Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
Who was that he said that about? Clem Shady? Annoying Boy? Themisis? Minute Man? or is it just an et al sort of situation?


You're talking about the same Bill McFann that put my last name of Shupe on here last night.

Then he did the same thing he did a few minutes ago; he went and did an edit to remove it.

This time he's going to pay dearly.



Methodically disorganized
I am emotionally distressed and horrified that you have told everyone here that I am a pedophile.
He can reasonably claim that you were emotionally distressed (read: unstable) beforehand. Libel has to be demonstrably injurious to one's reputation, and I don't think your reputation could be worse than it was already.

However, if your case of libel against him is successful, that will be GREAT news for many others because they can then come after you for calling them "dummies", "stalkers", "trespassers" and any number of other insults and accusations with the full expectation that they should win. :yay:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You're talking about the same Bill McFann that put my last name of Shupe on here last night.

Then he did the same thing he did a few minutes ago; he went and did an edit to remove it.

This time he's going to pay dearly.


I hear the crime of 'Editing' brings with some really hard time.


ooo..hang on..did everyone see that? 'ees threatenin' me, ee is. just might want to take down that email post you made earlier. Its kinda got your name on it. :coffee:


New Member
I hear the crime of 'Editing' brings with some really hard time.


ooo..hang on..did everyone see that? 'ees threatenin' me, ee is. just might want to take down that email post you made earlier. Its kinda got your name on it. :coffee:

Where's the best time and place to serve you the court papers?



Methodically disorganized
I'll stop by and pick 'em up.
How do you plan to do that? You can't drive by his house. You can't stop in front of his house. If you step onto his property he will do 'something'. He doesn't make this easy.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
How do you plan to do that? You can't drive by his house. You can't stop in front of his house. If you step onto his property he will do 'something'. He doesn't make this easy.

oh..right. Guess I'll just wait patiently then.


New Member
Lance put Bill's server records in a safe place that's easy to retrieve and in storage until the lawyers request them please.



New Member
Serial Litigants

Most people do whatever they can to avoid a lawsuit, but there are people who go out of their way to appear before a judge -- over and over and over again.

People who file numerous lawsuits, known as serial litigants, are often motivated by the hopes of winning lots of money or obtaining justice. And according to forensic psychiatrists, in some cases they're also motivated by deep psychological reasons -- paranoia, the need for attention or a belief that only in court will their perceived suffering be validated.

It's become widespread enough that some states are removing serial litigants from the legal system altogether, banning them from filing future suits.

"Serial litigants are ubiquitous," said Dr. Mark Levy, a forensic psychiatrist and professor at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine. "Everybody has a right to his day in court, but some people are there for psychological rather than judicial reasons."

Frequent plaintiffs can in some cases sue hundreds of companies and individuals or spend years in court, suing increasing numbers of people related to one or many perceived injustices, Levy said.

"They are usually looking to have what they regard as suffering witnessed on the stage of the court. It is a theatrical enactment," he said. "The remedy in a civil case is typically money, but for these individuals it isn't about the money or justice. It is about having their suffering validated. They want acknowledgment of what they perceive as lifelong suffering."

Obsessed With Lawsuits - ABC News


New Member
St. Mary's Today could not have written a better article than this thread.

It's just like the "Missing $20k Lawyer Loot" story.

The casualties are mounting daily.

How many people will lose their jobs, go to jail, or lose their last dime before it's over with Bill?

Anyone care to rattle off all the casualties to date?
