Breastfeeding Poll

Should a woman breastfeed in public?

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MMDad said:
I see. Should we disregard what the American Acadamy of Pediatrics says and adopt the "because Toxick Said so" guidelines instead?

Works for me! :yay: :yay: :yay:

Just for fun though... what does the American Acadamy of Pediatrics say?

Because I haven't seen anything about them mentioned thus far in this thread, and I wasn't disputing any of their guidelines specifically that I'm aware of.


professional daydreamer
Toxick said:
Works for me! :yay: :yay: :yay:

Just for fun though... what does the American Acadamy of Pediatrics say?

Because I haven't seen anything about them mentioned thus far in this thread, and I wasn't disputing any of their guidelines specifically that I'm aware of.

I'm pretty sure that all breast feeding mothers have heard their pediatricians say "as long as possible".


MMDad said:
:yay: From the American Acadamy of Pediatrics:

There is no upper limit to the duration of breastfeeding and no evidence of psychologic or developmental harm from breastfeeding into the third year of life or longer.

Ah - So, you subscribe to the "because you can do it, you should do it" philosophy!

Ok. Whatever spins your prop. I don't subscribe to that philosophy myself, and I thought that's what the original poster was looking for: opinions.

Personally, I'm all for breastfeeding. I don't get all horrified when I see a mom slap a hooter in her kid's mouth. I don't mind going into a restaraunt and seeing a baby eat with the rest of his family. I don't think it should be hidden, nor should anyone be ashamed of it. I don't even think it should be relegated to the bathroom. I wouldn't want to eat my dinner in the crapper.

Having said that, I am also very much in favor of pushing your children to grow the hell up. Even forcing them if they're resistant to it. And I think there are certain ages and periods where various things should stop.

For instance:
I don't think 2 year olds should be breastfed when their perfectly capable of eating and digesting food.
I don't think 5 year olds should be sucking their thumbs.
I don't think 7 year olds require a security blanket.
I don't think 10 year olds need to be supervised while I run down to the 7-11 for 20 minutes.
I don't think a 15 year old needs to be awoken by his parents and told to get ready for school.
I don't think a 30 year old should be living at home.


And I think it's the parents job to determine when it's time to ween a child off of things like nipples, binkies, thumbs, woobies and dependence.


professional daydreamer
Toxick said:
And I think it's the parents job to determine when it's time to ween a child off of things like nipples, binkies, thumbs, woobies and dependence.

ding ding ding


professional daydreamer
Toxick said:
Right - and as a parent, it is my opinion that 2 years old is too old for suckin on bewbies.

At least for the next 16 years.

So, you decide for your children, and let other parents decide for their children. That is what you were saying, right?


elaine said:
So, you decide for your children, and let other parents decide for their children. That is what you were saying, right?

Well, I'm not sucker-punching women who breastfeed their toddlers if that's what you're asking.

I'm not even yelling, "Hey lady! Cut the umbilical cord already!"

I'm just expressing my opinion, and explaining why.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I'm pretty sure that all breast feeding mothers have heard their pediatricians say "as long as possible".
It's possible to breastfeed your child well into adulthood. Does that mean little Mommies should?

My pediatrician always said "give 'em the cake, take away the botsie," meaning that on their first birthday, they should be drinking out of a cup. Other parents can decide to titfeed for however long they want. I will decide to make merciless fun of them. :jet:


Lem Putt
Toxick said:
And I think it's the parents job to determine when it's time to ween a child off of things like nipples, binkies, thumbs, woobies and dependence.

We can finally agree on somehting as long as we leave religion out of it! :lmao:


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
It's possible to breastfeed your child well into adulthood. Does that mean little Mommies should?

My pediatrician always said "give 'em the cake, take away the botsie," meaning that on their first birthday, they should be drinking out of a cup. Other parents can decide to titfeed for however long they want. I will decide to make merciless fun of them. :jet:

But you're still not suggesting how they should raise their kids. My pediatrician said "as long as you are comfortable, the longer the better". :shrug: Doesn't mean I had a kid strapped to my tit until she was 10, but that's what he said.


professional daydreamer
Toxick said:
Well, I'm not sucker-punching women who breastfeed their toddlers if that's what you're asking.

I'm not even yelling, "Hey lady! Cut the umbilical cord already!"

I'm just expressing my opinion, and explaining why.

Personally, I think the very idea of having a 2 or 3 year old attached to your tit is weird, but I'm not gonna' fault somone else because they're comfortable with it and doing what they feel is best for that child.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
It's possible to breastfeed your child well into adulthood. Does that mean little Mommies should?

My pediatrician always said "give 'em the cake, take away the botsie," meaning that on their first birthday, they should be drinking out of a cup. Other parents can decide to titfeed for however long they want. I will decide to make merciless fun of them. :jet:

I think your Doctor is smoking crack.


New Member
I did not breastfeed my first son....Just a personal choice, I was young and it just didn't feel right.

When we became pregnant with the twins I decided that I would, infact, try my hardest to breastfeed them.

It was EXTREMELY challenging to breastfeed 2 babies but I managed for 3 months. Then I had just had enough, I was breastfeeding for 20 hours everyday it felt like....So they went straight to formula.

I do not have ANY regrets for not BF my 1st son....He turned 3 back in July and has NEVER been on an antibiotic in his life.

My twins are 19 months old now and I could not see myself still breastfeeding them. They have full mouths of teeth and the thought of it gives me chills! I got them off their bottles at 12 months, and now we are almost done with sippy's.

I have friends who will nurse their babies/toddlers until they feel like weaning...I don't totally agree with that, but hey who am I to tell you what is right for your family? I can only do what is right for mine!


I was thinking about getting a wetnurse for myself.. because frankly, I could use some better nutritional content in my diet.

I made that suggestion to Mrs Toxick around lunchtime today.

She just let go of my throat about 4 minutes ago.