Larry Gude
Strung Out
I was a self taught rider, literally, I knew not one person who rode. First bike came home on a truck from the dealership (GS450E),
View Photos of a 1981 Suzuki Gs450e for sale in Bettendorf, Iowa -
and I, who didn't even have any experience with manual transmission cars, played with it on the side street next to the house. Put maybe 3,00 miles on it in a year, trips to Maine and VT from home in Ma. Never heard of counter steering til I met a guy in the Navy who was a sport bike guy.
Then I rode that thing from MA to FL for aircrew school, then out to San Diego for SERE, then up to the Bay area for my first duty station. Learned a LOT. Took the MSF a few years later, learned a lot more.
Some people are naturals.

I can tell you, fact certain, that the course I took to get my license has made me a better rider much faster than I would on my own. In fact, I think it probably saved me a coming to a stop tip over or two and from running out of roadway on a curve or two and has damn sure made me MUCH better at looking where I am going and scanning for ambushes, booby traps, improvised assaults and so forth on my person.
My slow speed manuerving is better as well. As I age, I am finding myself much more receptive of teaching than back when I knew everything.