Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
UrbanPancake said:Yes, I love'em.
Really? Then pancake your a$$ on outta here.
And vote Bush on November 2nd

I've wanted to use that line ever since The Rock said it 2 or 3 years ago.
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UrbanPancake said:Yes, I love'em.
If Saddam was such a bad and terrible mean person why didn't his Daddy take care of the problem, if we won the war then it sounds like to me we should have finished the job and take him out power then.aps45819 said:That's four, and I thought we won the first one also. The objective was to get Saddam out of Kuwait. A large coalation of nations got together and kicked his azz back to Bagdad.
Before Bush was elected we had these two big office buildings in NYC that 3,000 people worked in. The largest standing army in the middle east, lead by a dictator that terrorized his OWN PEOPLE and used WMD on them is surely harmless.
What's a few ballistic misslels among friends.
Yup, the middle east was a safe quiet place before Bush got elected...NOT
You're an idiot.
We were attacked and over 3,000 people were killed. Following the intelligence trail of those that attacked us led to Iraq. Guess the intelligence available from agencys gutted by Clinton was very good. Guess you think blowing up an asprin factory in Somolia was a better response when Osama made his first attemp at blowing up the World Trade Center.UrbanPancake said:I'm the idiot? Well if I'm the idiot then I would have been the one that selected to go to war, and cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans, shoot why not spread our military resources so thin so we wont have enough time to react to a real crisis. Bush is the idiot.
aps45819 said:We were attacked and over 3,000 people were killed. Following the intelligence trail of those that attacked us led to Iraq. Guess the intelligence available from agencys gutted by Clinton was very good. Guess you think blowing up an asprin factory in Somolia was a better response when Osama made his first attemp at blowing up the World Trade Center.
Why is an ACROSS THE BOARD tax cut only a tax cut for the wealthiest people.
Isn't that what Kerry wants us to let the U.N. do? Does "global test" ring a bell?UrbanPancake said:How would you like it Turkey was ordering US officials to enact certain policies because it went along with there belief system, but was totally opposite what you believe? You wouldn't like it.
Are you sure you are not an MPD for Edwards. You sure have the party line down. Any original thoughts you'd like to offer?UrbanPancake said:I'm not condoning what happened to the WTC. I think we're right in going to Afghanistan and rooting out the terrorist, but we had no right to go to Iraq. Because we went to Iraq we lost sight in Afghanistan and we haven't captured Osama. Even though we're taking out high commanding officials in terrorist groups there replacing them with new recruits faster then ever. I think we should have truely focused on terror causing groups. Saddam may have committed terror but it was in his own country not ours, and against his own people not ours. In time his people would have rised up and rebelled. History tells us that Dictatorships do not last forever. His people would have done a much better job at rebelling, and at installing a new government of there choice, instead of the puppet that we placed as the President. (This is why Terror cells are growing, they see America as Imperalistic, just like the former Europeans who called there countries colonies)
UrbanPancake said:If Saddam was such a bad and terrible mean person why didn't his Daddy take care of the problem, if we won the war then it sounds like to me we should have finished the job and take him out power then.
It's been said before and I will say it again. Iraq wasn't harboring terrorists!
2ndAmendment said:Isn't that what Kerry wants us to let the U.N. do? Does "global test" ring a bell?
UrbanPancake said:Yes, I love'em. Especially when you wrap them around chicken legs. (I'm just kidding)
UrbanPancake said:and cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans,
UrbanPancake said:If you watched the Debate you would have known that when Kerry said "Global Test" that he really said "We must pass a global test with our countrymen first". Not "a global test with other countries". Get your facts straight first. When we went to war with Iraq nobody really knew why were going to war. It was all a big secret the Administration was keeping. They didn't even have proof that WMD even existed. To this day we still haven't found any, it seems like the UN inspectors were doing a pretty good job at what they do.....
SamSpade said:Two things. I don't know how old you are, but you've clearly forgotten the conditions of the first Gulf War, or have conveniently forgotten them. They were to remove Saddam from Kuwait and erode his ability to threaten the region (George Sr.'s description). I can't tell you how many times it was reiterated that to enter Baghdad and attack Saddam directly would have lost us all of our Arab allies in that conflict. They were specific - do not violate Iraq's sovereignty and do not permit Israel in the coalition - or we will all leave. They were very emphatic about both, and for precisely that reason, Saddam launched Scuds at Israel, to provoke them into entering the war.
We achieved the mission objectives that the United Nations approved. Got a problem with "not getting the job done the first time"? Take it up with the U.N. This is what happens when you go through that organization.
I personally can't stomach listening to Kerry talk about the Gulf War. He voted *against* it. For all of the talk of not getting the job done, he didn't want us there in the first place. (Then he voted FOR this war, which he's now against).
And secondly - geez, where have you been? It's not even disputed that he harbored terrorists. Zarqawi left Afghanistan before the war, and is still in Iraq, presumably in Baghdad. Saddam was paying off Palestinian families for suicide bombers. He had terrorist training camps within his borders. In addition to all that, they've always helped the PKK, Hamas and Abu Nidal. Only Syria is more in bed with terrorists.
Hessian said:The perspective offered following is NOT from the mind of Hessian...rather from Chuck Colson:......(I have paraphrased)
The hatred toward the US is rooted in a view that freedom and democracy breeds corruption/decadence. We are baffled why people don't seem to embrace freedom that we offer. The reason rests on the fact that Hollywood and the media are in a constant race to shock, stun, exploit more & more vices---and this is seen in the Middle East and they see that we don't just tolerate it...we make $$ off it!
So the Imams & Mullahs preach to their devout men that they must rise up and not accept the promises of freedom, must not support any American regime because of our unending support of Israel, we do not understand or work within their customs which offends them greatly.
and now I quote:
"When we tolerate trash on television and permit pornography to invade our homes via the internet...we are inflaming radical Islam."
So, the fight to liberate Iraq was noble...the push for Democracy is laudable...But we will not defeat radical Islam until we pull the motivation away from their radical Imams and push America as a MORAL force for good, not a cesspool of excess.
Hessian said:But we will not defeat radical Islam until we pull the motivation away from their radical Imams and push America as a MORAL force for good, not a cesspool of excess.
Hessian said:"That said we can't force a country to adapt an American Political system because we want it to. Think about it, England tried to do that to us before the American Revolution."
I'm sorry,...but as I have read your posts I just keep seeing odd analogies or missed comparisons. The above statement epitomizes your confusion.
England tried to force on us their form of government? Um...that is very bizarre. They mismanaged a colonial system that was heavy with patronage and deprived the provincial colonists of the rights of Englishmen. We overthrew a tyranny and created a confederation (later a federal democracy)
I just don't have the patience to explain that further...
Please work on your analogies!(or your arguments will continue to fall flat).
Vote Constitution Party on Novemebr 2nd!