Originally posted by czygvtwkr
I was wondering if it would be kosher to post the liscense plate numbers of people along with the location, time you see them tossing butts or any trash out their car window? South Carolina gave me the idea when I saw a billboard for reporting litterbugs.
And you just gave me an idea.
Next time I'm at an intersection, and I hear some loud thundering rap or heavy metal music, I'm going to take a hammer, and throw it right through their god damned windshield.
I mean if we're all going to go after everyone who does things they don't like, I'm sure I could come up with lots of ideas.
Next time I'm forced to listen to someone who has an annoying laugh, I'm going to punch them as hard as I can right the #### in the face.
Next time someone looks at my wife in a way that I don't like, I'll kick him dead square in the nuts.
Anyone else have some pet peeves that should be outlawed?