Breastfeeding Poll

Should a woman breastfeed in public?

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R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Toxick said:
I was thinking about getting a wetnurse for myself.. because frankly, I could use some better nutritional content in my diet.

I made that suggestion to Mrs Toxick around lunchtime today.

She just let go of my throat about 4 minutes ago.

I don't blame her, after all you insulted her cooking!! :killingme


If I was out and about with my baby, and it was that time, I usually tried to go to my car, and just covered with a baby blanket. When I lived in Germany, I remember seeing women breastfeeding in publilc all the time. They rarely ever tried to hide it. It was strange to us, but no one else seemed to pay much attention.


Lem Putt
elaine said:
:twitch: I've never seen anyone attached to a cows teet.
It's in the video Oprah and Melman (or whatever his name is) made. Soon to hit video stores. Enjoy that thought!

TWLs wife

New Member
CandyRain said:
There wasn't a choice for "Yes, in private". That's my vote. :yay:
I agree. I put in the bathroom. When I had my son. If I do it in pubic I went to a place where we could have peace. If it was loud my son wouldn't eat. I think the loud places scared him.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Geek said:
I think your Doctor is smoking crack.
Yes, well, he's not the one shaking his ass in every thread on here saying "Look at me!! Look at me!! Aren't I sexy? Don't you want to #### me???", now is he? :coffee:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Yes, well, he's not the one shaking his ass in every thread on here saying "Look at me!! Look at me!! Aren't I sexy? Don't you want to #### me???", now is he? :coffee:

I don't know. What's his screen name :shrug: I will do a search for you :huggy:


vraiblonde said:
Yes, well, he's not the one shaking his ass in every thread on here saying "Look at me!! Look at me!! Aren't I sexy? Don't you want to #### me???", now is he? :coffee:
Do you have high blood pressure?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mainman said:
Wouldn't that require a heart?
I have a heart - it just doesn't bleed all over the place for stupid people who screw up their lives, then attack others to try and boost their self-esteem.


Set Trippin
vraiblonde said:
I have a heart - it just doesn't bleed all over the place for stupid people who screw up their lives, then attack others to try and boost their self-esteem.
I must have missed something....:roflmao: Party on Wayne!


I really don't see the big deal. I have never seen a Mom who was breastfeeding actually have her tit out for the world to see..

I have to wonder if its one of the many reasons Americans are so much more overweight than the rest of the world. I read somewhere that by breastfeeding for at least 18 months made a drastic difference in weight gain later in life, as a child and adult.

Im getting ready to do it, and don't know how comfortable I would be in public. I would probably go to my car or something. However, I would rather see a woman breastfeeding than hear the screaming of a child.


100% Goapele Head!
I can't vote. :frown:

The first one is not specific enough. The second is unreasonable. The third is a given that she should be covered if in public and the last choice is location specific. What happens if she is at the bus stop or McDonalds. You can't breastfeed in a McD's bathroom, it's too germy. :barf: