Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
My call from the Navy Inspector General was pretty funny today.

First off, she called me as a "Private Caller."

I asked the lady caller if I had her permission to record the call and she said "NO."

I then told I thought that was unfair because the PAX River IG had asked me for permission to record my call in order to talk to him.

So she made it clear that I couldn't file a complaint with her if I was going to record the call and said my only option would be to leave more voice mails on their phone.

We talked and discussed my complaint and my concerns, what evidence I had etc.

Then when we get off the phone, I asked for her name. She refused to give it to me.

Then I asked her how I was supposed to know she was really the IG because she called me as a private number and was now refusing to even give me her name.

So she reassured me that "she really is from the Navy IG HQ and that she had to talk to her director and that she would be getting back with me."

This is our government in action and it's pathetic!



New Member
Dear Greg:

Greg in Callaway,

Will I be able to collect any money from this guy?

Or will I have to go buy a pizza and wait in line?



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New Member
Anybody seen that HPV#5 virus thingy guy?

I'm kinda worried about him.

He's usually up and about in the basement by now, but he hasn't posted anything yet today.

If things were normal this page would be filled with messages about him being blocked because he's on my ignore list.



Methodically disorganized
I'm going to stay out of those numbers. They would probably try to sue me or something for partaking in this conversation.
If you were really scared of such a thing, you would not have created your blog and these threads. You must be pretending that you know things that you truly don't once again.

The U.S Navy IG just returned my phone call and I have filed the same complaint I previously did and a new one - against you!
When you get to President Oblahma and he tells you to STFU, to whom will you complain then? :lol:


New Member
Yeah, I'm that good...

This message is hidden because hvp05 is on your ignore list.

I can read your lips, keep talking.



New Member
Fair enough on part 1, no it wasn't entered on part 2

If the against you part of that was directed to me, I don't work for them. I work for Verizon, I am the internet! LOL! I have kind of like a skeleton key for the internet. Not that I can't be found, I don't hide because I don't have to hide. Guess what? I can watch porn at work also!

If one were to have FIOS and have an issue order a pay-per-view porn flick and have issues; they would dispatch me to the closest CO, I would hook up some meters and "stuff" and try to duplicate the problem. We have all kinds of neat warning stickers by the TV's so the company doesn't get sued for porn being played.

Same with surfing the net- have a slow connection? I'll be there surfing to try to duplicate the problem.

What other job can one surf the net and watch porn all day? :yahoo:

Now if we could just get rid of the %^@$ union.... :cartwheel

That's kind of interesting that my house was never entered into the MLS.

How does that work?

Do builders only enter the houses they choose to enter?

How does that affect the appraisers that come along looking for comps in the MLS?

Wouldn't it mess them up because the true comps aren't being shown?



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I had a blast watching Metrocast in action about three years ago. I had a brand new LCD TV with multiple tuners and just basic cable as a basic for when Directv went out.

So when I ran the channel scan it picked up all these channels in the high range like 113.5 etc.

So I would surf around on these channels when the dish was out and porn was being played at different times. And other movies.

I actually think it was the employees playing around on unused channels because you could be sitting there watching the movie and they would fast forward to the hot scenes, or stop and change to another movie etc.

I should have videotaped it, but I get in enough trouble as it is.



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
The master plan for Leonard's Grant and the future subdivisions scheduled to be built between Leonard's Grant and the town of Leonardtown are posted on my blog. The HOA covenants that discuss what the builder can still build are also on my blog.

And as I've said, I made work access to the blog hazardous because people were misusing work and government computers to attack me and the blog with.

I've solved that problem by making the blog a "mature audience site."

If people want to view the blog, they should do so from home or their cell phones. All the good stuff they need to know about my how crappy my home was built and what to look out for is still there for their viewing.



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
That's kind of interesting that my house was never entered into the MLS.

How does that work?

Do builders only enter the houses they choose to enter?

How does that affect the appraisers that come along looking for comps in the MLS?

Wouldn't it mess them up because the true comps aren't being shown?
