2 reasons: insurance hasn't approved it yet and i just came down with a nasty case of shingles. This is driving me insane. ER docs say the shingles are probably a result of something else going on in my body, probably the masses found in my breast. I don't wish shingles on anyone. The pain is horrible. Percocet doesn't help at all. Waiting to hear from doc for stronger pain meds. Also taking anti-viral medication and another medication for nerve pain. As usual though, I'll make it through this setback.


I hope the shingles clear up pretty quick for you as my neighbor he said they were painful...I have never had them and hope I never do.
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New Member
Oh, you poor thing! :smoochy: You are just having a terrible sorry to hear about the shingles. Hang in there, try not to get too discouraged. Don't let this lead to depression, that will only complicate things even more. Try to keep your chin up and stay strong.
Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy? Reading? Crafting? Fav TV shows? Anything you can do to help keep your mind off your troubles?

Breast MRI has been cancelled for 2 reasons: insurance hasn't approved it yet and i just came down with a nasty case of shingles. This is driving me insane. ER docs say the shingles are probably a result of something else going on in my body, probably the masses found in my breast. I don't wish shingles on anyone. The pain is horrible. Percocet doesn't help at all. Waiting to hear from doc for stronger pain meds. Also taking anti-viral medication and another medication for nerve pain. As usual though, I'll make it through this setback.

Nanny Pam

Breast MRI has been cancelled for 2 reasons: insurance hasn't approved it yet and i just came down with a nasty case of shingles. This is driving me insane. ER docs say the shingles are probably a result of something else going on in my body, probably the masses found in my breast. I don't wish shingles on anyone. The pain is horrible. Percocet doesn't help at all. Waiting to hear from doc for stronger pain meds. Also taking anti-viral medication and another medication for nerve pain. As usual though, I'll make it through this setback.

I'd rather have labor & child birth for a week than have shingles again. It's the worst pain I've ever had. I really wanted to die. Couldn't wear clothes, so I just wore a sheet. All I did was cry and eat pain pills.
You poor woman. God bless you! :huggy:


New Member
I'd rather have labor & child birth for a week than have shingles again. It's the worst pain I've ever had. I really wanted to die. Couldn't wear clothes, so I just wore a sheet. All I did was cry and eat pain pills.
You poor woman. God bless you! :huggy:

I would eat pain pills all day if I could get them. ER only gave me enough for one day until I could see my primary care dr who doesn't do pain management and will send me up the road to a pain management person. I can always go back to the ER I guess. I see dr tomorrow so we'll see. It will be another sleepless night of pain. I have had kidney stones that compared to this would feel like someone tickling me. Alright, I'll stop complaining so much and try to have a better outlook on things. Thanks for the hug.


Adopt me please !
Sad part is the bogus people who want pain pills usually get them them but those that NEED them are put through HELL - sad !!! Been there, done that ...

Ask for Tramadol - not a controlled substance, and easier to get. Isn't AS good as other meds, but will get you through the rough stuff.

I would eat pain pills all day if I could get them. ER only gave me enough for one day until I could see my primary care dr who doesn't do pain management and will send me up the road to a pain management person. I can always go back to the ER I guess. I see dr tomorrow so we'll see. It will be another sleepless night of pain. I have had kidney stones that compared to this would feel like someone tickling me. Alright, I'll stop complaining so much and try to have a better outlook on things. Thanks for the hug.


Having Fun!
Breast MRI has been cancelled for 2 reasons: insurance hasn't approved it yet and i just came down with a nasty case of shingles. This is driving me insane. ER docs say the shingles are probably a result of something else going on in my body, probably the masses found in my breast. I don't wish shingles on anyone. The pain is horrible. Percocet doesn't help at all. Waiting to hear from doc for stronger pain meds. Also taking anti-viral medication and another medication for nerve pain. As usual though, I'll make it through this setback.

Oh, my! Hang in there, honey, and do what the doctors tell you. Keep after them until you get what you need! Pain management is one of the things that is looked at when they accredit hospitals and healthcare organizations so if what they are giving you isn't working for you, keep after them until they can get you some relief!

Sending prayers & a virtual hug --> :huggy: