Breastfeeding Poll

Should a woman breastfeed in public?

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New Member
I would pick anywhere anytime....I have always bf my children whenever they were hungry but covered up for my sake. I never really cared if i offended anyone else because as itsbob said "would you like to eat your lunch in a bathroom" Breasfeeding a 22 month old is a stretch.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
You know how we'll be blunt about things online, whereas in real life we'd be like, "Oh, isn't that something?" or just not comment?

Breastfeeding a toddler is one of those things I wouldn't be polite about. I think it's revolting and is a sign of a Mommy who has issues. I also can't stand to see a kid over the age of 12 months with a binky sticking out of his face. It's disgusting and makes the kid look like a retard.

And to all you Mommies who will surely blast me for my outspoken views - hey, if you want your kid to look like a retard, who am I to argue with you? :kiss:
This was a surprisingly popular post. Now I'll read the two pages of responses after it :jet:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
Tits For Tots Campaign :lmao: All I visualize is National Geographic Ubangi boobs, sucked dry until they hang like mud flaps :killingme
OMG!!!! That made me collapse :killingme


tired and content....
Geek said:
I was in Disney World and the nursing station was very far away. My infant was hungry, so I fed her on a bench. She was a very sqirmy feeder and staying covered was not easy. And yes I got some looks.

Hey Geek, i'm just curious....i'm not knocking you, just wondered why you did nurse them for that long? :shrug:


New Member
GeezLouise said:
Hey Geek, i'm just curious....i'm not knocking you, just wondered why you did nurse them for that long? :shrug:

Because it worked for us. I had pretty crappy eaters. They never took a bottle. I knew that if I ate well they would get what they needed. My kids were consistently healthy. My friends kids would get a bug and mine wouldn't. By the time they were 2 or close to 2 we were down to one feeding a day. I liked it, they liked it.


Active Member
Geek said:
Because it worked for us. I had pretty crappy eaters. They never took a bottle. I knew that if I ate well they would get what they needed. My kids were consistently healthy. My friends kids would get a bug and mine wouldn't. By the time they were 2 or close to 2 we were down to one feeding a day. I liked it, they liked it.

Yup, nursed both my kids whereever I was as well, though I most certainly didn't "just whip it out" for all to see. It CAN be done discreetly even without a blanket. And my son nursed longer than 24 months. The only reason I put a stop to it was because I was pregnant with # 2 and it became uncomfortable. Now my daughter barely nursed one year. Each child is different and like the abover poster, I did what worked for me and my children. NOT what made the general population happy. My son was comforted to sleep by nursing when he was over 24 months and that was the only time at that age that I nursed and I'll be damned if I let anyone else's opinion of it stop me from getting a cranky child to sleep!


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
CandyRain said:
My son and I flew to FL when he was 5 months old. I pumped and took bottles to feed him on the plane.

If you're flying from Md to FL. that's a pretty short trip, what happens if you're say, flying to CA? Some breastfed babies won't even take the bottle anyhow! :shrug:


Lem Putt
Mikeinsmd said:
22 months is absolutely absurd!! :smack:

:flowers: :love:
Could someone explain to my why it is wrong for a 22 month old to drink the most nutritionally complete substance there is, but it is perfectly acceptable for adults to suck milk out of cow tits and slurp it down?

Talk about unnatural!


professional daydreamer
MMDad said:
Could someone explain to my why it is wrong for a 22 month old to drink the most nutritionally complete substance there is, but it is perfectly acceptable for adults to suck milk out of cow tits and slurp it down?

Talk about unnatural!

:twitch: I've never seen anyone attached to a cows teet.


Lem Putt
elaine said:
:twitch: I've never seen anyone attached to a cows teet.
So if you use a machine to suck it out, somehow that is more acceptable? Just because it went through tubes, to a tank, and went through some processing, does not change the fact that it came from cow tits.


MMDad said:
Could someone explain to my why it is wrong for a 22 month old to drink the most nutritionally complete substance there is

'Cause they have teeth and a digestive system that should be developed enough to process actual food into energy.

MMDad said:
but it is perfectly acceptable for adults to suck milk out of cow tits and slurp it down?

Talk about unnatural!


You lost me on that one.

But it does 'mind me of a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon that i read once, where Calvin was wondering who it was that first looked at a cow and said, "I'm going to squeeze those things and drink whatever comes out".

That's horribly paraphrased.


Well-Known Member
MMDad said:
Could someone explain to my why it is wrong for a 22 month old to drink the most nutritionally complete substance there is...

I totally agree. I think our society is a little backwards in regards to breastfeeding. The problem is that there are too many people who can't keep their nose on their own face. What the heck does it hurt if someone chooses to nurse their baby, or even their toddler? Their business - no one elses! I don't think it will scar the child, quite the opposite - and if it offends some old busy-body at the booth next to you... too friggin bad! Sometimes people amaze me!

Ok done with my rant.


Lem Putt
Toxick said:
'Cause they have teeth and a digestive system that should be developed enough to process actual food into energy.

I see. Should we disregard what the American Acadamy of Pediatrics says and adopt the "because Toxick Said so" guidelines instead?


Lem Putt
keekee said:
I totally agree. I think our society is a little backwards in regards to breastfeeding. The problem is that there are too many people who can't keep their nose on their own face. What the heck does it hurt if someone chooses to nurse their baby, or even their toddler? Their business - no one elses! I don't think it will scar the child, quite the opposite - and if it offends some old busy-body at the booth next to you... too friggin bad! Sometimes people amaze me!

Ok done with my rant.
:yay: From the American Acadamy of Pediatrics:
There is no upper limit to the duration of breastfeeding and no evidence of psychologic or developmental harm from breastfeeding into the third year of life or longer.