Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
Also take into consideration that there are two parks and more than one school in walking distance with baseball fields from Leonard's Grant subdivision... Highly unlikely that they are looking to damage his property. To me it looks like they probably just got done playing baseball or softball in the park and were walking HOME. It's pretty sad that a kid cant walk home from a park with a bat and baseball mitt, without being labeled as a trouble maker or a punk. I guess all the "park hood rats" are making their way to Leonardtown. :cds:

My yard is not a thoroughfare for little heathens with baseball bats.

It's private property and responsible parents teach their kids to stay out of other peoples yards at all times unless invited into them.

And is there anybody left in Saint Mary's County that doesn't now know that I don't want anybody in my effing yard unless I invite them or pay them to engage in business at my home?



Blah.. Blah...Blah
However in this case the juveniles were armed tresspassers. Mr. Shady has a documented history of stalking, threats of violent and a HOA that coddles and protects the offenders by ordering him to take down perfectly legal signs and security lights? Its the totality of the circumstances that may lead a judge to believe that people are harassing him, criminally tresspassing and attempting to extort him by levying threats and fines under the guise of a HOA. Your now attempting to go after the fact that he's filming the public area in front of his residence after the tresspassers fled the scene on foot?

I'm sure he is just an innocent bystander in all of it. :snacks:


Methodically disorganized
I can't believe I showed up and I'm in Germany!
I was wondering who that could be. :lol:

I think it would drive Mr. S-H-U-P-E [more] bananas if he thought those of us on his ignore list were talking about him when we weren't.

Towards that end: how is everyone today? :smile:

I had another shot of snow this morning, but there may be some rain on the way. Aside from that, things for me have been pleasant lately.


Dream Stealer
Vexatious litigants and unusually persistent complainants and petitioners: from querulous paranoia to querulous behaviour.

Mullen PE, Lester G.

The unusually persistent pursued their
complaints for longer, supplied more
written material, telephoned more often
and for longer, intruded more frequently
without an appointment, and ultimately
were still complaining when the case was
closed or transferred. They differed from
the control group as predicted in being
motivated at least in part by desires for vindication
and retribution, in the curious and
dramatic forms in which they presented
their claims, in how they behaved while
pursuing their claims – particularly with
regard to threats – and in how high a price
personally and socially they paid for that

The differences between the two
groups’ objectives became clearer when
issues of personal vindication and retribution
were considered. The persistent
sought acknowledgement of the wider
social implications of their complaint
(39% v. 9%, OR 6.3, 95% CI 1.9–20.1;
P50.01) and public recognition of their
struggles (25% v. 0%; P50.01). Retribution,
in terms usually of the dismissal
or prosecution of those they held responsible,
was sought more frequently by the
persistent (43% v. 11%, OR 5.7, 95% CI
1.9–16.9; P50.01). More extreme forms
of revenge, such as public exposure and
humiliation, were demanded exclusively
by the persistent (14% v. 0%; P50.01).
The persistent more often demanded justice
for themselves based on claims of principle
(60% v. 18%, OR 9.98, 95% CI 3.7–26.8;
P50.01) and insisted on their ‘day in court’
(25% v. 4%, OR 7.0, 95% CI 1.4–33.0;
P50.01). The professionals found that the
persistent were more likely to vary the nature
and grounds of their complaint over
time (31% v. 0%; P50.01).

Unusually persistent complainants -- LESTER et al. 184 (4): 352 -- The British Journal of Psychiatry



New Member
I think he believes he's intimidating :killingme

I guess he hunks he's going to sue me for.......file criminal charges against me for........ok, I give up :lol:

Can you force someone into a psychological assessment based on the threats he made on his blog or the video he posted of the minors?


Well-Known Member
I guess he hunks he's going to sue me for.......file criminal charges against me for........ok, I give up :lol:

Can you force someone into a psychological assessment based on the threats he made on his blog or the video he posted of the minors?

I'm not sure, but it's worth looking into. The authorities are always saying citizens should report someone with unstable behavior "just in case" they lose it and start shooting innocent people because of their paranoid thoughts.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I guess he hunks he's going to sue me for.......file criminal charges against me for........ok, I give up :lol:

Can you force someone into a psychological assessment based on the threats he made on his blog or the video he posted of the minors?

We could all hope a family 'intervention' is in the works.



Well-Known Member
I was wondering who that could be. :lol:

I think it would drive Mr. S-H-U-P-E [more] bananas if he thought those of us on his ignore list were talking about him when we weren't.

Towards that end: how is everyone today? :smile:

I had another shot of snow this morning, but there may be some rain on the way. Aside from that, things for me have been pleasant lately.

I'm just dandy today, obviously a do nothing day since I've been on here on and off since this morning.


New Member
I'm not sure, but it's worth looking into. The authorities are always saying citizens should report someone with unstable behavior "just in case" they lose it and start shooting innocent people because of their paranoid thoughts.

Good point, I might look into it...that is if idiot-boy doesn't have me jailed :lol:


Methodically disorganized
Vexatious litigants and unusually persistent complainants and petitioners: from querulous paranoia to querulous behaviour.
Yeah, someone tried that approach earlier. He called her stupid then proceeded to stick his fingers in his ears and run around the room singing "I'm a little teapot".

I accidentally backed over it with one of my many Broncos.
All the more reason to give it to him. Would make another sweet 'lawn ornament'. :biggrin:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Good point, I might look into it...that is if idiot-boy doesn't have me jailed :lol:

We'll be sharing cells.

Three county cars and one state trooper came zooming in to my place today. Wanted to know how much backup I might need. Told 'em I was good for now.
