Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
What?...that's the advice I give any fella that's thinking about getting married. "Go buy a nice house, fill it with nice stuff, and then go hit the nearest bar and just give it all to any gal you meet there that you immediately can't stand"

Works every time.

So I'll be in the creditor line behind her?



New Member
Look at the MLS as a classified ad.

If you had a lawn mower for sale, you can list it online, in the paper, sign out front of your house (with HOA permission of course), etc. It is up to you how you want to get the word out that your lawn mower is for sale. Same thing when selling a house, the MLS is just the accepted place to go looking, agents make it easier on themselves and other agents to list it all in one place. So say you wanted to sell your lawn mower, if there were a lawn that 99% of the people buying and selling used to list their lawn mowers, one wouldn't be very smart not advertise there when selling or not to look there when buying.

The MLS is to get the word out you have a house for sale. Keeping track of the sales and how much they sold for and so on is just an added feature.

The MLS is one source appraisers use to gather data, other sources can be tax records, deed transfers, plats, loan officers, Realtor/Brokers, etc. Tax records can be accessed through the MLS, just an added feature; the MLS is a for profit company so the more they offer subscribers the more they can charge.

Are you able to list a house in the MLS?



aka Mrs. Giant
On further thought, by Clem's actions and comments, ie. harrassing people for looking at a blog he shared a link to, threatening lawsuits, calling people names, threatening police action against, posting pictures of juveniles, and more...
doesn't that make him the creepy stalker?

Ergo, Clem Shady started a tread about himself.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You've tumbled pretty far down the forum slum ladder Billigan.

No remorse though, right?

: long as the scotch holds out.

Say...looking farther down that ole ladder, you are still beyond view. Must be quite a long ladder, huh?


New Member
On further thought, by Clem's actions and comments, ie. harrassing people for looking at a blog he shared a link to, threatening lawsuits, calling people names, threatening police action against, posting pictures of juveniles, and more...
doesn't that make him the creepy stalker?

Ergo, Clem Shady started a tread about himself.


Thread moved to chit chat by order of Lance to protect the stupid people from further harming themselves.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
On further thought, by Clem's actions and comments, ie. harrassing people for looking at a blog he shared a link to, threatening lawsuits, calling people names, threatening police action against, posting pictures of juveniles, and more...
doesn't that make him the creepy stalker?

Ergo, Clem Shady started a tread about himself.

Yes..but what would some of us do for fun if Clem was..for example..normal..or stable..things like that?


New Member long as the scotch holds out.

Say...looking farther down that ole ladder, you are still beyond view. Must be quite a long ladder, huh?

I'm gonna give you a pass on suing you Bill.

You've got too many other problems.

And you've been Thunderstruck in public.

So you've suffered enough and I don't need the money.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I'm gonna give you a pass on suing you Bill.


You wearing a ring I can kiss? :eyebrow:

Maybe yr attorney will give you a credit on that vist you made yesterday?..or with your myriad legal battles, you probably have him on permanent retainer anyway, right?

I must say too..whoever your attorney is, they are remarkably effective at hiding all your many legal actions from the public record. It's almost as if those actions.........never existed at all.



New Member
You wearing a ring I can kiss? :eyebrow:

Maybe yr attorney will give you a credit on that vist you made yesterday?..or with your myriad legal battles, you probably have him on permanent retainer anyway, right?

I must say too..whoever your attorney is, they are remarkably effective at hiding all your many legal actions from the public record. It's almost as if those actions.........never existed at all.


You really thought I was kidding about that Witness Protection Program chit, didn't you?

Of course they don't show up.

And if the FBI and the CIA don't move me out of this piece of chit house real soon I'm going to start Wikileaking all over the place.

That guy with the blog who was writing about me; he knew damn well what went on late at night on that 100' pier in my former backyard.
