Bush decries border project



SamSpade said:
You DID actually *read* what I wrote, right? You know, the part where I *didn't* say any of that?

I also don't believe in valuing a man's worth by his paycheck or his possessions. But I'm not going to pay the guy who cuts down my tree the same price as the guy who cuts *ME OPEN*. It has nothing to do with his value as a person; only the value of what he does, as work. You wouldn't DREAM of expecting to pay the same price at the store for a filet mignon as you would for a soda.

No one is saying they should be paid the same or more :banghead: You are just jumping to that conclusion time and time again!!!!! That argument is baseless... I never said that... perhaps you are not reading my posts.. :banghead: You just think... hmmm... democrat=communist. I'm tired of that bullsiat. I said it upset me that menial workers are called weaker human beings. :duh:


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Tonio said:
I'm not schooled on national economics, but I suspect that illegals harm the US economy in many more ways than just their influence on minimum pay.
Oh, I agree. I don't see any point in even labelling them as "illegal immigrants" if the policy of repatriating illegals is not enforced.

Can you imagine a security guard who waves *EVERYONE* past the gate? Why bother to pay him? Why call it security?

We might as well re-name our border agents "greeters" and have them say "Welcome to the USA - have a nice day!".


New Member
w/o the labor movement there would not be Workers comp laws, osha, any minimum wage, an EIGHT HOUR DAY, overtime/compensation for more work than you agreed to do for a fair wage, 40 hour work week, corporate competition for qualified people union or non union, any illegal immigration laws the company owners could and would buy vanloads of elsalvadorans for 10.oo and screw any american jobs, as with anything else unions aint perfect and when bad people get in them they get corrupt just like our government, but workers wouldnt have crap union or non union if ir was'nt for the brave men and women who stood up to the fat cats back in da day


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
But to me - I was not raised to look at one's material possessions and snub them if they have less than me. I wasn't raised to judge people at all in this department. I think God has a will and a plan for everyone's life and its not up to me to judge where they are in their life. We are all human beings deep down - I just wish we could all get along better though. :frown:
Where did anyone say we should snub them. It was posted that some people are weak citizens. They are weak citizens not because of circumstance but because of choice. Their own choice. You read far too much into what is posted because of "feelings".


2ndAmendment said:
When the minimum wage is $1,000,000 per hour we will all be on welfare. Will that make you and the rest of the bleeding heart liberals happy? :dork:

Yet again... democrats=communism... we are NOT communist and he nor I stated that we should all be compensated financially the same.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
somdcrab said:
all of you failed history, if it was'nt for the labor movement/unions this country would of went to hellthe way (bush/cheney) want it now, some fat cat owner ( back then the mines or plantations) sitting pretty why you and your family work for nothing live in their shacks, and can only buy/work for goods from their stores, when GUTSY americans stood together and united that is when things for workers got better, no wonder the GOP wants to bust unions :patriot:
I could have guessed. A union :dork:. Great. Can't fire a guy that shows up drunk two hours late because he is in the union without risking a labor action. That is what has driven the U.S. to the brink of labor bankruptcy. Don't get me wrong. The unions were fine in the early stages and much was brought by the unions that is good. Now, they are far too corrupt and bring more detriment than good.
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dems4me said:
No one is saying they should be paid the same or more :banghead: You are just jumping to that conclusion time and time again!!!!! That argument is baseless... I never said that... perhaps you are not reading my posts.. :banghead: You just think... hmmm... democrat=communist. I'm tired of that bullsiat. I said it upset me that menial workers are called weaker human beings. :duh:
Then stop banging your head and read the whole post, for pity's sake. Because I haven't said anything about menial workers being weak.

Go ahead. Read *EVERY* post I've ever written. Go back a few *YEARS*.

I say, don't equate the value of a *MAN* with the value of his *WORK*. They don't compare.


SamSpade said:
Then stop banging your head and read the whole post, for pity's sake. Because I haven't said anything about menial workers being weak.

Go ahead. Read *EVERY* post I've ever written. Go back a few *YEARS*.

I say, don't equate the value of a *MAN* with the value of his *WORK*. They don't compare.

sorry sweetie, I wasn't referring to you - I was referring to 2A's post. I agreed with yours :huggy:


New Member
read your constitution 2a start at the preamble, life liberty and what :confused: :nomoney: the federalists, framers or whatever title you wanna give em were not communists, its about FAIR wages,hours ,benefits and the employer making a profit thats capitalsism not communism, what the GOP wants is a monarchy,anarchy,dictatorship and communism depending on whats popular like their schiavo moment if that was'nt a few zealots tellin the rest of us how to believe in god or what to do in our families i'll kiss dems azz :gossip: shhhhhhhhhhh i'd do it any way :killingme


Luvin Life !!!
somdcrab said:
read your constitution 2a start at the preamble, life liberty and what :confused: :nomoney: the federalists, framers or whatever title you wanna give em were not communists, its about FAIR wages,hours ,benefits and the employer making a profit thats capitalsism not communism, what the GOP wants is a monarchy,anarchy,dictatorship and communism depending on whats popular like their schiavo moment if that was'nt a few zealots tellin the rest of us how to believe in god or what to do in our families i'll kiss dems azz :gossip: shhhhhhhhhhh i'd do it any way :killingme

You just gave me a shiver, with all that.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
I could have guessed. A union :dork:. Great. Can't fire a guy that shows up drunk two hours late because he is in the union without risking a labor action. That is what has driven the U.S. to the brink of labor bankruptcy. Don't get me wrong. The unions were fine in the early stages and much was brought by the unions that is good. Now, they are far too corrupt and bring more detriment than good.
read on my man if you can there would NOT BE ANY RIGHTS FOR WORKERS if not for the founders of this nation and the labor movement did exactly what the founders did to the british stood up to anarchists like king george /cheny/bush etc


Luvin Life !!!
somdcrab said:
read on my man if you can there would NOT BE ANY RIGHTS FOR WORKERS if not for the founders of this nation and the labor movement did exactly what the founders did to the british stood up to anarchists like king george /cheny/bush etc

Are you in a union?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
somdcrab said:
w/o the labor movement there would not be Workers comp laws, OSHA, any minimum wage, an EIGHT HOUR DAY, overtime/compensation for more work than you agreed to do for a fair wage, 40 hour work week, corporate competition for qualified people union or non union, any illegal immigration laws the company owners could and would buy van loads of El Salvadorans for 10.00 and screw any American jobs, as with anything else unions aren't perfect and when bad people get in them they get corrupt just like our government, but workers wouldn't have crap union or non union if it wasn't for the brave men and women who stood up to the fat cats back in the day
Could you please try to use proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. I'm not trying to belittle you, but it is tiresome to try to decipher what you are trying to say.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Yet again... democrats=communism... we are NOT communist and he nor I stated that we should all be compensated financially the same.
Where does it say democrats=communism in
2ndAmendment said:
When the minimum wage is $1,000,000 per hour we will all be on welfare. Will that make you and the rest of the bleeding heart liberals happy?
? Huh? Where? Where?


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Could you please try to use proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. I'm not trying to belittle you, but it is tiresome to try to decipher what you are trying to say.

AHEM ever hear of defense mechanisms 2a :confused: ya know like denial, rationalization etc :confused: its defenses one uses when uncomfortable , when you focus on ones spelling grammar etc instead of the ISSUE !!!!!psychologists call that defocusing, same defense a addict will use to AVOID the issue that is what you just did my man this aint a grammar forum the issue was and is BUSH DECRIES BORDER PROJECT PROPER SPELLING AND GRAMMAR REQUIRED AND MUST BE A GOP SUPPORTER TO RESPOND

2A yo sho nuff quakkin this american democrat up brotha but god bless ya and happy belated burfday yo :patriot:


Super Genius
somdcrab said:
read your constitution 2a start at the preamble, life liberty and what :confused: :nomoney: the federalists, framers or whatever title you wanna give em were not communists, its about FAIR wages,hours ,benefits and the employer making a profit
:confused: how does the pursuit of happiness equate to "FAIR wages, hours, benefits and the employer making a profit"?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
somdcrab said:
read your constitution 2a start at the preamble, life liberty and what :confused: :nomoney: the federalists, framers or whatever title you wanna give em were not communists, its about FAIR wages,hours ,benefits and the employer making a profit thats capitalsism not communism, what the GOP wants is a monarchy,anarchy,dictatorship and communism depending on whats popular like their schiavo moment if that was'nt a few zealots tellin the rest of us how to believe in god or what to do in our families i'll kiss dems azz :gossip: shhhhhhhhhhh i'd do it any way :killingme
How many times have you read it? Any? Ever? The quote is
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
and that is not in the Constitution. It is in the Declaration of Independence. Notice it says pursuit not guarantee by the government.