Channel 9 - the other Hollywood


Set Trippin
vraiblonde said:
Welcome to St. Mary's County, de by god! :lol:

The setting was Toots' but none of the folks in the video came off as drunk simpletons. And since they were trying to contrast the Hollywoods, where should they have filmed - the Rotary meeting?
Talk about simpletons, good thing the cameras won't be at the pub tonight...:yay:


vraiblonde said:
And since they were trying to contrast the Hollywoods, where should they have filmed - the Rotary meeting?

I dunno. Like I said, I didn't see it. But I was trying to offer up maybe why someone would be embarrassed or offended by what they perceived as an unfair or condescending portrayal of their town.

Much like when I cringe when Baltimore is refered to as "Charm City" or "The City that Reads", and everyone breaks down into hoots and howls of derisive laughter.

But, I saw this piece on CNN-HN about a week ago that I liked. They were contrasting Hollywood with Middle America - literally: the geographic center of the United States. There's a town smack in the middle of the US, called Lebanon Kansas, and it's a town of, like 200 people, mostly senior citizens, and they were doing man on the street "What do you think of the Oscars?" interviews.

Almost all of them said, "I don't give a tiny rat's ass about the Oscar's", although they said it nicely.

Anyway, I'll try and download the Hollywood vs. Hollywood piece. It seems that there's more people here saying that it was a fair portrayal than not.


morganj614 said:
good thing, cuz the cooters will be flying :whistle:

I have two mental images.

One of them involves streaking cherubs zipping around the room, all of them with Ben Jones's head.

I'm sure you can figure out what's zipping around the room in my other mental image.

Not sure which is more disturbing.

Uncle Charlie

Beer is Good!!!!
It was SUPPOSED to be comical

I thought this piece was GREAT. It was meant to be comical, comparing the hoity-toity snobs of Hollywood, California with REAL people in Hollywood, Maryland.

I saw people having fun, drinking beer, dancing and being NICE to each other. And their attitude was "Oscars Smoscars" who cares? Real people being themselves.

The only difference between the people in Toots Bar and the "white collar bars" is the people in Toots have more fun and pay less for their drinks!

Hate to tell you this, but the people in Toots, and places like it, are the reason people move to St. Mary's County in the 1st place. We are real, we are honest and we don't "put on the dog" for anyone.

I thought it was hysterical and did what it was supposed to do, make people laugh.


Well-Known Member said:
Some of my co-workers suggested that the editing could have been more tactful....
You have a boring job with boring people doing boring things. :otter:


mv = margaritaville
Midnightrider said:
the only embarassing thing that i saw was the "white people dance" they were all doing :jameo: .
Sometimes you just got to know your limits :whistle:

hahahaha, "white people" dancing is the best! I want someone to bust out with Napoleon Dynomite dancing next time i go out!!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Midnightrider said:
the only embarassing thing that i saw was the "white people dance" they were all doing :jameo: .
Sometimes you just got to know your limits :whistle:
Oh you mean the "county girl". :lmao:
It was a great segment, and as APS pointed out, the lusbian comment was explained. Toot's has changed a lot since the last time I shot darts there.