

Originally posted by Sharon
When I first read this thread I thought of those HUGE transfer trucks. They blow more trash onto Rt4 in one run just leaving the dump; maybe these ciggy whiners would like to pick it up and throw it back into the truck, if they can get past the smell.
Most of them have probably never been to the landfill. Take a whiff at that place.:barf:


So it's okay to dump these butts on the roadside? I think it just shows the laziness of the person that does this. The multi thousand dollar car you own with that clean ash tray can't be used because the person who owns it doesn't want to have to clean it when it's full. Yes I smoked at one time and the habit sucked but I didn't share my habit with everyone. Don't be a pig! Put the buts out in the ash tray in YOUR car! If you think this is trivial there's a good possibility you are young. Think back 10 or 15 years ago when it wasn't so bad. It takes a filter of a cigarette 8 years to break down.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's interesting are people who drive around in these tiny death traps, then complain about how unsafe their car is and want everyone else on the road to take extra precautions on their behalf.


It's their choice to drive death traps and that's fine if that's what they want to do but littering isn't something they should be allowed to do.


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What's interesting are people who drive around in these tiny death traps, then complain about how unsafe their car is and want everyone else on the road to take extra precautions on their behalf.
I understand my car is a deathtrap, I understand how to drive, i can handle it just fine... So because i choose to drive a small sporty looking car that get 30mi/gal i should be subjected to people throwing stuff infront me that is illegal to throw anywhere but the trash? and not complain? Here is one, next stoplight im at im going to get a broom out fill a plastic bag with the damn butts then if i see anyone throw one out of their window ill catch up to them throw the bag (open mind you, to make the biggest mess possible) right into their window....


Set Trippin
Originally posted by Spoiled
Here is one, next stoplight im at im going to get a broom out fill a plastic bag with the damn butts then if i see anyone throw one out of their window ill catch up to them throw the bag (open mind you, to make the biggest mess possible) right into their window....
I hope it's me...:dance:


New Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
next stoplight im at im going to get a broom out fill a plastic bag with the damn butts then if i see anyone throw one out of their window ill catch up to them throw the bag (open mind you, to make the biggest mess possible) right into their window....

:yeahthat: because two wrongs make it alright. :rolleyes:


What bothers me is the people that think it's funny to toss butts out the window. They just don't care.


Originally posted by czygvtwkr
I was wondering if it would be kosher to post the liscense plate numbers of people along with the location, time you see them tossing butts or any trash out their car window? South Carolina gave me the idea when I saw a billboard for reporting litterbugs.


And you just gave me an idea.

Next time I'm at an intersection, and I hear some loud thundering rap or heavy metal music, I'm going to take a hammer, and throw it right through their god damned windshield.

I mean if we're all going to go after everyone who does things they don't like, I'm sure I could come up with lots of ideas.

Next time I'm forced to listen to someone who has an annoying laugh, I'm going to punch them as hard as I can right the #### in the face.

Next time someone looks at my wife in a way that I don't like, I'll kick him dead square in the nuts.

Anyone else have some pet peeves that should be outlawed?


Set Trippin
Re: Re: Buttheads?

Originally posted by Toxick
Anyone else have some pet peeves that should be outlawed?
People that insert shades on all of their avatars, drives me bats...:wink:


Re: Re: Re: Buttheads?

Originally posted by mainman
People that insert shades on all of their avatars, drives me bats...:wink:

Jeez, last week it was my tagline, this week it's my avatar...

(And I only did it twice).


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Buttheads?

Originally posted by mainman
:biggrin: Thanks for changing that btw...:lmao:

NP. I was planning on changing it anyway. I was bored with the old one.

Unfortunately, I'm already bored with this one.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Buttheads?

Originally posted by Toxick

Anyone else have some pet peeves that should be outlawed?
Sneezing in public places....think of all those germs coming towards you at 90/mph. It's a health risk! :cheesy:


New Member
Re: Re: Buttheads?

Originally posted by Toxick
Next time I'm at an intersection, and I hear some loud thundering rap or heavy metal music, I'm going to take a hammer, and throw it right through their god damned windshield.

The visual alonerequires me to change my shorts. :killingme


Set Trippin
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Buttheads?

Originally posted by Toxick
NP. I was planning on changing it anyway. I was bored with the old one.

Unfortunately, I'm already bored with this one.
So you aren't gonna abandon us when you make the move are ya? :confused:


Set Trippin
FYI, I just smoked a cig in my truck for the express purpose of throwing the butt from the window...


Re: Re: Re: Buttheads?

Originally posted by Sharon
Sneezing in public places....think of all those germs coming towards you at 90/mph. It's a health risk! :cheesy:

I don't mind sneezing per se... I don't like the SCREAM-SNEEZERs though.

Never fails. I'm out with a nice sneeze-free evening with my family, when some ignorant son of a ##### will sit near me, and blast a 90 dB sneeze.



b*tch rocket
Originally posted by mainman
FYI, I just smoked a cig in my truck for the express purpose of throwing the butt from the window...

Was there a Miata within range? :confused: :lol:

:offtopic: But what possesses a man to drive a Miata? I read the specs on those cars and they come standard with a testicle remover in the drivers seat. :shocking: