

I know nothing
I honestly have no problem with the call. Thats playoff hockey. Huet needs to keep his stick in position and make that easy save.

The problem I have is the fact that Richards clearly took the dive to draw the penalty on that play, but then later taunted Ovechkin when he thought Ovie took a dive. I was honestly very concerned for Ovechkin's health after that play because it was close to being one of those infamous knee-to-knee plays that have downed many a superstar in the NHL.

A dive.... :lmao: you need to go watch the replay... Hell even Craig Laughlin and Joe Beninati agreed that it should have been a penalty shot.


Man of Tomorrow
A dive.... :lmao: you need to go watch the replay... Hell even Craig Laughlin and Joe Beninati agreed that it should have been a penalty shot.

Yes, it should have been a penalty shot because he went to the ice and he still got the shot off. That means a penalty shot. But you're kidding yourself if you think that Richards couldn't have kept on his feet with just Green's stick, which he barely had one hand on, in the way flat on the ice. He went down to draw the penalty, plain and simple.


I know nothing
Yes, it should have been a penalty shot because he went to the ice and he still got the shot off. That means a penalty shot. But you're kidding yourself if you think that Richards couldn't have kept on his feet with just Green's stick, which he barely had one hand on, in the way flat on the ice. He went down to draw the penalty, plain and simple.

So by that reasoning, why didnt ovechkunt get a diving penalty when Richards tripped him. (with the foot to foot trip) Ive seen Ovie get hit alot harder, stay on his feet and still score... Not to mention score from his back while sliding past the goal!!!! Come on dude. Now your just reaching for excuses

Peter Forsberg

New Member
As tight as the game was being called :killingme:killingme:killingme

You did watch the game right?!?!?

Come on, even a resonable hockey fan could agree that the refs didnt call nearly what they should have. Blatent crosschecks to the back are not called, highsticks to the face are not called... But Derian Hatcher just barley pushes Mike Green and they call that crosschecking!!!!!
Not to mention they gave the CAPS a goal.


Man of Tomorrow
So by that reasoning, why didnt ovechkunt get a diving penalty when Richards tripped him. (with the foot to foot trip) Ive seen Ovie get hit alot harder, stay on his feet and still score... Not to mention score from his back while sliding past the goal!!!! Come on dude. Now your just reaching for excuses

Please show me where I was making excuses. I thought both plays were good plays by each player. In case you haven't noticed since I'm new on these boards, but I really do try my best to take off my red-tinted glasses and talk about my teams rationally. I think it was a smart play by Richards, he got the desired result out of it. Once again, I will restate that my problem was the fact that he was taunting Ovechkin when Ovechkin was legitimately hurting on the ice.

And you're right, I've seen Ovie get hit a lot harder too, but shouldn't that tell you something that he was actually down on the ice smarting for a bit, and never really skated hard for the rest of the game?

The fact is the Caps right now just don't have any fight. The bully has punched them in the mouth and they've quite simply backed down. It amazes me that the only one who is willing to fight after they constantly knock down Huet is Huet! Backstrom won't fight for a puck, Eurcina are Erskine both look lost, the list goes on and on. Hopefully this series will be a good lesson for a lot of these kids. They have to fight a lot harder for this if they wanna go deep in the Stanley Cup playoffs.


Man of Tomorrow
CAPS fans you lost because you were outshot 33-19. Not to mention you were 1-7 on the powerplay. The refs didn't do it.

Agreed. That's been the biggest difference in the series. so far the caps have averaged 23.3 shots per game. Give credit to the Philly defense, they've blocked a lot of shots (and almost lost a testicle because of it :lol:), and the shots that Biron has had to stop, he's had a clear view of.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Please show me where I was making excuses. I thought both plays were good plays by each player. In case you haven't noticed since I'm new on these boards, but I really do try my best to take off my red-tinted glasses and talk about my teams rationally. I think it was a smart play by Richards, he got the desired result out of it. Once again, I will restate that my problem was the fact that he was taunting Ovechkin when Ovechkin was legitimately hurting on the ice.

And you're right, I've seen Ovie get hit a lot harder too, but shouldn't that tell you something that he was actually down on the ice smarting for a bit, and never really skated hard for the rest of the game?

The fact is the Caps right now just don't have any fight. The bully has punched them in the mouth and they've quite simply backed down. It amazes me that the only one who is willing to fight after they constantly knock down Huet is Huet! Backstrom won't fight for a puck, Eurcina are Erskine both look lost, the list goes on and on. Hopefully this series will be a good lesson for a lot of these kids. They have to fight a lot harder for this if they wanna go deep in the Stanley Cup playoffs.
I'm sure the CAPS will learn alot from this seasons playoffs. The Stanley Cup playoffs is a totally different game then the regular season.


New Member
Kerad at least Flyers fans know the rules. HAHA

I'm sure most of these people don't watch enough hockey to know the intricacies of certain rules. Which isn't really a big deal until they start complaining about something they don't know enough about.

My biggest complaint (when it comes to penalty shots) is that the refs don't call them as much as they should.

Another is when fans acknowledge that something indeed was a penalty...but it shouldn't have been called.

Reminds me.... last year I was watching a Penguins-Senators game on Center Ice, and I was getting the Ottawa feed. Some Senator got called for high sticking, and the color analyst was fuming mad because he didn't feel there should have been a penalty.

Well, the Pens scored on the PP, and now this guy is even more irate. They finally get around to showing the replay, and it's clearly a high stick, and was the correct call. The analyst didn't say anything for a few seconds, and then finally said "Well...yeah, it was a high stick. But they didn't have to call it... Pittsburgh's been on the PP all night."



I know nothing
Yes, it should have been a penalty shot because he went to the ice and he still got the shot off. That means a penalty shot. But you're kidding yourself if you think that Richards couldn't have kept on his feet with just Green's stick, which he barely had one hand on, in the way flat on the ice. He went down to draw the penalty, plain and simple.

You really need to watch the replay... ESPN - NHL - National Hockey League

Green swung his stick to hit the puck, missed the puck and hit nothing but skates!!! So are you saying the Green is a weak hockey player and dosent nearly have the strength in one arm to trip someone. Cause thats what it sounds like to me.

Please show me where I was making excuses. I thought both plays were good plays by each player. In case you haven't noticed since I'm new on these boards, but I really do try my best to take off my red-tinted glasses and talk about my teams rationally. I think it was a smart play by Richards, he got the desired result out of it. Once again, I will restate that my problem was the fact that he was taunting Ovechkin when Ovechkin was legitimately hurting on the ice.

He was legitimately hurting how? Cause he tenderly skated back to the bench. The only reason he came off the ice was because if a player gets hurt, and there is a resulting penatly, the hurt player has to go to the bench. Ovie was back on the ice the next shift.... THE NEXT SHIFT!!!


I know nothing
I'm sure most of these people don't watch enough hockey to know the intricacies of certain rules. Which isn't really a big deal until they start complaining about something they don't know enough about.

My biggest complaint (when it comes to penalty shots) is that the refs don't call them as much as they should.

Another is when fans acknowledge that something indeed was a penalty...but it shouldn't have been called.

Reminds me.... last year I was watching a Penguins-Senators game on Center Ice, and I was getting the Ottawa feed. Some Senator got called for high sticking, and the color analyst was fuming mad because he didn't feel there should have been a penalty.

Well, the Pens scored on the PP, and now this guy is even more irate. They finally get around to showing the replay, and it's clearly a high stick, and was the correct call. The analyst didn't say anything for a few seconds, and then finally said "Well...yeah, it was a high stick. But they didn't have to call it... Pittsburgh's been on the PP all night."


Sounds like Don Cherry!!! He's a moron!


New Member
I'm sure the CAPS will learn alot from this seasons playoffs. The Stanley Cup playoffs is a totally different game then the regular season.

The Caps look to be going through what the Penguins went through last playoffs. They'll learn from it, and be better prepared next year.

Of course this series isn't over...if the Caps can grab a win in Game 4, it's a best of 3. With 2 of those in D.C..
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Well-Known Member
The Caps look to be going through what the Penguins went through last playoffs. They'll learn from it, and be better prepared next year.

Of course this series isn't over...if the Caps can grab a win in Game 3, it's a best of 3. With 2 of those in D.C..

Oh, no question, this next game is vital. We need to come off the road with at least an even record because then we get home-ice advantage again :yay:

Anyone else going to Saturday's game?


Football addict
I don't see the Caps winning this series after three games.

They should have lost the first one.

Philly's defense is just too much.


The Other White Meat
I don't see the Caps winning this series after three games.

They should have lost the first one.

Philly's defense is just too much.

We gotta take one in Philly tomorrow - we don't want to come back home down 3-1. But I agree kinda - Philly is outplaying us and we look nervous out there. The only Caps who look calm are Fedorov, Kozlov, and maybe Green.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't know...

I don't see the Caps winning this series after three games.

They should have lost the first one.

Philly's defense is just too much.

...the team very well, but, from what I see, they are competitive and simply make too many dumb turnovers in all three games. Philly looks better, but not so much that it won't go 7.