Breastfeeding Poll

Should a woman breastfeed in public?

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vraiblonde said:
You know how we'll be blunt about things online, whereas in real life we'd be like, "Oh, isn't that something?" or just not comment?

Breastfeeding a toddler is one of those things I wouldn't be polite about. I think it's revolting and is a sign of a Mommy who has issues. I also can't stand to see a kid over the age of 12 months with a binky sticking out of his face. It's disgusting and makes the kid look like a retard.

And to all you Mommies who will surely blast me for my outspoken views - hey, if you want your kid to look like a retard, who am I to argue with you? :kiss:

IS that why I am a retard now:confused: Its all my mothers fault:shrug:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
You know how we'll be blunt about things online, whereas in real life we'd be like, "Oh, isn't that something?" or just not comment?
Breastfeeding a toddler is one of those things I wouldn't be polite about. I think it's revolting and is a sign of a Mommy who has issues. I also can't stand to see a kid over the age of 12 months with a binky sticking out of his face. It's disgusting and makes the kid look like a retard.

And to all you Mommies who will surely blast me for my outspoken views - hey, if you want your kid to look like a retard, who am I to argue with you? :kiss:

:roflmao: my sister lives in the land of crunchy granolas (Vermont) and has seen mommies in their wool clogs whip out a boob and feed 4 year olds....and kids that age throwing fits to have a boob in their mouths :jameo: :lmao:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
You know how we'll be blunt about things online, whereas in real life we'd be like, "Oh, isn't that something?" or just not comment?

Breastfeeding a toddler is one of those things I wouldn't be polite about. I think it's revolting and is a sign of a Mommy who has issues. I also can't stand to see a kid over the age of 12 months with a binky sticking out of his face. It's disgusting and makes the kid look like a retard.

And to all you Mommies who will surely blast me for my outspoken views - hey, if you want your kid to look like a retard, who am I to argue with you? :kiss:
Agreed! :jerry:


New Member
morganj614 said:
:roflmao: my sister lives in the land of crunchy granolas (Vermont) and has seen mommies in their wool clogs whip out a boob and feed 4 year olds....and kids that age throwing fits to have a boob in their mouths :jameo: :lmao:
:faint: :faint: :faint: :faint:


Football addict
I think I stand with the general consensus that if you have to breast feed in public to just be descreet and cover it up. Of course, you could also walk ten paces to the bathroom keeping your privacy in tact while not offending others. Just because your kid shats in his diaper (natural act) and you decide to change it in public doesn't mean others won't mind smelling said shat.


I bowl overhand
I think the option of breastfeeding your baby in the bathroom is revolting. Would YOU want to eat your lunch in a public bathroom?

I didn't think so. :ohwell:


In My Opinion
I said under a blanket because of all the pervs out there that like to look at the womens breast and imagine that they are the ones drinking the milk while sucking their own drink through a straw and touching themselfs through the hole in their pocket while breathing heavy...

I mean,
I said blanket for respect of others,, I have no Idea who would do what I mentioned above.. sick sick people in this world.


I've never in my life been offended by the sight of a breast. Even when there's a shorty attached to the business end of one.

I've never felt the need to "protect" my children from breasts.

Even ugly ones.

And I've never understood this nation's sphincter-puckery over breasts.


But wait, there's more...
I chose "yes, anytime/anywhere" ...

HOWEVER ... if you're not going to take certain measures to cover yourself up, don't biatch a fit when people (and pervs) are staring at your teets. :shrug: I nursed my daughter, and always had a blanket or at least a burp cloth to cover her/my teet, not only out of respect for others, but myself. I didn't want peeps staring at my teets. :nono:

And I'm with Vrai on this too-old-to-tackle-the-teet crap! Two years (IMO) is too old to be nursing. If you don't think so, and you want to do it, like she said, don't get pissy when others give you the :eyebrow: and comment on it. I'd give someone the eyebrow for wearing spandex when they probably shouldn't; having your pre-schooler suction-cupped to your chest ain't any better. :nono:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
You know how we'll be blunt about things online, whereas in real life we'd be like, "Oh, isn't that something?" or just not comment?

Breastfeeding a toddler is one of those things I wouldn't be polite about. I think it's revolting and is a sign of a Mommy who has issues. I also can't stand to see a kid over the age of 12 months with a binky sticking out of his face. It's disgusting and makes the kid look like a retard.

And to all you Mommies who will surely blast me for my outspoken views - hey, if you want your kid to look like a retard, who am I to argue with you? :kiss:

I have seen mentally challanged kids that have more class and heart then you, Binky or no Binky.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
vari said:
I also can't stand to see a kid over the age of 12 months with a binky sticking out of his face. It's disgusting and makes the kid look like a retard.



But wait, there's more...
Geek said:
I have seen mentally challanged kids that have more class and heart then you, Binky or no Binky.

Ya ever think they're mentally challenged because they were slurping up milk when they should've been scarfing down a steak? :shrug:


But wait, there's more...
Geek said:

Well, you can have the gnarled up nipples from the 5 year old who still demands a daily teet-tug. Just know that when you do that crap in public, don't get pissy when people point and laugh. :shrug:

I'm all for breast-feeding (I nursed DQ till she decided at 6 months old she'd had enough) ... but it isn't something I think should be a part of a child's diet once they're moved to solid table foods. Basically, if they can hold a fork or a spoon and consistently get the food to their mouths, they shouldn't be reaching for a pull on the boob anymore. Nursing is a form of nourishment for newborns/babies because they can't do anything else -- hold their head up, chew, self-feed, etc. All they can do is suckle. But nursing while they flip channels on the remote between Barney and Teletubbies is pretty damn sad.


New Member
Tina2001aniT said:
Say you were on a plane, what would you do? Would you excuse yourself to the bathroom or feed your son in your seat?
My son and I flew to FL when he was 5 months old. I pumped and took bottles to feed him on the plane.


New Member
crabcake said:
Well, you can have the gnarled up nipples from the 5 year old who still demands a daily teet-tug. Just know that when you do that crap in public, don't get pissy when people point and laugh. :shrug:
Nursing is a form of nourishment for newborns/babies because they can't do anything else -- hold their head up, chew, self-feed, etc. All they can do is suckle. But nursing while they flip channels on the remote between Barney and Teletubbies is pretty damn sad.

Tits For Tots Campaign :lmao: All I visualize is National Geographic Ubangi boobs, sucked dry until they hang like mud flaps :killingme