Bush Stiffs Workers on Overtime


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Sparx
Next klan rally you attend ask for a show of hands from the registered liberal democrats in the crowd.

Bet you don't get any

There's a reason for that!

DEMOCRATIC Senator "KKK" Robert Byrd perhaps? :confused: Oh my! :duh:

This beloved democrat has no problem throwing out the word "******" even to this day. How do you like them apples sparky?

How about this quote... "never submit to fight beneath the banner [the American flag] with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." Senator Bob Byrd in letter to (former) Mississippi Senator Bilbo.

Can ya feel the love? :bubble:
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New Member
Originally posted by Voter2002
:killingme I love it when Sparx resorts to bad-mouthing everyone when confronted by FACTS that disprove is liberal spin.

True Democrat.

You should go back a little to when I first came on these boards and see who started the bad-mouthing pal


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Originally posted by Sparx
You should go back a little to when I first came on these boards and see who started the bad-mouthing pal

That wasn't my point :loser: - I really don't care WHO started it...the point is that you resort to it when your liberal spin gets beat down with the real facts!


New Member
Originally posted by Voter2002
That wasn't my point :loser: - I really don't care WHO started it...the point is that you resort to it when your liberal spin gets beat down with the real facts!

I haven't seen any real facts from the conservative side yet


New Member
Originally posted by Christy
DEMOCRATIC Senator "KKK" Robert Byrd perhaps? :confused: Oh my! :duh:

This beloved democrat has no problem throwing out the word "******" even to this day. How do you like them apples sparky?

How about this quote... "never submit to fight beneath the banner [the American flag] with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." Senator Bob Byrd in letter to (former) Mississippi Senator Bilbo.

Can ya feel the love? :bubble:

It wasn't a democratic Senate majority leader who had to be replaced at the begining of the bush admin. for racial remarks.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Sparx
It wasn't a democratic Senate majority leader who had to be replaced at the begining of the bush admin. for racial remarks.

Exactly, because Democrats are hypocrites and refuse to police "their own". Republicans replaced the Senate majority leader because he was considered an embarrassment to the party. Democrats consider being a former high ranking Klans member a "brief mistake" :duh:.


Originally posted by Sparx
Nope didn't say that

No, you said go to a Klan Rally and look for a show of hands for Liberal Democrats.

The implication: "There are few, if any, racist democrats".

If that was not what you were implying, then I, for one, would be extremely impressed if you can convincingly tell me what you were implying by saying that.

Furthermore, when someone gave you an example of a liberal democrat who was a KKK member, and you summarily dismissed it.

And you're also neglecting the fact that although White Power racists are few and far between in the Democratic Party, there is no shortage of Racists in the other direction.

Of course the liberal democrat will argue that their racism is justified, and acceptable - (viz: two wrongs make a right) or they will flat out deny it altogether.


Originally posted by Sparx
You don't think 1.5 million e-mails, cards and letters to bush and chow from American workers constitutes public outcry?

In a country of 300 million people, that's a fart in a maelstrom.

Especially considering that some of those letters, emails and cards are going to be repeats.

Just yankin your chain, btw


Originally posted by Sparx
You don't think 1.5 million e-mails, cards and letters to bush and chow from American workers constitutes public outcry?
First, all legislation is "proposed" then it goes through refinement process, house/senate/conference committe. This is nothing new, not new at all. To say that this instance was all driven by 1.5 million (unverified or substantiated numer BTW) is like saying the War and Peace was a sucky novel based on the first draft. Even in it's original form it did more for low income workers than the old one.

But to answer your question yes 1.5 million e-mails, cards and letters does constitute some public outcry (minus of course the letter/email mills set up by unions which account for probably 1 million of the 1.5), just as the ones the FCC got about "The boob" and "Stern. Funny how liberals only give credence to "public outcry" when it is for issues they support.