Oh I was not talking about me..........i was talking about women in general.and when you say abortion is murder are you not calling the women a murderer?
The debate can go on and go on..you will never agree that it is not Murder, as I will never agree it is wrong.......my original point in this was you cant call it murder in the first few weeks, as it is just a formation of cells, and i dont believe a baby can feel pain in the womb even though it has the nerv' cells, the brain is not mature enough to know what they are for, pain has to experienced, as well as developed, and you saying the horrid thing of "i wonder how many women would have an abortion if they new their baby felt pain".was uncalled for...........most abortions are preformed before any "serious and necessary growth has happened to a fetus, later abortions are usually because of harm to mother or severe things to the un born child, and that in itself is a horrible thing for anyone to go through.