Breast Cancer Diagnosis


New Member
I got an education today actually. What the surgeon saw was completely different from what the radiologist saw. The things that concerned the radiologist didn't impress the surgeon once. It was something that the radiologist didn't remark upon that caught her eye and made her decide on the biopsy. Dr. Fritz is also sending me to Georgetown for genetic screening since my family history for breast cancer is very strong.


Happy Camper
I got an education today actually. What the surgeon saw was completely different from what the radiologist saw. The things that concerned the radiologist didn't impress the surgeon once. It was something that the radiologist didn't remark upon that caught her eye and made her decide on the biopsy. Dr. Fritz is also sending me to Georgetown for genetic screening since my family history for breast cancer is very strong.

:huggy: Sounds like good news. Hope all goes well with the biopsy!!


Having Fun!
Just an update. I will be going in the hospital on Nov 4th for biopsy and removal of suspect tissue. At least I will be asleep for most of it. I hate pain.

I got an education today actually. What the surgeon saw was completely different from what the radiologist saw. The things that concerned the radiologist didn't impress the surgeon once. It was something that the radiologist didn't remark upon that caught her eye and made her decide on the biopsy. Dr. Fritz is also sending me to Georgetown for genetic screening since my family history for breast cancer is very strong.

Praying for best results for you. Anesthetics (asleep) are wonderful things!!



Well-Known Member
Insurance companies suck eggs! See if you can get a patient advocate and appeal, appeal, appeal.

Here is another link that I found when I googled, for St. Mary's county cancer resources:

National Cancer Institute:

There are many other informational links to resources through this source (National Cancer Institute) so if you haven't looked at it before, please check it out. You will know better than I what would apply to you and your situation.

Still praying & hope the percocet is helping you. Rest and try not to stress too much. Remember, someone is always here if you need to talk.


to quote twinoaks here "

" Insurance companies suck eggs! "

And every year insurance companies reap massive profits, and meanwhile they deny care for everyone. Yet this new healthcare crap bill did not do anything to alleviate the main problems i feel we have with this. Dr.'s malpractice insurance is driving Dr's out of business and patient rates for medical insurance go up every year, yet the insuance co's refuse treatment. Sorry about my rant but have lost several family members to this disease. Somehow the insurance co's have taken over health care in this country and it is driving me crazy.


New Member

to quote twinoaks here "

" Insurance companies suck eggs! "

And every year insurance companies reap massive profits, and meanwhile they deny care for everyone. Yet this new healthcare crap bill did not do anything to alleviate the main problems i feel we have with this. Dr.'s malpractice insurance is driving Dr's out of business and patient rates for medical insurance go up every year, yet the insuance co's refuse treatment. Sorry about my rant but have lost several family members to this disease. Somehow the insurance co's have taken over health care in this country and it is driving me crazy.

I don't understand insurance companies. They have already approved my surgery next week which I am sure it will cost several thousand dollars more than an MRI would have cost. Go figure.


New Member
Now the wait begins

I had my surgery yesterday. Doctor removed 2 growths from my right breast. Will get the results in about a week or so. Things went very well at St. Mary's Hospital. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of care I received from the time I walked in the door until I was discharged.

The only bad thing was that because of all the stress and anxiety I put myself through, the shingles reappeared. Geeze, I can't get a break.

Thanks everyone for all of your prayers, advice and support.
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Happy Camper
I had my surgery yesterday. Doctor removed 2 growths from my right breast. Will get the results in about a week or so. Things went very well at St. Mary's Hospital. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of care I received from the time I walked in the door until I was discharged.

The only bad thing was that because of all the stress and anxiety I put myself through caused my shingles to reappear. Geeze, I can't get a break.

Thanks everyone for all of your prayers, advice and support.

I've had a few occaisions to be a guest at SMH, and have never had any problems either. Their outpatient surgery area is great! Good luck with the results. Will keep the prayers and support coming!!! :huggy:


New Member
Biopsy Results

Went yesterday to get results. One growth was benign. The other one had cell changes that will require me to see an oncologist on Dec 9. Surgeon said that the oncologist can put me on some type of medication that will supress whatever estrogen I have left in me and may keep the abnormal cells from going full-blown cancer. He will also discuss other preventative measures I can take.


New Member
Went yesterday to get results. One growth was benign. The other one had cell changes that will require me to see an oncologist on Dec 9. Surgeon said that the oncologist can put me on some type of medication that will supress whatever estrogen I have left in me and may keep the abnormal cells from going full-blown cancer. He will also discuss other preventative measures I can take.

Sounds pretty encouraging! :huggy:


Happy Camper
Went yesterday to get results. One growth was benign. The other one had cell changes that will require me to see an oncologist on Dec 9. Surgeon said that the oncologist can put me on some type of medication that will supress whatever estrogen I have left in me and may keep the abnormal cells from going full-blown cancer. He will also discuss other preventative measures I can take.

Sounds like good news! Hopefully, medication will work! Glad to hear things are going well so far! :huggy:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I don't know how I missed this thread!

The biopsy sounds like very encouraging news, I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. :huggy: Stay positive!


Adopt me please !
Absolutely great news on the biopsy that was benign. Hoping the remaining tests are such. I know it must be so hard to go through this. :huggy:


New Member

Saw oncologist today thinking I was only going to be put on a medication that would help keep the abnormal cells that were found in the biopsy from turning into cancer. Did I ever get a shock. Dr. said I do have cancer. He is sending me to the radiation oncologist next week. Also, I am scheduled for a PET scan, CT scan, another mammogram and a breast MRI. He also said that I will need further surgery after all of the tests are in since only a biopsy was done. I thought the tumors were removed but I guess I misunderstood.


My Sweetest Boy
Saw oncologist today thinking I was only going to be put on a medication that would help keep the abnormal cells that were found in the biopsy from turning into cancer. Did I ever get a shock. Dr. said I do have cancer. He is sending me to the radiation oncologist next week. Also, I am scheduled for a PET scan, CT scan, another mammogram and a breast MRI. He also said that I will need further surgery after all of the tests are in since only a biopsy was done. I thought the tumors were removed but I guess I misunderstood.

Do you take someone with you when you go? It's always good to have an extra set of ears when you go through something like this. If not, maybe take a journal, ask lot of questions and write things down. You can also write questions you have for your doctors that come up when you are home, in the car, etc.



Happy Camper
Saw oncologist today thinking I was only going to be put on a medication that would help keep the abnormal cells that were found in the biopsy from turning into cancer. Did I ever get a shock. Dr. said I do have cancer. He is sending me to the radiation oncologist next week. Also, I am scheduled for a PET scan, CT scan, another mammogram and a breast MRI. He also said that I will need further surgery after all of the tests are in since only a biopsy was done. I thought the tumors were removed but I guess I misunderstood.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Do you take someone with you when you go? It's always good to have an extra set of ears when you go through something like this. If not, maybe take a journal, ask lot of questions and write things down. You can also write questions you have for your doctors that come up when you are home, in the car, etc.


This is very good advice. It's very hard to remember things later due to all sorts of reasons. I have someone very close to me going through a similar situation (though, not breast cancer) and she has finally realized that taking someone with her (who is able to comprehend what the doctors tell her & can help fill her in later) is almost imperative. For moral support if nothing else, but even that is a major reason.

Good luck to you. :huggy:


Having Fun!
Do you take someone with you when you go? It's always good to have an extra set of ears when you go through something like this. If not, maybe take a journal, ask lot of questions and write things down. You can also write questions you have for your doctors that come up when you are home, in the car, etc.


This is a wonderful idea!

Saw oncologist today thinking I was only going to be put on a medication that would help keep the abnormal cells that were found in the biopsy from turning into cancer. Did I ever get a shock. Dr. said I do have cancer. He is sending me to the radiation oncologist next week. Also, I am scheduled for a PET scan, CT scan, another mammogram and a breast MRI. He also said that I will need further surgery after all of the tests are in since only a biopsy was done. I thought the tumors were removed but I guess I misunderstood.

:huggy: sending thoughts & prayers your way! Hang in there!!


New Member
I am pretty much on my own through this. I bought a journal at the beginning of all of this and it goes with me to dr. appointments, tests, etc. It really does help to write down everything the doctors tell me. I was really impressed with Dr. Charbra (not sure of the spelling) and his nurse. They spent alot of time with me today, explaining everything that needed to be done and what I was going to go through. They were very kind and compassionate. I have always had a low opinion of the Shah Associates, but today changed my mind. I didn't feel like I was on an assembly line.