tirdun said:Presenting a recognized symbol has clear and understandable consequences. If I put pink triangles and rainbows all over my car, people will assume I am gay. If I wear a Star of David, people will assume I am Jewish. I can claim all I wish that those symbols represent something other than what popular opinion has dictated, but I have no grounds to question why people have made assumptions about me.
You have every right to fly that flag or wear a shirt lauding some claimed heritage, and we have every right to assume you are at best callous and at worst a racist.
Evidently, this is not a case of “Presenting a recognized symbol of clear and understandable consequences.” Looks to me that a few folks have different opinions and/or meaning of said symbol and recognize or identify it according to their own belief/thoughts and even consequences. The meaning then, is only clear to the bearer.
Now, if you were to display any of your aforementioned symbols, at what point does the now “popular opinion” (I see you have changed that from majority) dictate/mandate to YOU what the symbol represents.
Where did I (in my petty little rant) trivialize anything?....I notice that when “we assume at worst you’re a racist” it’s exactly that, an assumption, and at no point, in any of your rant (petty or otherwise) do you indicate or maybe even realize that the comment is prejudice. What did you Sir, mean by “lauding some claimed heritage” You use the words “lauding” and “claimed” quite close together, as if to trivialize something. Or did I just read that wrong?