Cars with no A/C?


In My Opinion
I find it highly implausible that a knuckle draggin baboon such as yourself would do anything sensible. Now leave me alone please. I have done nothing to you.
you are willing to destroy the environment, not only with the release of disease ridden animals, but by driving a gas guzzler while you do it.

you are directly affecting in a negative way the world we all have to live in.
I bet you even started the wildfires in Arizona

My God have mercy on your wasteful soul.


In My Opinion
:confused: Hey BCP, is this feralcatlover your wife???
oh hell no.
I would have been in prison by know if I had a nutcase wife like that.

Besides my wife works in a field that is directly associated with protecting the environment, (and all those that work with her also think the Feral Cat People are F-ing nuts)


New Member
:confused: Hey BCP, is this feralcatlover your wife???

My husband is a kind man that works for calvert county parks and recreation. I would never marry and heartless oaf like BCP

oh hell no.
I would have been in prison by know if I had a nutcase wife like that.

Besides my wife works in a field that is directly associated with protecting the environment, (and all those that work with her also think the Feral Cat People are F-ing nuts)

I'm sure it's a full time job walking everywhere with you to collect all your hot air.


In My Opinion
My husband is a kind man that works for calvert county parks and recreation. I would never marry and heartless oaf like BCP

I'm sure it's a full time job walking everywhere with you to collect all your hot air.
I hope you dont breed. I doubt you would see any sense in letting the kids in the house.

and does working for parks and recreation lend credibility to ones stance on feral cats?

wife has degree in environmental sciences, works in the field, Might be more impressive that basketball inflation 101


Obama destroyed America
You have to be a total moron to have a smart car. Get in a wreck and you're dead. :dead: They look like a friggin kids rollerskate. Saw one on the beltway. UFB how stupid people are.


I am so very blessed
You have to be a total moron to have a smart car. Get in a wreck and you're dead. :dead: They look like a friggin kids rollerskate. Saw one on the beltway. UFB how stupid people are.
I want one. A lemon yellow one with a convertible top.

Will you buy me one? Pretty please?!?!?!


In My Opinion
You have to be a total moron to have a smart car. Get in a wreck and you're dead. :dead: They look like a friggin kids rollerskate. Saw one on the beltway. UFB how stupid people are.
you know whats a blast?
when you see a smart car in the distance, speed up and pass it at 100mph or so. The wind coming from your car will cause it to sway back and forth.
The object of the game is to see how many lanes you can get it to cross when doing this.


You have to be a total moron to have a smart car. Get in a wreck and you're dead. :dead: They look like a friggin kids rollerskate. Saw one on the beltway. UFB how stupid people are.

...Or a Ford or Dodge.....:killingme



I dont know, that new dodge ram is pretty sweet,, if Chrysler Corp was able to finally put some quality in the cars since my 2001 ram, It would really make for a nice ride.

GM...(all hail..:notworthy:) ain't the only ones who got a little gob'ment bailout.:wink:...Mopar is lucky to even still be here...but Lord I still dig them old monsters......:howdy:


I only run the AC on the hottest , humid est days .....

like now, it is 68 depending on humidity, I might drive to work with the windows down


Would THIS face lie?
But the "fresh" air up top is actually code orange, cut with a knife humid, full of car exhaust, 99 degree spooge! :dead:

OK, I read all 8 pages of this fred and I still don't know what a freakin "Spooge" is...Is it a scrooge that sponges off people? Inquiring minds want to know...