Bush strikes back! Finally sets his sights on Kerry.


Football season!
Originally posted by dems4me
Not nice Otter:nono: There's nothing wrong with being a registered "flip floppy" and voting for your party's candidate. ummm... the war is over... .umm the war is not over...

Kerry will blow Bush away in any debate.:biggrin:

I hear Bush is trying to push for a constitutional amendment to only allow silent debates.


Originally posted by SmallTown
I hear Bush is trying to push for a constitutional amendment to only allow silent debates.
:roflmao: :lmao:

I'm glad they finally got a Bush emotocon (smilie) :blahblah: Yeah!!!:dance:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Hi Vrai! what are you doing today?
Working - same crap I do every day. I did manage to go to the grocery store this morning, though. :yay:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Working - same crap I do every day. I did manage to go to the grocery store this morning, though. :yay:

Good for you!:smile: It sounds like you are always working. Anything I can help with?:smile:
I'm rather bored today a guy is supposed to come over and redo all the hardwood floors upstairs. I'm kind of stuck here until he shows up and he hasn't called -- thats what ya' get when you ask a friend of a freind to do it for you. I'm making the best of it though.... trying to clean on commercial breaks (from watching a movie) and checking the forum here and there.... I'm almost bored out of my goard!!! I'm half tempted to just open up a few beers for some durn excitement.:frown:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Noe, now otter, what are you going to be saying this time next year when Kerry is our President? :biggrin:
:killingme That is funny. While I admire your dedication to what appears to be the Democratic candidate I don't think Kerry will win anymore then Teddy Kennedy will come clean on Chappaquiddick. The Bush machine is just now starting to campaign and they have a ton of money that they have just started to use. For the past several months all that has been heard is the Democratic messages and candidates, but as that race appears over Bush can focus on his foe and start expending some of that campaign funding that he has collected. I think the race will be tight, but Bush will prevail.

Teddy boy didn't have a problem with Tenet when the Senate confirmed him by voice vote in 1997, did he? As the Clinton nominee he provided basically the same information to that administration in 1998 as he did in 2002. Now, all of a sudden, it is a problem for Kennedy.

It was, Kennedy said, "pure, unadulterated fear-mongering," in order to justify Bush's determined decision to go to war.
Well, Mr. Kennedy, have you asked John Kerry why he supported that decision to authorize President Bush to use military force against Iraq? And what exactly has changed from 1998 when you (and all but 7 members of Congress) urged President Clinton to take appropriate action to bring Iraq into compliance with their international obligations.


Super Genius
Originally posted by dems4me
Not nice Otter:nono: There's nothing wrong with being a registered "flip floppy" and voting for your party's candidate. ummm... the war is over... .umm the war is not over...
So when did Bush say the war was over? :confused:


Originally posted by ylexot
So when did Bush say the war was over? :confused:

Back in May -- but we've danced this dance before y'all just said when Bush referred to "Mission Accomplished" he was either referring to the boat's name or the people that were returning from war -- not actually implying to all American people that the war was over - talk about symatics!!! :cheesy:


Originally posted by dems4me
Noe, now otter, what are you going to be saying this time next year when Kerry is our President? :biggrin:

If Kerry is elected, I'm moving to Canada.


Originally posted by Toxick
If Kerry is elected, I'm moving to Canada.

Is that a promise:confused: :biggrin:
I can give you a map if you like... there's lots of water front property available right now in Canada and they are really cheap. I considered this about a year ago and looked into it myself. But I have hope that things will be better in 8 months.:wink:


WHATEVER for all this non-sense... I loved Big G when he was office and I love Little G who's currently in office. F*** all this arguing.... Either you are a Democrat or a Republican.... whatever... Different strokes for different folks.... this is what makes the world go round I suppose.... Have a nice day. :patriot:


Originally posted by Angel
WHATEVER for all this non-sense... I loved Big G when he was office and I love Little G who's currently in office. F*** all this arguing.... Either you are a Democrat or a Republican.... whatever... Different strokes for different folks.... this is what makes the world go round I suppose.... Have a nice day. :patriot:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Angel
dems must mean democrat.... loser.... :rolleyes:

Not hardly and we can do without the name calling -- remember we are all Americans. I was just rolling my eyes because its typical for someone that is a republican to think every thing is fine and dandy as long as your boy is in office. Now, would you have posted the same post you just did if Clinton was still in office or if Kerry's in office next year? I think not. :smile:
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Originally posted by dems4me
Not hardly and we can do without the name calling -- remember we are all Americans. I was just rolling my eyes because its typical for someone that is a republican to think every thing is fine and dandy as long as your boy is in office. Now, would you have posted the same post you just did if Clinton was still in office or if when Kerry's in office next year? I think not. :smile:
This is a political forum for just this reason not a kumbya forum. We all have differences in this area, although on this forum dems are the minority, but I don't give up on my philosophy just because I'm outnumbered.

I havn't seen you on here before so welcome:cheers: to the forums.


Originally posted by dems4me
Not hardly and we can do without the name calling -- remember we are all Americans. I was just rolling my eyes because its typical for someone that is a republican to think every thing is fine and dandy as long as your boy is in office. Now, would you have posted the same post you just did if Clinton was still in office of when Kerry's in office next year? I think not. :smile:
holy crap... even if i was a democrat i would be ashamed of altoid boy..... :crazy: forgive the name calling regardless.... :biggrin:


Originally posted by Angel
holy crap... even if i was a democrat i would be ashamed of altoid boy..... :crazy: forgive the name calling regardless.... :biggrin:

That was just a sexual thing that was no one's buisness. Yes he lied before a grand jury but it was still no one's business but his an Hillary's to deal with. Not ours.:wink: Is it the entire World's business what you do in your bedroom?:smile: