

Active Member
Originally posted by emmpeedee
it's about as dangerous as tossing a cigarette butt out the window. it's the other stupid drivers on the road you have to look out for. the same ones who are looking down beside them and swerving all over the road to decide if sparks are flying from a hunk of metal or a cigarette butt because they can not tell the difference.
explain what other drives i would need to be looking out for, everyone is bumper-to-bumper and you can see down the road for a mile if anyone else managed to U turn before the cop... And my u turn isnt going to leave a mess (unless i do an engine swap or install a blower in my car and neutral drop from 4k RPMs as im turning on an already wet road and spin tires for a few minutes to boil all the water and finaly get my rubber to stick to the asphault - all while a cop is standing less than 100 feet from me)


Originally posted by Spoiled
its not a horrible comparison, both would be coming out of a car if i chose to throw them out.... And cigarette butts can take anywhere from 7-15 years to decompose, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day? how many smokers do we have in the county? that is a lot of butts to decompose over 7 years, now say each person throws 1 or 2 out of each box they smoke / day, while at a traffic light... This adds up, does it not? over 7 years that would be one hell of a mess if no one cleaned it up

Are you trying to convince me that a flying ciggerette butt in the air is just as dangerous as a Wendy's Number 5 bag being hurled at you or coke cans? I've never heard of a ciggerette butt taking 7 years to dissolve... you can try an experiement if you like... pick up a bunch of these heavy, lifethreatening dangerous ciggerette butts, put them in the palm of your hand and add nailpolish remover...have your hand all balled up like a fist and let me know what happens... TIA!!!! :yay: Also I believe a coke can being hurled at you would be more prone to dent your car and give you reason to swerve than a ciggerette butt bouncing off the ground.


Active Member
Originally posted by dutch6
Who is cleaning them up? I've never seen anyone cleaning them up.
Im assumng someone does clean the roads some how or something, or else they would be piled as high as the sidewalks, then again i maybe wrong and the wind is just blowing them all over the place thus spreading the filth into the grass and woods


Originally posted by Spoiled
explain what other drives i would need to be looking out for, everyone is bumper-to-bumper and you can see down the road for a mile if anyone else managed to U turn before the cop... And my u turn isnt going to leave a mess (unless i do an engine swap or install a blower in my car and neutral drop from 4k RPMs as im turning on an already wet road and spin tires for a few minutes to boil all the water and finaly get my rubber to stick to the asphault - all while a cop is standing less than 100 feet from me)

Did ciggerette butts cause this accident in the first place :confused: is that why you are sooo bent on this issue? As a fellow dem, I'm quite disappointed. There are far bigger environmental issues out there than m!ndf*ck!ng the impacts of ciggerette butts on the environment....why don't you set your sight on global warming or something like that :shrug:
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
you can try an experiement if you like... pick up a bunch of these heavy, lifethreatening dangerous ciggerette butts, put them in the palm of your hand and add nailpolish remover...have your hand all balled up like a fist and let me know what happens... TIA!!!!
TFF :roflmao:


Active Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Are you trying to convince me that a flying ciggerette butt in the air is just as dangerous as a Wendy's Number 5 bag being hurled at you or coke cans? I've never heard of a ciggerette butt taking 7 years to dissolve... you can try an experiement if you like... pick up a bunch of these heavy, lifethreatening dangerous ciggerette butts, put them in the palm of your hand and add nailpolish remover...have your hand all balled up like a fist and let me know what happens... TIA!!!! :yay: Also I believe a coke can being hurled at you would be more prone to dent your car and give you reason to swerve than a ciggerette butt bouncing off the ground.

Mind you i never claimed a cigarette butt can cause the exterior of my car any damage (maybe paint but i didnt say that) but the interior of my car is a different story.... Other things that woud emite sparks in the road (this time of year kids lighting off fireworks or metal that had fallen off of annother car or just been run over by the person infront of me) can cause damage...


Active Member
Re: Dear spoiled

Originally posted by Pete
STFU you twit

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
pick up a bunch of these heavy, lifethreatening dangerous ciggerette butts, put them in the palm of your hand and add nailpolish remover...have your hand all balled up like a fist and let me know what happens... TIA!!!!

Given a catalyst like that, it WILL dissolve. But the last time I checked, nail polish remover does not come down in rainfall to help dissolve the butts. :duh:

From www.cigarettelitter.org:

It is estimated that several trillion cigarette butts are littered worldwide every year. That's billions of cigarettes flicked, one at a time, on our sidewalks, beaches, nature trails, gardens, and other public places every single day. In fact, cigarettes are the most littered item in America and the world.

Cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate tow, NOT COTTON, and they can take decades to degrade. Not only does cigarette litter ruin even the most picturesque setting, but the toxic residue in cigarette filters is damaging to the environment, and littered butts cause numerous fires every year, some of them fatal.

DECADES to degrade...toxic residue...#1 litter maker...Hmmm...


Originally posted by Spoiled
Im assumng someone does clean the roads some how or something, or else they would be piled as high as the sidewalks, then again i maybe wrong and the wind is just blowing them all over the place thus spreading the filth into the grass and woods

Maybe, just maybe, are you sitting down for this? Just maybe they are indeed B I O D E G R A D A B L E !!!!!!!! :yikes: unlike Coke Cans -- (just fyi -- those are recyclable)



Active Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Did ciggerette butts cause this accident in the first place :confused: is that why you are sooo bent on this issue? As a fellow dem, I'm quite disappointed. There are far bigger environmental issues out there than m!ndf*ck!ng the impacts of ciggerette butts on the environment....why don't you set your sight on global warming or something like that :shrug:
start small and work your way up... and every little bit counts...


Originally posted by jazz lady
Given a catalyst like that, it WILL dissolve. But the last time I checked, nail polish remover does not come down in rainfall to help dissolve the butts. :duh:

From www.cigarettelitter.org:

DECADES to degrade...toxic residue...#1 litter maker...Hmmm...

It "can" take decades, but I've never experienced it... I know this may shock a particular person or two on here, but I actually have the audacity to throw them out in the yard when cutting grass, etc... and they do disappear and it hasn't taken decades :shrug:


Re: Re: Dear spoiled

Originally posted by Spoiled
Your incessant whining and trying to weasle to make your point is so frigging stupid. Perhaps you should hang up the keys to your free car until you posses the ability to drive it without screaming like a teenage chic when you see sparks ahead of you.


Active Member
Originally posted by dems4me
when cutting grass
Cut something up it had more surface area thus allowing a chemical reaction to occur more rapidly... Its just like trying to eat foor without chewing, it wont work... Then you chew it and it does its job... The lawnmower chews it...


Originally posted by dems4me
It "can" take decades, but I've never experienced it... I know this may shock a particular person or two on here, but I actually have the audacity to throw them out in the yard when cutting grass, etc... and they do disappear and it hasn't taken decades :shrug:
Litterer!! You are ruining the environment. And you have the audacity to call yourself a Democrat. You hate the environment, you polute.


Originally posted by Spoiled
start small and work your way up... and every little bit counts...

yes, but does this really matter compared to other things? I remember a few years back the protestors at the IMF turning on each other -- I remember the save the turtle folks in their turtle uniforms fighting the farmers or someother group that was representing some other cause... Instead of focusing on the problems, why don't you focus on the solution if it bothers you that much... form a group that goes around and does nothing 24/7 than pick up ciggerette butts... how's that :shrug: No one is perfect and never will be perfect and folks will always throw ciggerette butts out the window... why don't you focus on another issue instead of starting out with the pettiest of the pettiest problem concernining the environment :shrug:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
It "can" take decades, but I've never experienced it... I know this may shock a particular person or two on here, but I actually have the audacity to throw them out in the yard when cutting grass, etc... and they do disappear and it hasn't taken decades :shrug:

Did you stop to think (I know - a looooong shot) the butts were chewed up by the mower into small pieces or little critters were eating them thinking they were food?

FYI - I am still picking out cigarette butts from around my home that the builders were so gracious to flick EVERYWHERE. They haven't degraded at all - even after two years. :cussing:


Active Member
Re: Re: Re: Dear spoiled

Originally posted by Pete
Your incessant whining and trying to weasle to make your point is so frigging stupid. Perhaps you should hang up the keys to your free car until you posses the ability to drive it without screaming like a teenage chic when you see sparks ahead of you.
are you going to contribute or just try and flame me? If you want to just flame me i can start making you some images so i dont have to waste my time typing out flames responses for you...


Originally posted by Pete
Litterer!! You are ruining the environment. And you have the audacity to call yourself a Democrat. You hate the environment, you polute.

What does it matter if its a small say this size [_______] ciggerette butt that is biodegradable? By this guys standards, my entire yard would be an ashtray and there would be no grass because it's just one big 7 acre yard with nothing but cotton filters all over -- then again I do have goats... maybe they are eating them :shrug:


New Member
Originally posted by dems4me
and folks will always throw ciggerette butts out the window...

yea just as sure as some old bat will pull out in front of you on 235 and go 20 miles per hour. go fight that cause. it's probably what caused the accident forcing you to make the illegal uturns anyway.