bush needs to keep money on earth


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
Oh, and...

have you thought about maybe running a business out of your own home to help out with the bills? That way you get to be a stay-at-home mom and make money.

There's daycare, stuffing envelopes, Quixtar, Amway, Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Home Interior, and I'm sure much more.

My girlfriend wants to run a daycare in our home when we get married. It's very lucrative, as I've been told you can make around $125/week per child. If you can handle 4 kids, you're making $500 a week, $2000 a month. That's a lot of dough for a second income in a household.

See thats the problem, I have 4 kids and we don't need extra money. I'm glad your gf wants to do it, I hope she does and enjoys it.


Go Braves!
Originally posted by lfquade
WTF business is it to you? AND YES HE is!!!!:rolleyes:

Then why didn't his insurance cover her?? It's his kid his insurance should have picked her up.

You need to chill. You put the info out so it's open for anyone's scrutiny.


Originally posted by lfquade

Someone asked me what BUSH did to medicare and I JUST stated what MY grandma HAS told me, WHY can't you people read?
Thats the point. Bush didn't do anything to medicare. It is funded by congress for the year in the annual budget. As more and more people enter the system the administraters must make tough choices. In this case it was to evidently drop the lifeline button and up the co-pay on meds.

I will conceed one point to you. Since we are the most civilized, advanced and wealthy country on the planet we have a personal obligation to help those who are less fortunate or incapable of taking care of themselves. Help, not fully fund. I personally have no problem paying for some welfare programs and medicare.

that being said If I have a responsibility to "assist" others, they and their families in turn have a responsibility to plan ahead so that they are not forced to eat catfood and sit in a cold house without medicine waiting for the government (read: taxpayers) to send a check for all their needs.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
I would like to know what part of that YOU find funny, MY DAUGHTER almost died and you have the guts to make a joke about it. AND we expected THe 20,000 bill? F-U!!!! MAYBE one day when you have a kid and they almost die YOU will REGRET what you said. :loser:

Did I say anywhere that I thought it was funny?
Here is exactly what I said: "Tell us why you didn't have health insurance before you got saddled with a $20,000 health bill when you had a baby."

No where in that sentence did I say... "Gee, that's funny" or anything remotely close to it.

If you had had health insurance before you had the baby, you probably wouldn't have $20,000 to pay. If everyone had to pay $20,000 everytime a child was born, there'd be a lot fewer families havin' kids out there.


New Member
Originally posted by CMC122
Then why didn't his insurance cover her?? It's his kid his insurance should have picked her up.

You need to chill. You put the info out so it's open for anyone's scrutiny.

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A $20,000 bill, which I"m sure you have never seen one that high ever...:rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
Did I say anywhere that I thought it was funny?
Here is exactly what I said: "Tell us why you didn't have health insurance before you got saddled with a $20,000 health bill when you had a baby."

No where in that sentence did I say... "Gee, that's funny" or anything remotely close to it.

If you had had health insurance before you had the baby, you probably wouldn't have $20,000 to pay. If everyone had to pay $20,000 everytime a child was born, there'd be a lot fewer families havin' kids out there.

WHAT part of english DONT you get? THe 20,000 bill wasnt from her being born.. IT WAS TO KEEP HER ALIVE..... :rolleyes:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
See thats the problem, I have 4 kids and we don't need extra money.

But you obviously DO need extra money, if you can't afford to buy health insurance. ~sigh~

Health insurance, in this day and age, is a MUST-HAVE, especially with 4 kids. It should be right up there with food, water, clothes, and a roof over the home.

If I lost everything I had tomorrow, there's 5 things that I would make dang sure I didn't lose.

1. Food
2. Water
3. A few sets of clothes
4. A place to sleep
5. Health Insurance


Go Braves!
Originally posted by lfquade
WHAT part of english DONT you get? THe 20,000 bill wasnt from her being born.. IT WAS TO KEEP HER ALIVE..... :rolleyes:

NO CRAP!! Once she's out everything should have been covered from his insurance. I was triing to understand why it wasn't that's all.

I refuse to use the "R" word but you have to be mentally challenged.


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
But you obviously DO need extra money, if you can't afford to buy health insurance. ~sigh~

Health insurance, in this day and age, is a MUST-HAVE, especially with 4 kids. It should be right up there with food, water, clothes, and a roof over the home.

If I lost everything I had tomorrow, there's 5 things that I would make dang sure I didn't lose.

1. Food
2. Water
3. A few sets of clothes
4. A place to sleep
5. Health Insurance

I AM THE ONLY PERSON IN THE FAMILY WHO DOSENT HAVE IT.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A $20,000 bill, which I"m sure you have never seen one that high ever...:rolleyes:

Actually, I just bought a home for $148,000 dollars, of which I will pay over $300,000 before I finish paying it.

And I'm 26, and I don't make a lot of money, but I do what I have to in order to make ends meet, because I know that buying a house is a sound investment, one that will improve my financial situation in the future.


New Member
Originally posted by CMC122
NO CRAP!! Once she's out everything should have been covered from his insurance. I was triing to understand why it wasn't that's all.

I refuse to use the "R" word but you have to be mentally challenged.

CAll your insurance and find out HOW much of that $20,000 they would pay, and get back to me...


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
Actually, I just bought a home for $148,000 dollars, of which I will pay over $300,000 before I finish paying it.

And I'm 26, and I don't make a lot of money, but I do what I have to in order to make ends meet, because I know that buying a house is a sound investment, one that will improve my financial situation in the future.

DID u straight up buy of or do you pay mortage? WE also own a house so whats the point again??


Go Braves!
Well dear I did insurance billing for 5 years. Mine would cover it all. I know my insurance inside and out. So pull your little pointy finger back and chill.


Set Trippin


New Member
Originally posted by CMC122
Well dear I did insurance billing for 5 years. Mine would cover it all. I know my insurance inside and out. So pull your little pointy finger back and chill.

Oh so YOUR gonna ASSume, your insurance will cover it....


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
I AM THE ONLY PERSON IN THE FAMILY WHO DOSENT HAVE IT.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Well get it! Call Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield and buy yourself a personal policy for around $70 a month.

That's what I did when I was unemployed for almost a year in 2001-2002. And I mowed lawns to pay for it.