Originally posted by cariblue
This is your reliable source?
I wouldn't be surprised. They often just send out a link and have people put in their email address and type send. Its not like 1.5 million typed up emails and sent them. They also have fax farms.
As stated by a group of Reps we visited when I was in college: 1 visit in person=10 phone calls, 1 phone call=10 personally typed/signed/self-addressed letters, 1 personally typed/signed/self-addressed letters= 10 form letters, 1 form letter=100 emails/faxes.
Emails and faxes are just considered the junk mail of political advocacy. It doesn't take any time or thought to initiate. They are looked upon less than items that take real time and effort upon individuals.
Emails and faxes don't move political mountains. They are used to clog up systems and cause frustration in order to move things forward. Both parties, all SIGs, etc... use this tactic and politicans know it for what it is.
1.5 million of this type of response is exactly what someone inferred here -- a drop in the bucket.
Especially not that noteworth since its union backed and union members tend to respond the way they are told. Unions make it easy by having the members type an entry and click a button.
Knowing the source lets me know it was exactly that kind of campaign.