Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


Methodically disorganized
Wonder how many people know what lawyers really cost?
That is of no concern to Mr. Shiddy; he has "money to burn". (Don't ask why he didn't drop that money into the house to save himself a bunch of trouble though, because he will refuse to answer and put you on ignore.)


New Member
That is of no concern to Mr. Shiddy; he has "money to burn". (Don't ask why he didn't drop that money into the house to save himself a bunch of trouble though, because he will refuse to answer and put you on ignore.)

And he'll tell you to read his blog.


Methodically disorganized
Training emergency response operators.
How can you be training an international team to do that when you are the "dumb" one who does not know how American 911 functions?

Pictures to follow.

When people argue, the person posting facts has more credibility than the person name calling. All credibility is lost.
Of course, you see reality. Clem sees what Clem wants to see, and he sees himself justified to do anything he wants.

His HOA hearing should prove to be FASCINATING. :lmao:


Knowing what lawyers cost, I was a fan and had some empathy until the porn, employer contacting and kids involved in our national past time now being neighborhood thugs took place. The internet is the great equalizer; allows the common man to take on the big guy and winning in the court of public opinion can mean much more than winning in a court of law.

When all this first started, did I think QBHI was being unreasonable and the bad guy? Yes.

Do I think the same now? No.

If I were QBHI, one would have to take me to court to fix every thing as well because no matter how reasonable I would try to be in fixing things, it doesn't sound like any effort would ever be good enough.

In the end I hope Clem gets a good house, but I think he should refocus on QBHI vs the public. GE may have been willing to step in and give him a top of the line dish washer for free, but once they saw port on his blog I bet that deal was off.

When people argue, the person posting facts has more credibility than the person name calling. All credibility is lost.

You make sense and CLEMMY aint gonna like it none...prepare yourself for the wonderful world of Iggy!!!


Well-Known Member
How can you be training an international team to do that when you are the "dumb" one who does not know how American 911 functions?

Slim says I'm the stupid one and called me the 911 Nazi. You don't think that too based on his opinion, do you?


New Member
Last porn I saw was a dong with a paper plate dangling from it with some words on it about looking at porn will get you fired.

I thought it was kind of funny for the shock value but to do it with the intent to try to get some one fired over it? Over the top, I don't care what the visitor may or may not have said on a blog.

I grew up in Texas, few things a man don't mess with where I come from; money (job) is very high on that list.

He took that one down, then put up three more, then the video ofthe kids. The porn kept going up then he'd take it down again. I guess he couldn't decide. I don't think any of the porn is there now. He's just a nut, Srsly a little scary...especially when you're in the neighborhood.


I bowl overhand
I am going over there to live for a few months at the end of May to see if I like it. Other half is over there working and if I like it, may move there for a couple of years. He really loves it there. The pictures he has sent are awesome.

Do you know where ? Spent a lot of time over there myself.


New Member
I guess he hunks he's going to sue me for.......file criminal charges against me for........ok, I give up :lol:

Can you force someone into a psychological assessment based on the threats he made on his blog or the video he posted of the minors?




New Member
To help the cause...

I love how every one tosses out "I'm gonna sue".

Wonder how many people know what lawyers really cost?

Yeah, they cost more than a dishwasher, but so what.

You should have no doubt that I can and will spend it.

The chit is going to hit the McFann.



I bowl overhand
I am going over there to live for a few months at the end of May to see if I like it. Other half is over there working and if I like it, may move there for a couple of years. He really loves it there. The pictures he has sent are awesome.

Do you know where ? Spent a lot of time over there myself.


New Member
Knowing what lawyers cost, I was a fan and had some empathy until the porn, employer contacting and kids involved in our national past time now being neighborhood thugs took place. The internet is the great equalizer; allows the common man to take on the big guy and winning in the court of public opinion can mean much more than winning in a court of law.

When all this first started, did I think QBHI was being unreasonable and the bad guy? Yes.

Do I think the same now? No.

If I were QBHI, one would have to take me to court to fix every thing as well because no matter how reasonable I would try to be in fixing things, it doesn't sound like any effort would ever be good enough.

In the end I hope Clem gets a good house, but I think he should refocus on QBHI vs the public. GE may have been willing to step in and give him a top of the line dish washer for free, but once they saw port on his blog I bet that deal was off.

When people argue, the person posting facts has more credibility than the person name calling. All credibility is lost.

Ever hear of the "Maryland Home Builder Guarantee Claim Fund?"
