Buyer Beware!!!


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The Dude said:
Does it really matter? It's a Ford should have known better in the first place! :smack:


but on the serious side, the sold him a car of which they should stand behind. New or used. Too many people have too many troubles with Leonardtown Ford.
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24/7 Single Dad
harleyrider said:
F first
O on
R Race
D Day
:confused: where do fords race? I don't know of any seriers where thy're dominate.

As far as Leonardtown Ford, their radio ads should be enough to scare you away.


hammishsqueak said:

:cool: Mine's at the very top. :lol:

Six years old and never a problem with her. I :love: my car.

Way back girlfriend got a brand new Ford EXP. She was SWEET! We were driving to Harvard on the Pike in style! :diva:

We looked pretty cute two days later waiting for a tow truck to come take that POS away. :lol:


I asked the salesman at Leonardtown Ford used cars about the history of a vehicle I was interested in and he indicated it came from an auction, so it would not be impossible to purchase someone else's problem.If you notice you will see a car carrier parked in front of there pretty often rotating stock. Also a good idea to get the carfax.

Good Luck!!


But wait, there's more...


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New Member
I went through this Trade-in farce in a previous post on here. I dont like the way they deal there and I certainly wont be a customer. When you buy a used car you should always be wary, however if they repair it under a warranty you have no complaint. It is their IMO underhanded deals that I am against. I was told that if you didnt have a trade you had to pay an extra $1,000 because thats what their average trades are worth. Biggest load of Horse Crap I ever heard.
I bought a NEW car from LF. No problems. Quite happy with the service I got from the dealer and the repair shop (had it in once for them to change the emergency brake handle boot because it got torn). I'd go back to get another from them.


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huntr1 said:
I bought a NEW car from LF. No problems. Quite happy with the service I got from the dealer and the repair shop (had it in once for them to change the emergency brake handle boot because it got torn). I'd go back to get another from them.

You are the first one that I have ever heard with that.


i got a used car from there back in august i love my car have had no problem but then i did you my part and resreach the car to c what and who had it think god it was a little old man


American Beauty
PREMO Member
dm4462 said:
i got a used car from there back in august i love my car have had no problem but then i did you my part and resreach the car to c what and who had it think god it was a little old man


Yo Gabba Gabba
Nicole_in_somd said:

but on the serious side, the sold him a car of which they should stand behind. New or used. Too many people have too many troubles with Leonardtown Ford.
They are standing behind it by fixing it when he brings it back. Sounds like he should have done his research before buying. Live and learn.


I am so very blessed
I bought a used Eddie Bauer Ford Explorer from them and I've been quite pleased with it. No problems with the vehicle OR the dealership. I probably overpaid a bit for it, but that was MY fault for not doing better research on my purchase beforehand.

I'd go back to them again.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
BadGirl said:
I bought a used Eddie Bauer Ford Explorer from them and I've been quite pleased with it. No problems with the vehicle OR the dealership. I probably overpaid a bit for it, but that was MY fault for not doing better research on my purchase beforehand.

I'd go back to them again.
I bought my convertible from them two years ago. No problems yet.


New Member
Nicole_in_somd said:

but on the serious side, the sold him a car of which they should stand behind. New or used. Too many people have too many troubles with Leonardtown Ford.
He says that it's been in for transmission work twice, but he hasn't said which shop. If Leonardtown Ford is trying to fix it, then I'd say so far they are standing behind it.


Well-Known Member
Nicole_in_somd said:
You are so right about that. Everyone and I mean everyone I know that brought a car from them had nothing but troubles.

On top of that, the trade in for 4000??? Turns out it is already in the price of the like I asked then what happens if someone doesnt bring a trade in you add 4000 to the price??

He just looked at me...
I hate that place. I would buy a buggy from the Amish first. (no offense to the Amish)
I hate to say it, but if you get outsmarted by a salesman its nobody's fault but you own.
I mean used car salemen have such a terrific reputation in general :sarcasm:

you as the buyer have to do your homework and know what the used car you want is worth, their job is to make as much profit from you as you will allow.


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dm4462 said:
i got a used car from there back in august i love my car have had no problem but then i did you my part and resreach the car to c what and who had it think god it was a little old man

It doesn't count if you work there...I am so sure that is what the report came back saying...previous owner little old man who drove it back and forth to bingo....


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Ehesef said:
They are standing behind it by fixing it when he brings it back. Sounds like he should have done his research before buying. Live and learn.

No, I disagree. A company no matter what they are into should provide quality products. They have mechanics on site. They knew what the cars in there are all about.

If I am coming to you for a serivce or product, yes I should do some research but also I should be able to trust the person I am doing business with.