Another sweat shop job. there is not a gov job out there that will not offer comp time IF he has to put in OT which I doubt because Gvo is anal about that.Originally posted by Sparx
Engineering technician Robert Gaudette performs industrial safety and testing work on submarines for the federal Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine. “It’s dirty and demanding industrial work, and the schedule is unforgiving,” he says. Because Gaudette is highly skilled, a Bush administration proposal could, if enacted, reclassify him as exempt from FLSA’s overtime pay protections. He would be paid straight time rather than time-and-a-half for working more than 40 hours weekly—causing him to lose about 9 percent of his current annual income. But, like his co-workers, Gaudette still would be expected to work overtime, between 500 and 700 hours annually—some of them aboard submarines at sea for days at a time. And according to the federal government’s pay schedule, he could earn nothing for every hour after 49 hours of overtime per each two-week pay period. Gaudette took his current position in 1991 largely because the mandatory overtime at time-and-a-half looked like the best way to eventually finance college education for his then-young sons, Jeffrey and James. They’ll both be in college next year and he’ll need $39,000 toward their tuitions—money he won’t have if his income goes down. His only solution, if the Bush administration proposal goes through, is to ask for a demotion to a lower-paying job with no overtime, so he can work elsewhere nights and weekends as an electrician.
Basically all these stories are sob stories about what these people will not be able to afford. Not a one of them in making less that 40K I bet.