bush needs to keep money on earth

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Maybe I'm just a hardheaded fool, but it seems to me that if it was my grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother, sister, kid, or any family member I had a concern about that needed the lifeline emergency response system and couldn't afford it I would give up one of my luxuries to foot the bill for it.

Doing some quick research it seems it costs about $30 a month. Hell, I would readily give up my internet service, satellite dish, skip one lunch a week, or any of a multitude of things to make sure my family had what they needed. I’m sure I could even find a way to earn that small monthly amount and not give up on anything but a couple of hours a month and maybe a little sweat. I most certainly wouldn't be holding my breath or griping about how tax dollars are being spent and not taking the steps to obtain that protection for them.

I’d be willing to bet that there are many seniors advocacy groups out there that might even provide a better rate or that could assist you in looking for grant money to cover that expense.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by libragirl
WHEN THE space program fails i wont have to say i told you so. and when we go deeper in debt well thats your fault for not wanting to change things. ill do something to change MY life and leave you needing help and guess what oh i dont need your money or any help remember that ok ta ta this is the end:bonk: :loser: :loser: :loser:
Well, I would say that we have had a pretty decent success rate with our space program. It was only 100 years ago that we first slipped the surly bonds of earth and achieved powered flight. 66 years later we, or should I say some of us, watched as the first American men walked upon the moon’s surface and returned to earth safely.

Failures happen in all endeavors and I am sure we will see more from NASA, but the people of NASA, and our leaders, that dare dream beyond the boundaries of our world in search of new and fascinating things project a spirit and motivation that exemplifies that curious nature of our species. This is something that the generations of our future need more then many of the programs that breed a continuation of dependency and complacency that many have come to know and demand.

As posted very early, in this extremely long and diverging thread, of the 17 missions dealing with Mars we have had 12 successes and this from an agency that consumes less then 1% of the Federal Budget. Is there any other Federal entity that comes close to the performance of NASA? I suspect one would be hard pressed to find one that even comes close.


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
No. I won't give up on it. It's my money and I should have some say in where it's spent. And I don't want to spend it to take care of your family.

OK, I'M beyond tired of this #### and I'M gonna end it now. MY FAMILY does not want or USE you stupid TAX money so GO find the lazy b!tches who are on it abusing it and cry to them. YOU just keep on going on and on with something. YOU ACT LIKE YOU ARE THE ONLY GOD DAM TAX PAYER!! OH and IF you had such a GOOD job your sick daughter WOULD have her med's. YOU don't know MY situation and when you grandparents become old and need help I can already see what you will do.. NOTHING!! YOU think its so freaking easy just to up root your whole family and move them 1200 miles where they have no clue where they are? UNTIL you do it, do me a favor and leave thie subject alone. Because your education level isn't high enough to UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!!

And if you don't UNDERSTAND what I just wrote get a freaking dictionary and look it up and drop the shyt already!!
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New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Maybe I'm just a hardheaded fool, but it seems to me that if it was my grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother, sister, kid, or any family member I had a concern about that needed the lifeline emergency response system and couldn't afford it I would give up one of my luxuries to foot the bill for it.

Doing some quick research it seems it costs about $30 a month. Hell, I would readily give up my internet service, satellite dish, skip one lunch a week, or any of a multitude of things to make sure my family had what they needed. I’m sure I could even find a way to earn that small monthly amount and not give up on anything but a couple of hours a month and maybe a little sweat. I most certainly wouldn't be holding my breath or griping about how tax dollars are being spent and not taking the steps to obtain that protection for them.

I’d be willing to bet that there are many seniors advocacy groups out there that might even provide a better rate or that could assist you in looking for grant money to cover that expense.

ONCE again putting your 2 cents in when you have NO CLUE about the situation!!


I paid $18,400 in fed/state taxes this year :bawl: Please don't take anymore:bawl: , I went to college nights while my neighbor babysat by boy so I could make more money and get a good job and now everyone wants more:bawl: I promise to take care of my boy and my family and I if you promise to take care of yours.:bawl:

I don't mind paying for Medicare, I like Medicare to assist people live when they got old, but I don't want to pay for everything.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
And if you don't UNDERSTAND what I just wrote get a freaking dictionary and look it up and drop the shyt already!!

Actually, that was one of your more readable posts :razz:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
ONCE again putting your 2 cents in when you have NO CLUE about the situation!!

If we don't understand your situation... please... enlighten us, so that we will understand.

You've said this over and over, but the only part of your situation that you've managed to explain clearly is that your grandmother's lifeline button went up by $2.50 a month. :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
If we don't understand your situation... please... enlighten us, so that we will understand.

You've said this over and over, but the only part of your situation that you've managed to explain clearly is that your grandmother's lifeline button went up by $2.50 a month. :rolleyes:

SEE you have no clue to what you are talking about... :rolleyes: The lifeline button didn't go up 2.50, it was DROPPED, but if you knew how to read you'd know that. I was just stating what I have heard from my grandma, and know IM beyond tired of hearing :bs: and Im tired of talking about it. When you know what you are talking about then maybe I'll reply again.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
SEE you have no clue to what you are talking about... :rolleyes: The lifeline button didn't go up 2.50, it was DROPPED, but if you knew how to read you'd know that. I was just stating what I have heard from my grandma, and know IM beyond tired of hearing :bs: and Im tired of talking about it. When you know what you are talking about then maybe I'll reply again.

My apologies, the meds went up $2.50 a month, and the lifeline was dropped. Oh, and you and your grandma live 1200 miles apart.

Now please enlighten us as to the rest of your situation.

Tell us why you can't get a better job with health benefits.
Tell us why you can't send $2.50 a month to your grandmother.
Tell us why you can't get her a lifeline for $30 a month.
Tell us why you didn't have health insurance before you got saddled with a $20,000 health bill when you had a baby.
Tell us why you can't buy health insurance now, when for about $100 a month, you can probably buy it from Blue Cross/Blue Shield for both you and your child.
Tell us why you can't find a husband who has a good job.
Tell us why you can't go to school and get a better job (lots of social programs for that by the way).
Please, Tell us something! :smile:

And... Oh yeah, what specific fiscal cuts has the Bush administration implemented?
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New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
My apologies, the meds went up $2.50 a month, and the lifeline was dropped. Oh, and you and your grandma live 1200 miles apart.

Now please enlighten us as to the rest of your situation.

Tell us why you can't get a better job with health benefits.
Tell us why you can't send $2.50 a month to your grandmother.
Tell us why you can't find a husband who has a good job.
Tell us why you can't go to school and get a better job (lots of social programs for that by the way).
Tell us something! :smile:

Well first its none of your fing business. I love my job which is being a stay at home mom and I wouldnt change it for the world.. And who TF do you think you are to tell someone that there husband needs a better job? He's not my husband and IF he didnt have a GOOD JOB I wouldnt be at home with the kids.

Someone asked me what BUSH did to medicare and I JUST stated what MY grandma HAS told me, WHY can't you people read?


Go Braves!
Why is everyone one not getting it??? You clearly aren't. If your so worried about grandma needing her button pay for it for her. That button is not a life necessary device. If she is so bad off then why dosen't SOMEONE in your family take in Grandma. No one said to uproot your family 1200 miles. But you keep going on and on and on and on and on. If my grandmother were that bad off I'd have her live with me in a heartbeat. I'd pay for her to have the dang necklace. Not sit here and make an invalid arguement about something YOU are clueless about.

Life is about SACRIFICE. Last year I finally got the chance to start college. Applied and recieved my funding then I got a phone call from my sister. She got deployed to Iraq and needed someone to take her daughter. I already have 3 kids of my own in a 3 bed 2 bath rancher but I took her anyway. I canceled all my funding for school and put it off for a later time.

You do what you need to for family. If you find it THAT necessary for her to have the "necklace" pay for it and shut up!


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
Well first its none of your fing business. I love my job which is being a stay at home mom and I wouldnt change it for the world.. And who TF do you think you are to tell someone that there husband needs a better job? He's not my husband and IF he didnt have a GOOD JOB I wouldnt be at home with the kids.

Someone asked me what BUSH did to medicare and I JUST stated what MY grandma HAS told me, WHY can't you people read?

I realize it's none of my business, but you can't make a good argument if you don't enlighten us.

And being a stay-at-home mom is a very noble thing. I hope one day that if my wife wants to stay at home, that I will be in a position that I can let her do that.

And I'm not saying that your husband/boyfriend/whatever needs a better job. But apparently, it doesn't have health benefits that extend to you and the child. And apparently, it doesn't pay well enough for you to buy them on your own. So, perhaps he should start looking for something a little better? Just a thought.


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
Tell us why you didn't have health insurance before you got saddled with a $20,000 health bill when you had a baby.

I would like to know what part of that YOU find funny, MY DAUGHTER almost died and you have the guts to make a joke about it. AND we expected THe 20,000 bill? F-U!!!! MAYBE one day when you have a kid and they almost die YOU will REGRET what you said. :loser:


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
I realize it's none of my business, but you can't make a good argument if you don't enlighten us.

And being a stay-at-home mom is a very noble thing. I hope one day that if my wife wants to stay at home, that I will be in a position that I can let her do that.

And I'm not saying that your husband/boyfriend/whatever needs a better job. But apparently, it doesn't have health benefits that extend to you and the child. And apparently, it doesn't pay well enough for you to buy them on your own. So, perhaps he should start looking for something a little better? Just a thought.

HOW can he put me on his insurance IF we arent married? WOW plese think before you type!! AND where do you work thats so wonderful? I can only imagine..:rolleyes:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
I love my job which is being a stay at home mom and I wouldnt change it for the world..

Oh, and...

have you thought about maybe running a business out of your own home to help out with the bills? That way you get to be a stay-at-home mom and make money.

There's daycare, stuffing envelopes, Quixtar, Amway, Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Home Interior, and I'm sure much more.

My girlfriend wants to run a daycare in our home when we get married. It's very lucrative, as I've been told you can make around $125/week per child. If you can handle 4 kids, you're making $500 a week, $2000 a month. That's a lot of dough for a second income in a household.