Bush Stiffs Workers on Overtime


Originally posted by Sparx
Engineering technician Robert Gaudette performs industrial safety and testing work on submarines for the federal Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine. “It’s dirty and demanding industrial work, and the schedule is unforgiving,” he says. Because Gaudette is highly skilled, a Bush administration proposal could, if enacted, reclassify him as exempt from FLSA’s overtime pay protections. He would be paid straight time rather than time-and-a-half for working more than 40 hours weekly—causing him to lose about 9 percent of his current annual income. But, like his co-workers, Gaudette still would be expected to work overtime, between 500 and 700 hours annually—some of them aboard submarines at sea for days at a time. And according to the federal government’s pay schedule, he could earn nothing for every hour after 49 hours of overtime per each two-week pay period. Gaudette took his current position in 1991 largely because the mandatory overtime at time-and-a-half looked like the best way to eventually finance college education for his then-young sons, Jeffrey and James. They’ll both be in college next year and he’ll need $39,000 toward their tuitions—money he won’t have if his income goes down. His only solution, if the Bush administration proposal goes through, is to ask for a demotion to a lower-paying job with no overtime, so he can work elsewhere nights and weekends as an electrician.

Another sweat shop job. there is not a gov job out there that will not offer comp time IF he has to put in OT which I doubt because Gvo is anal about that. :rolleyes: $39 K for college and he wont be able to afford it. Boo freaking hoo, did he just find out his kids went to college and it costs real money?

Basically all these stories are sob stories about what these people will not be able to afford. Not a one of them in making less that 40K I bet.


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by Sparx
police officer

Employee complaing about his employer doesn't give him the time off he deserves so law will effect him

full-time nurse

refinery worker


For learned professionals, the DOL recommends changing the duties test to require the employee's primary duty be performing office or non-manual work requiring knowledge of an advanced type of science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction, but which also may be acquired by alternative means such as an equivalent combination of intellectual instruction and work experience. The proposed changes add the proviso that the knowledge can be acquired by an alternative means.

The people who will be included in the exemption are ones who had specialized knowledge before (a learned professional), but they had learned through mostly experience. It just makes them comparable to those who learned through specialized instruction (i.e. college, etc...). It is does not exempt manual workers (such as refinery and the auto guy.

Similar under the administrative test:
revised rules would retain the requirement that the employee's primary duty must be performing office or non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or the employer's customers.

Manual laborers are still protected - even if administrative or highly skilled in nature, as long as they still are manual laborers.

or executive employees, the proposed changes refine the duties test to require authority to hire or fire employees or recommend hiring or firing employees (with recommendations being given particular weight), in addition to the current requirements that the employee manage the enterprise (or a recognized department or subdivision of the enterprise) and regularly direct the work of two or more other employees.

Provided greater protections to make sure people weren't just being called executives if they did not hire/fire or direct.

The employee who says he may start getting comp time has a problem seperate from the law. He is complaining his employer doesn't provide the due time off that he receives. He has a legal labor issue outside of the law. His employers is required to provide all vacation and comp time earned to be used. If an employer provides you vacation and comp time and refuses to give you the opportunity to use it, then you have legal recourse. That hasn't change.

Police officers?
Police officers, detectives, deputy sheriffs, state troopers, highway patrol officers, investigators, inspectors, correctional officers, parole or probation officers, park rangers, fire fighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, ambulance personnel, rescue workers, hazardous materials workers and similar employees (“first responders”) who perform work such as preventing, controlling or extinguishing fires of any type; rescuing fire, crime or accident victims; preventing or detecting crimes; conducting investigations or inspections for violations of law; performing surveillance; pursuing, restraining and apprehending suspects; detaining or supervising suspected and convicted criminals, including those on probation or parole; interviewing witnesses; interrogating and fingerprinting suspects; preparing investigative reports; and other similar work are not exempt under Section 13(a)(1) or the regulations and thus are protected by the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the FLSA.

Thats current with FairPay.

The Nurse? Doctors have never been covered by overtime. Neither had many health care professionals. Nurses take a job where they know the field is professional in nature, requires training, and they know the hours when they sign on. This just lumped them in with all other health care workers.

Instead of using the old long/short rules -- it just specified exemptions by classes of employees to eliminate confusion and many legal battles over loop holes that were not intended between vague elements of the law. The law has been updated to reflect modern employment and classes of employees.

It did not take from anything. It made things clear. It did not steal from low income workers. It further protects those workers.


Originally posted by Sparx
HEY, the sky is blue and the grass is green. Agree with that?
Yes I do, God is a conservative and that is how he wanted it. Good color choices don't you think?


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by Pete
Yes I do, God is a conservative and that is how he wanted it. Good color choices don't you think?

He should get OT, too. He didn't rest but one day.



New Member
Originally posted by Pete
Yes I do, God is a conservative and that is how he wanted it. Good color choices don't you think?

God is a conservative? U sure?
I don't think HE or SHE notices the difference between white males and negroes as U do


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by Sparx
God is a conservative? U sure?
I don't think HE or SHE notices the difference between white males and negroes as U do

We don't notice a difference. Democrats do. Keep it straight.

Maybe we can act like we care by throwing up a false candidate like Sharpton or Jackson, though. Its funny -- when Powell got appointed, it was Democrats calling him an Uncle Tom. Bush appointed more minorities than any other president -- yet Democrats just call them names for accepting.

Who is trying to keep up the barriers or race in that picture?

Who tells african americans they need to be considered differently than caucasians in order to get into college (i.e. Affirmative Action)?


Originally posted by Sparx
God is a conservative? U sure?
I don't think HE or SHE notices the difference between white males and negroes as U do
That siggy line is a quote (slightly modified) from a raging liberal. Yes one of YOURS said it. :roflmao: How does that make you feel? :twitch:
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Originally posted by Pete
Yes I do, God is a conservative and that is how he wanted it. Good color choices don't you think?

Can't we all just get along:bawl: :bawl: :bawl:

:cheers: on me!!!:dance:


New Member
Originally posted by Pete

Next klan rally you attend ask for a show of hands from the registered liberal democrats in the crowd.

Bet you don't get any

There's a reason for that!


Originally posted by Sparx
Next klan rally you attend ask for a show of hands from the registered liberal democrats in the crowd.

Bet you don't get any

There's a reason for that!
I just thought it was funny that the person who said that was a black man. My point being, minorities stoke the racism fire to keep it going. He says his quote, nothing is said, I modify it and simply substitute a different race and BINGO I am a racist.

Are you Jonny Cochran? You lose argument so you pull the "Race card" so sad for you. Go away little liberal, shoo shoo, only big kids play here. :rolleyes:
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New Member
Here is the exact quote from the Bush overtime pay take-away proposal:

"Exemption [from overtime pay rights] is also available to employees in such professions who have substantially the same knowledge level as the degreed employees, but who attained such knowledge through a combination of work experience, training in the armed forces, attending a technical school, attending a community college or other intellectual instruction." (Federal Register Vol. 68, No. 61. 541.301.d)

This will supercede any protections already listed in the OLD FLSA


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Originally posted by Sparx
Next klan rally you attend ask for a show of hands from the registered liberal democrats in the crowd.

Bet you don't get any

There's a reason for that!

:killingme I love it when Sparx resorts to bad-mouthing everyone when confronted by FACTS that disprove is liberal spin.

True Democrat.