Originally posted by dems4me
Noe, now otter, what are you going to be saying this time next year when Kerry is our President?
That is funny. While I admire your dedication to what appears to be the Democratic candidate I don't think Kerry will win anymore then Teddy Kennedy will come clean on Chappaquiddick. The Bush machine is just now starting to campaign and they have a ton of money that they have just started to use. For the past several months all that has been heard is the Democratic messages and candidates, but as that race appears over Bush can focus on his foe and start expending some of that campaign funding that he has collected. I think the race will be tight, but Bush will prevail.
Teddy boy didn't have a problem with Tenet when the Senate confirmed him by voice vote in 1997, did he? As the Clinton nominee he provided basically the same information to that administration in 1998 as he did in 2002. Now, all of a sudden, it is a problem for Kennedy.
It was, Kennedy said, "pure, unadulterated fear-mongering," in order to justify Bush's determined decision to go to war.
Well, Mr. Kennedy, have you asked John Kerry why he supported that decision to authorize President Bush to use military force against Iraq? And what exactly has changed from 1998 when you (and all but 7 members of Congress) urged President Clinton to take appropriate action to bring Iraq into compliance with their international obligations.