bush needs to keep money on earth



getting out of hand

we are adults not 3 year olds so lets just stop and act our age ill start


Yo Gabba Gabba
Re: Re: Cari and Pete

Originally posted by cariblue
I can't help it. Road Kill Syndrome. If people would stop quoting them, I might be able to move on. :lmao:
People are staring at me here, I keep laughing out loud...


New Member
Re: Re: you such an *******

Originally posted by Pete
I typed it :shrug: the same way you told me to shut my "pie hole" because I "didn't know what I was talking about" :shrug: It was easy, I even used more than 2 fingers. :biggrin:

See your such a moron you got two people confused...:rolleyes:


Yo Gabba Gabba
I stole this, but I really think it applies here...



Re: Re: Re: you such an *******

Originally posted by lfquade
See your such a moron you got two people confused...:rolleyes:
You are correct. I did confuse the two of you. Allow me to fix it.


libragirl, I owe you an appology, I confused you with lquade and snapped at you for somehting you did not say. Please know that I do not think that you are near the Goober that lfquade is, close, but that is a different point.

Love Pete
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Yo Gabba Gabba
Re: Re: Re: Re: Cari and Pete

Originally posted by cariblue
OMG! That made me laugh harder than the Tard Sisters! My cheeks hurt!

Have you checked out the show in cinema 2?

Yes I'm checking that one out as well....I might have to take these two tards off iggy so that I can see what they are saying...It's got to be hysterical...


b*tch rocket

Oh this tread is way better than the poor pitiful Indian's and their Casinos thread. :killingme

I LOVE YOU PETE!!!! :love: :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
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New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cari and Pete

Originally posted by Ehesef

Yes I'm checking that one out as well....I might have to take these two tards off iggy so that I can see what they are saying...It's got to be hysterical...

Well, since you find it funny to down tards, you must be one yourself.


Originally posted by Christy

Oh this tread is way better than the poor pitiful Indian's and their Casinos thread. :killing

I LOVE YOU PETE!!!! :love: :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
thankyou thankyouverymuch


Re: Re: Re: Re: you such an *******

Originally posted by Pete
You are correct. I did confuse the two of you. Allow me to fix it.


libragirl, I owe you an appology, I confused you with lquade and snapped at you for somehting you did not say. Please know that I do not think that you are near the Goober that lfquade is, close, but that is a different point.

Love Pete
well i missed you so called point anyway im not going to cry over it


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you such an *******

Originally posted by libragirl
well i missed your so called point anyway im not going to cry over it


Originally posted by *archimedes*
Please, nobody mention illegitimate children and bankrupt lyfestyle choices!
i will so what about the kids and stuff how does that get fixed lol lol